Welcome to the home page of Dr. Shaikh Faruque Ali. Currently, Dr. Ali is an Associate Professor with the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M). He has been an Assistant Professor from December 2011 in the same Department. Before this he was a Newton International Fellow in the University of Swansea, UK. He has been a research scientist in Automatic Control Laboratory, IUT-Longwy, CRAN-CNRS, Nancy University, France. Dr. Ali obtained his doctorate in the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2008 and B.E. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2003.
Dr. Ali's current research interest are in the interdisciplinary area of smart materials and structures. He is particularly interested in vibration based Energy Harvesting for wireless smart systems. Apart from energy harvesting Dr. Ali is interested in nonlinear control of smart systems. He has expertise in semi-active vibration control using magneto-rheological devices. His works include both development of suitable control algorithms for structures and their experimental verifications.
Dr. Ali is also interested in control of infinite dimensional systems and control applications to bio-medical engineering.
Dr. Ali has research interest in structural dynamics and associated area. His major focuses are on
- Structural dynamics and control
- Analysis and design of energy harvesters
- Reduced order modelling of large scale dynamical systems
- Smart structures and morphing wing design
- Control of linear and nonlinear PDEs
Dr. Ali has published 1 book, 14 book chapter, 42 international journals and 28 Scopus indexed conference publications. Figures below show number of citation each year and number of journals published each year in the past 16 years (as of March 2021).
![]() Year wise Documents and citations
Structural dynamics and control: Structural control is reducing unwanted vibrations in structures caused due to various loads; in case of buildings and bridges it could be seismic or wind loads; for naval structures it could be wave load for aircrafts it is flow induced vibrations. In our team we look at passive; active and semi-active methods to reduce structural vibrations. Methods and algorithms developed are applied to reduce vibrations in buildings, bridges, vehicles and helicopters. Focus is also on developing models for application of system and control theory in biological systems, autonomous vehicles and morphing structures. ![]() Fig:1 Biological systems and morphing structures are systems with distributed properties, governed by partial differential equation (PDE). A few members of the lab are focuing on designing controllers for systems driven by PDEs. Uncertainty in parameters and in loading form a special focus. |
Design and analysis of energy harvesters: ![]() Fig: 2 Energy harvesting is a technique through which electrical energy is scavenged from ambient resources, like fluid flow, unwanted vibrations of vehicles and structures, etc. In our team, we design harvesters that exploit principles of linear and nonlinear dynamics. Analysis into dynamics of array of linear harvesters and their interaction in electro-magneto-mechanical fields is the current focus on linear harvesters. Undertanding and exploiting large orbit periodic motion and Chaotic dynamics under multiphysics environment forms the focus of nonlinear harvesters. Harvesters are designed based on both peizoelectric, electromagnetic and hybrid transductions. |
Reduced order modelling of large scale dynamical systems: Mathematical models are used to simulate, and sometimes control, the behavior of large scale dynamical systems like long span flexible bridges, turbine blades, etc. The increasing need for accuracy has led to the development of highly complex models. However, in the presence of limited computational, accuracy, and storage capabilities, model reduction (system approximation) is often necessary. Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems provides a comprehensive picture of model reduction, combining system theory with numerical linear algebra and computational considerations. It addresses the issue of model reduction and the resulting trade-offs between accuracy and complexity. Special attention is given to numerical aspects, simulation questions, and practical applications. Currently, the team is working towards developing reduced order models for turbine blades and blisks using sophisticated analytical techniques. ![]() Fig: 3 |
