Administrative Activties

1.      Head, Nanomaterials Laboratory, March 2013 onwards

2.      Co-coordinator, M.Tech Nuclear Engineering Programme at IIT Madras, 2011-2013

3.      M.Tech Project Coordinator for Nuclear Engineering, 2011-2013


Conferences, Symposia, Workshops Organized

1.      Conference Secretary, 2nd Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering Conference And Expo 2016 & Automotive Materials And Manufacturing (HTSE-2016), Organized by ASM International Chennai Chapter, 12-14 May 2016, Chennai, India

2.      Joint Organizer, Two-day workshop on Surface Coatings Technologies, IIT Madras,  December 1-2, 2014. Brochure

3.      Joint Organizer, Symposium on Advances in Surface Engineering: Alloyed and Composite Coatings III, 2014 TMS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, USA, Feb. 16-20, 2014. Link

4.      Joint Organizer, One-day workshop on Thermal Spraying and Cladding, IIT Madras, 8 October, 2013. Brochure

5.      Joint organizer, One-day workshop on Advanced X-ray Techniques and Analysis (AXTA-2013), IIT Madras, 27 April, 2013. Brochure

6.      Lead Organizer, Symposium on Advances in Surface Engineering: Alloyed and Composite Coatings II, 2013 TMS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, USA, March 4-7, 2013. Link

7.      Conference Secretary, 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP-2012), Aug. 30-31, 2012. Brochure

8.      Joint coordinator, Two-day workshop on Damage Mechanisms and Analysis of Failures, IIT Madras, 1-2 March, 2013. Brochure

9.      Joint Organizer, Symposium on Advances in Surface Engineering: Alloyed and Composite Coatings, 2012 TMS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, USA, March 11-15, 2012. Link

10.  Organizing Committee Member, Two day workshop (ACF-2012) on Advanced Ceramics for the Future, IIT Madras, Jan. 16-17, 2012. Brochure

11.  Joint Convener, One day workshop (APT-2012) on Atom Probe Tomography, IIT Madras, Jan. 9, 2012. Brochure

12.  Joint Coordinator, Two day course on Heat Treatment of Industrial Components, IIT Madras, Aug. 26-27, 2011. Brochure


Professional Service

1.      Vice Chair, Surface Engineering Committee, Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Oct. 2010 – Apr. 2016

2.      Joint Secretary, ASM International Chennai Chapter, 2014-2016

3.      Chair (News Letter), ASM International Chennai Chapter, 2012-2016

4.      Treasurer, Indian Institute of Metals Chennai Chapter, 2013-2016.

5.      Treasurer, Indian Welding Society Chennai Centre, 2015-2016

6.      Secretary, Indian Institute of Metals Chennai Chapter, 2011-2013.

7.      Faculty Advisor, Material Advantage Chapter of IIT Madras, 2011-2015

8.      Vice Chair, Material Advantage chapter at FIU, 2007-2008

9.      Secretary and Treasurer, Phi Beta Delta Honors Society Alpha Zeta chapter at FIU, 2007 – 2008

10.  Secretary, Material Advantage chapter at FIU, 2006 – 2007

11.  Secretary, Phi Beta Delta Honors Society Alpha Zeta chapter at FIU, 2006 – 2007


Professional Membership

1.      Member, The Minerals Metals and Materials Society

2.      Member, ASM International (Link for ASM International Chennai Chapter)

3.      Life Member, Indian Institute of Metals

4.      Life Member, Indian Welding Society


Peer Review Activities

1.      Review of Scientific Instruments (American Institute of Physics)

2.      Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier)

3.      Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A  (TMS and Springer)

4.      Surface Engineering (Maney Publishing)

5.      Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (ASM International)

6.      Journal of Composite Materials (SAGE Publications)

7.      Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier)

8.      Composites Part A (Elsevier)

9.      Bulletin of Materials Science (Indian Academy of Sciences and Springer)

10.  Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier)

11.  Nanomaterials and Energy (Institute of Civil Engineers Publishing)

12.  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (American Scientific Publishers)

13.  Carbon (Elsevier)

14.  Materials Science and Engineering A (Elsevier)

15.  Composites Science and Technology (Elsevier)

16.  Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals (Springer)

17.  Materials Characterization (Elsevier)

18.  Intermetallics (Elsevier)

19.  Sadhana (Springer)

20.  Bulletin of Materials Science (Springer)

21.  Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (Springer)

22.  Journal of Nuclear Materials (Elsevier)