
(to be updated)

Simulations of fluid flows

Vorticity Dynamics

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Vortex Breakdown and reconnections

This work investigates the vortex breakdown phases in the Vogel-Escudier flow, which serves as a model problem towards an understanding large-scale geophysical flows such as tornadoes and waterspouts. The seemingly simple flow exhibits a variety of dynamics such as steady axisymmetric, unsteady axisymmetric, rotating azimuthal waves, and weak turbulence in its parameter regime. The perturbations found in the system are characteristically different for various flow regimes and are used for the classification of flow
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Vortex Rings

Vortex rings are fluid structures with concentrated vorticity, having toroidal a shape, with material particles rotating about a common axis. In the case of vortex rings, this common axis of rotation forms a closed loop, i.e, a toroidal fluid structure with a poloidal flow pattern. They are a class of stable fluid structures that appear in different fluid flows and are ubiquitous in high Reynolds number flows, and they appear abundantly in nature, biological and engineering flows.
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Double shear layer, Vortex merger, Flow past bluff bodies