Smart structures and morphing aircrafts: ![]() Fig: 4 The term "smart structures" is commonly used for structures which have the ability to adapt to environmental conditions according to the design requirements. As a rule, the adjustments are designed and performed in order to increase the efficiency or safety of the structure. Combining "smart structures" with the "sophistication" achieved in materials science, information technology, measurement science, sensors, actuators, signal processing, nanotechnology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and biomimetics, one can talk about Smart Intelligent Structures. In other words, structures which are able to sense their environment, self-diagnose their condition and adapt in such a way so as to make the design more useful and efficient. Morphing technology on aircrafts has found increased interest over the last decade because it is likely to enhance performance and efficiency over a wider range of flight conditions. The key technologies in morphing aircrafts include adaptive structures, deformable smart skin, driving actuators, flight dynamics and flight control. Among them, the deformable smart skin and light-weight driving actuators have been the main obstacles to the real-world implementation of the morphing aircraft. The difficulties in the smart skin rest on the contradiction between its ability to resist aerodynamic load in the normal direction and the in-plane flexibility for morphing functions. This contradiction cannot be solved by using sophisticated properties of the skin materials. It can only be solved by new skin structures, which give anisotropic stiffness for bending and in-plane deformation. In this article two skin structures for morphing aircrafts, the wavy skin structure and the honeycomb skin structure, are introduced. The actuators for morphing aircrafts are required to have large stroke, large output force, good compactness, and good controllability. In this article, piezoelectric-hydraulic actuators are introduced. |
Reduced order modelling of large scale dynamical systems: OGY control technique is used for control of the chaotic map. It is a discrete control algorithm, perturbing a system at a discrete point of time. We are implementing the OGY algorithm for any general dynamical system that shows chaotic behavior e.g. Duffing oscillator. The first nonlinear analysis was done to find out the chaotic range of the system with varying parameters (perturbing parameter for OGY). Then an algorithm is implemented to find out fixed points or periodic orbit from given dynamical data points. To find out Jacobian of the map, created from continuous dynamics by sampling data points in a stroboscopic manner, near fix point another numerical algorithm is developed using the least square method. And finally, OGY control is applied to stabilize dynamics. All these algorithms are verified numerically. ![]() Fig: 5 |
Sponsored Research Projects
- Design and analysis of a hybrid energy harvesting | New Faculty Seed Grant – IIT Madras | 2013 – 2016 | INR 22.50 lac.
- Studies on multi-frequency energy harvester | Young Scientist Scheme – DST | 2016 – 2019 | INR 30.90 lac.
- Analytical and experimental studies on PDE control of structures | Aeronautical Research and Development Board – DRDO | 2016 – 2019 | INR 34.15 lac.
- Modeling and analysis of mistuned rotor blade systems | Gas Turbine Research Establishment – DRDO | 2017 – 2020 | INR 86.30 lac | Co-PI: Prof. S. Gupta and Prof. A. Arockiarajan under CoPT.
- Design of camber morphing | Aeronautical Development Establishment – DRDO | 2017 – 2022 | INR 222.20 lac | Co-PI: Prof. S. Kerelaverma and Prof. A. Arockiarajan under CoPT.
Industrial Consultancy
- Stress Analysis of lower weight optimized flap design for quick closing non return valve | Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. – BHEL | 2016: 3 months | INR 2.20 lac | Co-PI: Prof. S. Gupta and Prof. A. Arockiarajan.
- Optimization of AUSC safety valve through flow dynamics and combined structural and thermal analys | Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. – BHEL | 2016 – 2017 | INR 6.21 lac | Co-PI: Prof. S. Gupta, Prof. D. Chatterjee and Prof. A. Arockiarajan.
- Energy Generations from Moving Vehicles on Road | S S Industries – Bangalore | 2016 – 2019 | INR 5.10 lac | Co-PI: Prof. A. Arockiarajan.
International Projects
- Analysis and control of smart structural systems with uncertainty | Newton Funding – Royal Society, UK | 2010 – 2011 | GPB 159000.
- Nonlinear energy harvesting | Newton Alumnus Funding – Royal Society, UK | 2012 – 2013 | GPB 6000.
- Energy harvesting under uncertain environment | Newton Alumnus Funding – Royal Society, UK | 2013 – 2014 | GPB 6000.
- Low frequency energy generation | Newton Alumnus Funding – Royal Society, UK | 2014 – 2015 | GPB 6000.
- Energy harvesting from multi-ferroics | DAAD Funding – Germany | 2015 – 2016 | EURO 4200.
- Harvesting energy through control of high energy orbits in mechanical systems | Newton Alumnus Funding – Royal Society, UK | 2016 – 2017 | GPB 6000.
PhD Thesis
- S. Faruque Ali, “Semi-active Control of Earthquake Induced Vibrations in Structures using MR Dampers: Algorithm Development, Experimental Verification and Benchmark Applications”, Indian Institute of Science, 2008.
Book Chapters
- Soumi Bhattacharyya, Shaikh Faruque Ali, "Design of a Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Dynamic Vibration Absorber", Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations, Volume-II: Nano to Macro, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, 2020.
