Boby George

boby <@> ee <dot> iitm <dot> ac <dot> in

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·         Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, 2007

·         M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, 2003


Research Areas:

·         Sensor Interface Electronics

·         Electric and Magnetic field Based Sensors and their Applications

·         Sensor Systems for Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring, Energy and Transportation

·         Biomedical Instrumentation


Professional Service:

·         Associate Editor (AE) for IEEE Sensors Journal (2015 - )

·        AE for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2019 - )

·         AE for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2019 - )


Academic Positions:

·         Professor, Dept. of EE, IIT Madras (2019 - )

·         Associate Professor, Dept. of EE, IIT Madras (2014 - 19)

·         Assistant Professor, Dept. of EE, IIT Madras (2010 - 14)

·         Post-doctoral Fellow, EMS, TU Graz, Graz, Austria (2007 - 10)


Administrative Positions:

·         Head, Department of Medical Sciences and Technology (2023 - )

·         BS Electronic Systems – Program Coordinator (2023 - ), along with Dr. S. Aniruddhan

·         Head Central Electronics Centre (2021 - 2023)

·         Faculty Head Centre for Innovation (2018 - 2020)


Ph.D. Thesis Guidance/Joint Guidance*:

v  Anoop C. S.,Magnetoresistance and Hall-Effect based Angle Transduction and Signal Conditioning Techniques”, 2014, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.

v  Biswarup M., “Novel Capacitive and Magnetic Sensing Schemes for an Opthalmic Anesthesia Training System”, 2015*, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

v  Prasanth V., “Novel direct digital converters for capacitive sensors”, 2016, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.

v  Ponnalagu R. N., “Design and Development of Advanced Interfacing Circuits for Resistive Sensors”, 2017*, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Hyderabad.

v  Srinivas R., “Design and Development of Floating Wiper Resistive and Inductive Displacement Sensors”, 2017*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, Wadhwani AI.

v  Sreenath V., “Design and development of efficient interfacing circuits for capacitive and resistive sensing elements”, 2018, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad.

v  Narendiran A., “Design and Development of Electric and Magnetic field Based Sensors for Industrial Applications”, 2019, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, University of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria.

v  Anish B., “Novel Readout Circuits and Applications for Inductive and Mutually Coupled Sensing Elements”, 2019, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

v  Sandra K. R., “Novel Magnetic Transduction Techniques and Signal Processing Approaches for Non-contact Position Sensing”, 2020*, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.

v  Nimal J. K., “Advanced Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Training System Using Vision-Based Sensing Combined with Novel Magnetic and Capacitive Sensing Techniques”, 2020*, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

v  Muthuvel P., “Design and Development of On-line Wear Debris Sensors for Condition Monitoring of Industrial Hydraulic and Lubrication Systems”, 2021*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, National Institute of Ocean Technology Chennai.

v  Shenil P. S., “Design and Development of Non-Intrusive AC Voltage Measurement Probe and Interfacing Circuits”, 2021, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala.

v  Lakshmi A., “Design and Development of Advanced Interfacing Circuits for Capacitive and Capacitively Coupled Sensors”, 2021*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, Daimler.

v  Tejaswini K. K., “Design and Development of Non-contact Conductivity Measurement Systems for Liquids using Capacitively and Magnetically Coupled Approaches”, 2021*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, Halliburton.

v  Jeshma T. V., “Sensing Techniques and Systems to Aid Inductive Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicles –Design and Development”, 2022, Current/Past Organization: Faculty, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK.

v  Anil Kumar A. S., “Development of Sensing Techniques and Sensing Strategies to Realize Electric and Magnetic Field Based Miniaturized Angle Sensors”, 2023*, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, The University of Edinburgh, UK.

v  Harikumar Ganesan, “Advanced Interfacing Techniques for Differential Inductive Position Sensors”, 2023*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, Indian Space Research Organization.

v  Neelakandan Mani, “Development of efficient wearable sensors and systems leveraging machine learning for human activity monitoring and recognition”, 2024*, Current/Past Organization: Scientist, Tech Mahindra.

v  Harija Harikumar, “Design and Development of Cantilever-Based Flow Sensors with Integrated Non-Intrusive Measurement Techniques”, 2024*, Current/Past Organization: Researcher, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.


