

1.      Involution Codes with Application to DNA Strand Design, University of South Florida, Ph.D. Thesis, 2004

2.      Parameterized Communicating L Systems, Indian Institute of Technology, M.Sc. Thesis, 2000.

Papers in refereed Journals – (Scopus/MathSciNet)

1.      Involutively Fibonacci words, (with L.Kari, M.Kulkarni and Z.Wang), JALC(Q4), June 2021 (Accepted)

2.      Enumeration of Two-Dimensional Palindromes, (With P.Pandoh) Information and Computation (Q2), March 2021 (Accepted).

3.      Properties of M-bonacci sum graph, (with H. P. Rajendran) Discrete Applied Mathematics, Feb 2021 (Accepted) (Q2). Published online :

4.      m-bonacci graceful labelling, (With H.P. Rajendran) AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics (Q3), Feb 2021, DOI : 10.1080/09728600.2021.1876505

5.      Watson-Crick Jumping Finite Automata: Combination, Comparison & Closure, (With U. K.Mishra and R. Rama) The Computer Journal (Q2), Jan 2021, DOI :

6.      Watson-Crick Jumping Finite Automata (with U.K. Mishra and R.Rama), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (Q2) 31-7, 891-913 (2020).

7.      On Szilard Languages and Decision Problems of Ins-Del Systems ( with P. Paul), Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics (Q4) 25-4, 321-348 (2020).

8.      On Commuting Parikh q-Matrices, (with S.Bera), Fundamenta Informaticae (Q3) 172, 327-341 (2020).

9.      On the least number of palindromes in two-dimensional words, (with P.Pandoh and K.Krithivasan), Theoretical Computer Science (Q1), 807, 245-256 (2020)

10.  Parikh q-matrices and q-ambiguous words, (with S.Bera, R.Ceterchi and K.G.Subramanian), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (Q2), 31(01), 23-36 (2020)

11.  Properties of Parikh matrices of binary words obtained by an extension of a restricted shuffle operator, (with S.Bera and K.G.Subramanian ), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science(Q2), 29(3), 403-413 (2018).

12.  On derivation languages of a class of splicing systems, (with P.Paul and E.Makkinen), Acta Cybernetica(Q3), 23(4), 981-993 (2018).

13.  Relative Watson-Crick primitivity of words, (with L.Kari and M.Kulkarni) Journal of Automata,Languages and Combinatorics(Q4), 23(1-3), 201-217 (2018).

14.  Palindromic properties of Two-Dimensional Fibonacci Words, (with M.Sivashankar and K.Krithivasan), Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology(Q3), 21(3), 267-277 (2018).

15.  On a special variant of Rauzy graphs, (with R.Rama and Praveen Kumar), Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology(Q3), 21(3), 256-266 (2018).

16.  Locally evolving splicing systems, (with P.Paul), Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (Q3), 19(4), 369-384 (2016).

17.  Robot Motion Planning Inside a Grid Using Membrane Computing, (with R.Rama, WI.Suresh Kumar), International Journal of Imaging and Robotics 17(1): October 2016.

18.  Structural Properties of word representable graphs, (with S. Bera), Mathematics in Computer Science, 10(2): 209-222 (2016).

19.  Some Algebraic Aspects of Parikh q-Matrices, (with S. Bera), International Jour- nal of Foundations of Computer Science, 27(4) : 479-500 (2015).

20.  Two-Dimensional Digitized Picture Arrays and Parikh Matrices, (with K. G. Subramanian, R. Abdullah, A. K. Nagar), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 24(3): 393-408 (2013).

21.  Product of Parikh Matrices and Commutativity, (with K.G.Subramanian), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 23(1): 207-223 (2012).

22.  Relativized codes, (with M.Daley, L.Kari, H.Jurgensen), Theoretical Computer Science, 429: 54-64 (2012).

23.  Theoretical and computational properties of transpositions, (with M. Daley, I. McQuillan, J. M. McQuillan), Natural Computing 10(2): 795-804 (2011).

24.  Watson-Crick palindromes in DNA computing, (with L.Kari), Natural Com- puting 9(2): 297-316 (2010).

25.  A relation by palindromic subwords, (with M.Daley), Natural Computing 9(4): 935-954 (2010).

26.  Twin-roots of words and their properties, (with L. Kari, S. Seki), Theoretical Computer Science 410(24-25): 2393-2400 (2009).

27.  Involution Solid and Join codes, (with N. Jonoska, L. Kari ), Fundamenta Informaticae 86(1-2): 127-142 (2008).

28.  Watson-Crick Bordered Words and their Syntactic Monoid, (with L.Kari), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 19(5): 1163-1179 (2008).

29.  K-involution Words and Related Sets, (with Lila Kari), International Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 10(4): 485-503, (2007).

30.  Involutively Bordered Words (with Lila Kari), International Journal of Foun- dations of Computer Science 18: 1089-1106, (2007).

31.  The syntactic monoid of hairpin-free languages, (with L. Kari, G. Thierrin), Acta Informaticae 44(3-4): 153-166 (2007).

32.  Involution codes: with application to DNA coded languages, (with N.Jonoska, J.Chen), Natural Computing 4(2): 141-162 (2005).

33.  Generating DNA based Code Words, (with N.Jonoska, D.Kephart), Congressus Numerantium 156: 99-110, (2002).

Papers in refereed Journals – (Others)

         1.         Time varying splicing recognizers, (with P.Paul), Springer Nature Computer Science, 2(2), 1-16, (2021).

         2.         Process Guided P-system with Graph Productions, (with R.Rama, WI.Suresh Kumar), Iran Journal of Computer Science, Springer 1(3), 133-145, (2018).

