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Spray and Droplet Research Group |
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Research areas: Fuel efficiency improvement of two wheeler engine using ultrasonic atomizer.
Injection rate profile measurements on CRDI and GDI injectors
Research Interests: Droplet impact on superhydrophobic surfaces
Research Interests: Experimental investigation of evaporation characteristics of single and multi component droplets; Optical measurement and flow visualization techniques applied to problems of heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid flow; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Current Research Area: Experiments to analyse the evaporation behaviour of freely falling and suspended UWS droplets
Research Area: Development of an engine for hybrid applications.
Research work includes the Experimental investigation of evaporating droplets under the different environmental conditions and the flow visualization around the evaporating droplets using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) Technique. This work gives new insight into the flow around the evaporating droplets and the importance of the effect of convection on evaporation.
Research area: Laser based characterization of Urea Water Sprays in a heated air cross flow for better understanding of
evaporation and mixing characteristics of UWS in exhaust line of diesel engines for NOX reduction.
I am studying the secondary atomization of droplets using continuous jet method. Secondary atomization is a process in which a spherical droplet is broken apart into fragments because of the aerodynamic forces by the ambient flow field moving at a velocity relative to the droplet. In sprays, primary atomization of liquid sheet or jet is followed by the secondary atomization. The liquids studied include water and molten beeswax. The experiments with these liquids are a precursor to studies which will be attempted using molten tin droplets.
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Areas of Interest : Energy storage
Objectives of Research : To develop a compressed air energy storage system.
Areas of Interest : Exhaust after-treatment
Objectives of Research : To develop strategies for exhaust aftertreatment systems such as DOC and DPF.
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Research Interests: Droplets and Sprays: Characterization of sprays for gasoline applications
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Research Areas: Spray visualization of common rail and GDI injectors in high pressure high temperature chamber using various imaging techniques. Image processing and spray modelling.
MS Thesis title: Study of ultrasonic atomization (2015). First position after leaving IITM in: Ashok Leyland
MS Thesis title: A study of fuelling systems for small engines (2015). First position after leaving IITM in: TVS Motors.
MS Thesis title: Study of evaporation induced flow around a pendant drop (2015). First position after leaving IITM in: Sandvik Asia Pvt. Ltd.
MS Thesis title: Studies on droplet-droplet collisions (2018).
MS Thesis title: Experimental investigation on the effect of melt delivery tube position on liquid metal atomization. First position after leaving IITM in: Lakshmi Machine Tools
My M. Tech project topic is Design and Manufacturing of a Constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) for spray visualization. CVCC are extensively used for investigating spray characteristics of various combustion engines. Their configuration depends on the engine type and research purpose. Structural design of a test combustion chamber is done and its optical windows are tested using finite element analysis of ANSYS 12.0 software for bearing high pressure variations and thermal shocks of combustion.
M.Tech. Project title: Study of flow in a carburetor emulsion tube (2012).
M.Tech. Project title: Use of ultrasonic atomizing transducer as an injector in a small four stroke engine (2012).
M.Tech. Project title: Variable intake system for single-cylinder four-stroke two-wheeler engine (2012), Co-Guide: Prof. A. Ramesh.
M.Tech. Project title: Studies on urea water solution sprays (2013).
Dual Degree Project title: Numerical modeling of diesel spray using OpenFOAM (2013).
M.Tech. Project title: Numerical modeling of diesel spray using OpenFOAM (2014).
M.Tech. Project title: CFD Modelling of a Four Stroke GDI Engine for Motorcycle Applications (2015)
M.Tech. Project title: Experimental investigations on heated fuel injection for gasoline engines (2016), Co-Guide: Prof. A. Ramesh.
M.Tech. Project title: CFD studies on Urea-SCR sprays (2016).
M.Tech. Project title: Simulation of breakup of liquid jet (2017).
Size measurement of ultrasonically atomized droplets by interferometric laser imaging technique (2017).
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