Welcome to SMCL

The Smart Materials Characterization Lab (SMCL) at the Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras, is dedicated to cutting-edge research in the field of smart materials, composites and biomaterials. Our research encompasses theoretical, experimental, and computational aspects of smart materials.

Professor Image

Prof. A. Arockiarajan

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Prof.Arockiarajan obtained his master’s degree (M.E.) from PSG college of Technology and pursued his doctoral Studies (Ph.D.) at University of Kaiserslautern with specialization in computational mechanics. His post doctorial work at University of Nottingham focused on generalized continuum approach for electro-mechanical coupled problems. He has industrial experience with TATA Motors, Pune and Infineon, Germany. Currently, he is a Professor with the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His research interest includes smart materials & structures, composites and bio-materials. He is serving as Consultant for various industries. He has a startup which is focusing on the societal requirements. He is an Associate fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. He has received Young Engineer Award from INAE and ISSS Young Scientist Award from Institute for Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS). From his Institute, he has received Young Faculty Recognition Award and Institute Research Development Award.

Research Interests

  • Advanced Piezoelectric and Magnetoelectric materials
  • Smart Materials and Composites
  • Biomaterials and Applications
  • Computational Mechanics and Modeling
  • Structural Health Monitoring and Failure Analysis

Contact Information:

Department Solid Mechanics Division, Department of Applied Mechanics
Office 226-MSB (Mechanical Sciences Block, First Floor), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600036
Lab 104-MSB (Mechanical Sciences Block, Ground Floor), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600036
Email aarajan@iitm.ac.in
Phone +9144 2257 4070
Fax +9144 2257 4052