         3.         Extending Parikh q-matrices, (with S. Bera), International Journal of Computer Applications, 134(4):1-7, (2016).

Publications in Refereed Book Chapters

         1.         Morphisms and Weak-Ratio Property, (with A. Atanasiu, K. G. Subramanian), Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science 13-21, In Memoriam Alexandru Mateescu (1952-2005), (The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest), ISBN 978-973-27-2470-5. (2014).

         2.         DNA Computing: A Research Snapshot, (with L. Kari), Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, CRC Press, Vol 2, 31-1-24 (2009).

         3.         Involution Solid Codes, (with L. Kari), Nanotechnology: Science and Computation, Natural Computing Series, Springer 137-146 (2006).

         4.         Methods for Constructing Coded DNA Languages, (with N. Jonoska), Aspects of Molecular Computing, LNCS 2950, Springer 241-253 (2004).


Editorial Work

         1.         Theory of Computation: non-P systems-article dedicated to Kamala Krithivasan on her 70th birthday, issue -2 (with R.Rama) International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 11 -1 (2019)

         2.         Theory of Computation:P systems-article dedicated to Kamala Krithivasan on her 70th birthday, issue -1 (with R.Rama) International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 10 -3 (2018)

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

1.      Theta palindromes in theta conjugates, (With A. Maity and P.Pandoh) Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, TPNC 2020 : LNCS (Springer).

2.      Operation Insertion on the Conjugacy and Commutativity of Words, (with H.Ravi), Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, TPNC 2019 : LNCS 11934, 70-81 (Springer).

3.      Watson-Crick jumping finite automata, (with U.K.Mishra and R.Rama), 15th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, TAMC 2019: LNCS 11436, 467-480 (Springer).

4.      Combinatorial properties of Fibonacci arrays, (with M.Kulkarni and M.Sivashankar), 15th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, TAMC 2019: LNCS 11436, 448-466 (Springer).

5.      On the Maximum Number of Distinct Palindromic Sub-arrays, (with P.Pandoh), Languages, Automata, Theory and Applications, LATA 2019: LNCS 11417, 434-446 (Springer).

6.      On m-Bonacci-sum graphs, (with H.P.Rajendran), International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics, CALDAM 2019: LNCS 11394, 65-76 (Springer).

7.      Two-dimensional picture arrays and Parikh q-matrices, (with K.G.Subramanian, S.Bera and L.Pan), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1132(1) (2018).

8.      Watson-crick partial words, (with M.Kulkarni and A.C. Nayak), Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, TPNC 2017 : LNCS 10687, 190-202 (Springer).

9.      Derivation languages of splicing P systems, (with P.Paul, B> Song, L.Pan and K.G. Subramanian), International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, BIC-TA 2017: CCIS 791, 487-501 (Springer).

10.  Two-Dimensional Palindromes and Their Properties, (with M.Kulkarni), LATA 2017, Sweden.

11.  Process Guided P System with Graph Productions and Applications, (with R.Rama, P.Paul), Fifth Asian Conference on Membrane Computing 2016, Malaysia.

12.  Chomsky Control On Splicing P System, (with R.Rama, P.Paul), Fourth Asian Conference on Membrane Computing 2015, China.

13.  Pictures and Chomsky Languages in Array P System, (with W.I. Suresh Ku- mar, R.Rama) Int. Conf. on Membrane Computing 2015, LNCS 9502: 277-289.

14.  Generating DNA Code Words Using Forbidding and Enforcing Systems, (with D.Genova) TPNC 2012: 147-160.

15.  Context-Free Systems with a Complementarity Relation, (with K.G.Subramanian, I.Venkat) BIC-TA 2011: 194-198.

16.  Binary Images, M -Vectors, and Ambiguity, (with K.G.Subramanian, R.Abdullah, A.K.Nagar) IWCIA 2011: 248-260.

17.  Palindromic completion of a word, (with K.G.Subramanian) BICTA 2010: 1459-1465.

18.  Watson-Crick Conjugate and Commutative Words, (with L.Kari) DNA 2007, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, 4848, 2008, M.Garzon, H.Yan, Eds., 273-283.

19.  Watson-Crick bordered words and their syntactic monoid, (with L.Kari) Un- conventional Computing, UC’07, Proc. of Language Theory in Biocomputing Workshop 2007, M.Domaratzki, K.Salomaa, Eds.: 64-75.

20.  Involution Solid and Join Codes, (with L.Kari, N.Jonoska) Proc. of Develop- ments in Language Theory, DLT 2006, Santa Barbara, California, June 2006. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, 4036, 2006, O.Ibarra, Z.Dang, Eds., 192-202.

21.  DNA Codes and Their Properties, (with L.Kari) DNA 2006: Proc. of DNA Computing 12, DNA12, Korea, 2006. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, 4287, 2006, C. Mao, T. Yokomori, Eds., 127-142.

22.  Insertion and deletion for involution codes, (with L.Kari) Proc. of Conference of Algebraic Informatics, CAI 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2005, S.Bozapalidis, A.Kalampakas, G.Rahonis, Eds., 207-219.

23.  Languages of DNA Based Code Words, (with N.Jonoska) DNA 2003: 61-73.

24.  Generating DNA Code Words, (with N. Jonoska, D. Kephart) GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 240-246.

25.  Note on Parametrized Communicating L-Systems, ( with R.Rama) Intern. Symposium on Mathematics and Mathematical Science (ISMMS-2000), Calcutta, Jan. 2000.