Academic Activities:
Feb-Mar 2016: Member of Discrete mathematics syllabus revision committee.
Have floated two theory M.Sc. Elective courses.
Jan-May 2016: MA 1102, Co-ordinator.
2010-2016: M.Sc / M.Tech Faculty advisor.
2010 Chair of the Organizing committee of the annual math fest Forays 2010 IIT Madras.
2005 Conference Organization: Organizing committee of 11th International Meeting on DNA computing.
Institute Administrative Duties:
2021 : Member of the strategic planning committee : Research.
2016-2019 : Warden-Sarayu Hostel, Sharavati Hostel.
2016-2019 : Member of the steering Committee, Saarang.
2016 Member of the Committee for Credit Transfer Policy in connection with students going abroad under Semester Exchange programme.
2015 Member of the B.Tech. Curriculum Task Force.
IR for GATE and JEE regularly.
2010, 2013, 2014 Member of the Security Team, Convocation.
GIAN Course:
Dec 03-18, 2018 : Smart molecules in research: Self-assembly of programmable molecular building blocks as fundamental tools in basic and applied research
Faculty : Dr. David M. Smith
Fraunhofer Institut fr Zelltherapie und Immunologie AG DNA Nanodevices
Perlickstrae 1, 04103 Leipzig
University visits:
Department of Computer Science Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Colloborator: Dr. K.G. Subramanian Summer 2010.
Dates: 2005-2020
Publications: Australian Journal of Combinatorics, JALC, Natural Computing, Theoretical Computer
Science, IJFCS, Proceedigns of DCFS 2006 , Proceedings of DLT 2006, Proceedings of the 12th
International Meeting on DNA Computing.