M.S. Thesis Guidance/Joint Guidance*:

v  Cyril Baby K., “Analog Front-End Circuit for Grounded Capacitive Sensors and Its Application to Non-Contact Ice Layer Detection”, 2013, Current/Past Organization: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland.

v  Mohammed S.S., “Design and Development of a Novel Inductive Loop Sensor System Suitable for Heterogeneous Traffic”, 2013*, Current/Past Organization: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

v  Abhishek Ranjan, “Development of a Capacitive Sensor and Capacitance to Digital Converter for Child-left behind Warning System”, 2014, Current/Past Organization: Ola Electric, Bangalore.

v  Supriya V. T., “A Resistive Potentiometric Type Displacement Transducer with a Contactless Slide”, 2014, Current/Past Organization: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

v  Rohit Gupta, “Novel Interfacing Circuits for Single Element Resistive Sensors”, 2017, Current/Past Organization: Infineon Technologies.

v  Vishal Jain, “Design and Development of Self-Balancing Digitizers Suitable for Resistive Sensors Interfaced Through Wheatstone Bridge”, 2018, Current/Past Organization: NXP Semiconductors.

v  Sreevatsan S., “Novel Lift-Off Sensing Techniques for Eddy Current Defect Detection Probe”, 2019, Current/Past Organization: Intel Corporation.

v  Anil Kumar A. S., “Design and Development of Magnetic Sensors for Non-Contact Measurement of Angular Displacement”, 2019, Current/Past Organization: The University of Edinburgh, UK.

v  Deepak P., “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from Magnetic Coupled Vibrational Source”, 2021, Current/Past Organization: Micron Technology.


M.Tech./Dual-Degree Thesis Guidance/Joint Guidance*:

Area-1: Sensor Interface Circuits - Students: Noel Phlip, Patil Gopal Sambhaji, Vijay Verma, Piyush K., Shuvadeep Misra, Nandagopal R., Semeerali K., Sudhir K. S., Sooraj G., Saisree    

Area-2: Biomedical Instrumentation/Applications - Students: Muneer A., Krishna Moorthy S., Ambili A. R., Gashay Lewtie, Shahla K. P., Patwadkar Pradyumna Ravindra, Mekala S. L.  

Area-3: Sensors and Systems for Industrial Applications - Students: Induja S., Shenil P., Arjun R., Shekhar Y., Riteshpal S., Priyanka Reddy, Debjyoti Kumar Mandal, Dheeraj Kumar, Prakash S., Ashlesha Yerramsetty, Bharat Chandra Marada

Area-4: Sensors for Automotive and Transportation Applications - Students: K. G. Teja, Akhil Nath C. K., Shashank A., Venkat Ramana N., Yash U. M., Pavan Sairam D.

Area-5: Sensors for Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring - Students: Gaurav L., Subham K. S., Ashima N., Ashwani Kumar, Lakshmipriya, Bijoy K. P., Nenavath Veerendra Naik, G. S. Reddy, Meghna Kand, Vadapalli Siddharth Narayan, Sri Hari Charan Kammula

Area-6: Consumer Electronics Sensors - Students: Hariharan Neel, Sravya G. S., Vivek G., Raaga Madhuri Dasi   

Area-7: Wireless Power Transfer and Associated Sensors - Students: Anish Babu, A. Raghavendra, Doulat Ram Yadav, Kiran K., Teja Vyas G., Elsadig M. A. A., Sevitha M.   

Area-8: Energy Harvesting - Students: Jerin Francis, Raja Paul, Rahul T., Ratheesh T. S., P. Thirupathi

Industry Collaborations

Titan Company Ltd. (Wireless charging, magnetic actuators, heart rate monitoring)

Madras Engineering Industries Ltd. (Brake pad wear sensor)

Indimet Pvt. Ltd. (Magnetic actuators, Magnetic part characterization)

Alstom (Hysteresis loop tracing, miniaturization of actuators)

DRDO (Energy harvesting)

Indian Railways (Automation, predictive maintenance)

National Institute of Ocean Technology (Non-contact conductivity measurement sensor)

Schneider Electric (Condition monitoring)

Ielektron Pvt. Ltd. (Driver assistance systems)

Electrohms (Current sensors)

Saint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. (Smart sensor systems)

The Weir Group PLC (Sensors for mining)



Last modified: Sept. 07, 2024