- Mohammad Reyaz A V, S F Ali, "Harvesting Energy From a Series of Harvesters", Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations, Volume-II: Nano to Macro, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, 2020.
- Rahul Kumar, S Gupta, S.F. Ali, "Analysis of Stepped Beam Using Reduced Order Models", Advances in Structural Vibration. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore., 2020
- A. Kumar, S. F. Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Analysis of tristable vibration energy harvesters under random", Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control and Structural Health Monitoring, Springer Nature, 2020.-In progress.
- K. S. Karthik and S. F. Ali, “Linear MPC based lateral dynamics controller for autonomous ground vehicle validated with actuator dynamics", Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control and Structural Health Monitoring, Springer Nature, 2020.-In progress.
- M. Aravindan and S. F. Ali, “Broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting using an array of mistuned inverted cantilever beams", Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control and Structural Health Monitoring, Springer Nature, 2020.-In progress.
- M. Rajarathinam, P. V. Malaji and S. F. Ali, “A Nonlinear Hybrid Energy Harvester", Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control and Structural Health Monitoring, Springer Nature, 2020.-In progress.
- A. Mukherjee, D. Kumar, S. F. Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Design and conception of a trailing edge morphing wing concept with bistable composite skin (Conference Presentation)", In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX-International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11376, 113762K, 2020.
- D. Somayajulu, A. Arockiarajan and S. Faruque Ali, “Theoretical modeling of a 2D nano-energy harvester", In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII-International Society for Optics and Photonics, 10595, 1-12, 2018.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Energy Harvesting from Crystalline and Conductive Polymer Composites", In Smart Polymer Nanocomposites, Springer International Publishing, Eds: D. Ponnamma et al., Cham, Ch-2: 43-75, 2017.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy harvesting from near periodic structures", In Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery. In Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Ch-37: 411-420, 2015.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Nonlinear Structural Control Using Magnetorheological Damper", In Design Optimization of Active and Passive Structural Control Systems, Eds: N. D. Lagros, V. Plevris and C. Ch Mitropoulou, published by Idea Group Inc., Ch-13: 300-332, 2013.
also published in
S. Faruque Ali, Ramaswamy, A. “Nonlinear structural control using magnetorheological damper", Research Methods: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 211-244, 2015. - S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari and M.I. Friswell, “Analysis of magnetopiezoelastic energy harvesters under random excitations: An equivalent linearization approach", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7977, 1-11, 2011.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Developments in Structural Optimization and Applications to Intelligent Structural Vibration Control", In Intelligent Computational Paradigms in Earthquake Engineering,Eds: N.D. Lagros and Y. Tsompanakis, published by Idea Group Inc., Ch–6: 101-121, 2007.
also published in
Intelligent Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, edited by Vijayan Sugumaran, Published by Idea Group Inc. (IGI), ISBN 1599049414, Ch-8:7: 2193-2211, 2007.
Journal Publications
- Jayachandran Warrier, Shaikh Faruque Ali, "Nonlinear dynamics and control of helicopter ground resonance", Journal of Vibration and Control, February 2021
- Abhijeet Madhukar Giri, Shaikh Faruque Ali, Arunachalakasi Arockiarajan, "Dynamics of symmetric and asymmetric potential well-based piezoelectric harvesters: A comprehensive review", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020
- Aghna Mukherjee, Shaikh Faruque Ali, A.Arockiarajan, "Hybrid bistable composite laminates for structural assemblies: A numerical and experimental study", Composite Structures, Vol. 260, 113467 ,2020
- Kumar, D., Ali, S.F. & Arockiarajan, A., "Studies on large deflection of geometrically nonlinear corrugated structures", Acta Mech. (2020)
- R. Kumar, S.F. Ali, S.Jeyaraman, S.Gupta, "Uncertainty quantification of bladed disc systems using data driven stochastic reduced order models", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 106011, 2020
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Parametric uncertainty and random excitation in energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorber", ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering-Accepted.
- A. Mukherjee, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Modeling of integrated shape memory alloy and Macro-Fiber Composite actuated trailing edge", Smart Materials and Structures, 2020.
- A. Mukherjee, M. I. Friswell, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Modeling and design of a class of hybrid bistable symmetric laminates with cantilever boundary configuration", Composite Structures, 239, 1-14, 2020.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Influence of piezoelectric energy transfer on the inter-well oscillations of multi-stable vibration energy harvesters", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14(3), 1-11, 2019.
