Abhishek Sinha

Abhishek Sinha 

Abhishek Sinha
School of Technology and Computer Science
Tata Instiute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Email: abhishek dot sinha at tifr dot res dot in


My primary research interest broadly lies at the intersection of Probability theory, Stochastic control, Information theory, and Learning Theory, where I seek to develop new analytical tools to design better, faster, and intelligent algorithms. In particular, I design algorithms for inter-connected systems and establish mathematically precise guarantees for their performance. I obtained my Ph.D. from MIT, where I designed provably throughput-optimal algorithms for general network flow problems. This work, carried out under the guidance of Prof. Eytan Modiano at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, won two best paper awards at top-tier international venues. I was fortunate to have Prof. Leandros Tassiulas, Prof. David Gamarnik, and Prof. Eytan Modiano on my doctoral thesis committee.

During my Ph.D., I spent two wonderful summers at Bell Labs (Murray Hill, NJ) and Microsoft (Redmond, WA), doing research on some interesting resource-allocation problems. After my Ph.D., I briefly worked at Qualcomm Research, San Diego, on scheduling problems for 5G systems. I obtained my Master's degree from the Electrical Communication Engineering department at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