- A. Mukherjee, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Compliant structure under follower forces and any combined loading: Theoretical and experimental studies", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 153, 75-82, 2019.
- R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy harvesting from chaos in base excited double pendulum", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 124, 49-64, 2019.
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy generation in a hybrid harvester under harmonic excitation", Energy Conversion and Management, 155, 10-19, 2018.
- F. Ram, T. Ambone, A. Sharma, M. Rajarathinam, D. Kajale, V. Borkar, S. Faruque Ali, P.K. Balu, G. Kumaraswamy and K. Shanmuganathan, “Fluorinated nanocellulose-reinforced all-organic flexible ferroelectric nanocomposites for energy generation", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(29), 16540−16549, 2018.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Exploring the benefits of an asymmetric monostable potential function in broadband vibration energy harvesting", Applied Physics Letters, 112(23), 1-5, 2018.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Analysis and experiment of magneto-mechanically coupled harvesters", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 304-316, 2018.
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Investigation of Piezo-electro-magnetic Hybrid Energy Harvester", tm - technisches messen, 85(9), 541-552, 2018.
- V. Pakrashi, G. Marano, P. Cahill, S. Faruque Ali and M. Magno, “Vibration Energy Harvesting for Monitoring Dynamical Systems", Shock and Vibration, 1-2, 2018.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Magneto-mechanically Coupled Electromagnetic Harvesters for Broadband Energy Harvesting", Applied Physics Letters, 111(8), 1-5, 2017.
- S. K. Kumar, C. Bose, S. Faruque Ali, S. Sarkar and S. Gupta “Investigations on a vortex induced vibration based energy harvester", Applied Physics Letters, 111(24), 1-5, 2017.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Magneto-elastic oscillator: Modeling and analysis with nonlinear magnetic interaction", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 393, 265-284, 2017.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Broadband energy harvesting with mechanically coupled harvesters", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 255, 1-9, 2017.
- P. Cahill, V. Jaksic, J. Keane, A. O’Sullivan, A. Mathewson, S. Faruque Ali and V. Pakrashi, “Effect of Road Surface, Vehicle, and Device Characteristics on Energy Harvesting from Bridge-Vehicle Interactions", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31(12), 921-935, 2016.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Analysis of energy harvesting from multiple pendulums with and without mechanical coupling", European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 224(14-15), 2823-2838, 2015.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Piezomagnetoelastic broadband energy harvester: Nonlinear modeling and characterization", European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 224(14-15), 280-2822, 2015.
- O. Bilgen, M. I. Friswell, S. Faruque Ali and G. Litak, “Broadband vibration energy harvesting from a vertical cantilever Piezocomposite beam with tip mass", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 15(2), 1-32, 2015.
- M. I. Friswell, O. Bilgen, S. Faruque Ali, G. Litak and S. Adhikari, “The effect of noise on the response of a vertical cantilever beam energy harvester", ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 95(5), 433-443, 2015.
- V. Jaksic, C. S. Wright, J. Murphy, C. Afeef, S. Faruque Ali, D. P. Mandic and V. Pakrashi, “Dynamic response mitigation of floating wind turbine platforms using tuned liquid column dampers", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 373(2035), 1-9, 2015.
- S. Dipak, M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorber under random vibration", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1241-1246, 2013.
- S. Faruque Ali and S. Adhikari, “Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorbers", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of ASME, 80(4), 1-9, 2013.
- M. Borowiec, G. Litak, M. I. Friswell, S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari, A. W. Lees and O. Bilgen, “Energy harvesting in piezoelastic systems driven by random excitations", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 13(07), 1-11, 2013.
- M. I. Friswell, S. Faruque Ali, O. Bilgen, S. Adhikari, A. W. Lees and G. Litak, “Non-linear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting from a vertical cantilever beam with tip mass", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23(13), 1505-1521, 2012.
- S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari, M. I. Friswell and S. Narayanan, “The analysis of piezomagnetoelastic energy harvesters under broadband random excitations", Journal of Applied Physics, AIP, 109(7), 1-8, 2011,
- S. Faruque Ali and M. I. Friswell and S. Adhikari, “Analysis of energy harvesters for highway bridges", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22(16), 1929- 1938, 2011.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Optimal blood glucose regulation of diabetic patients using single network adaptive critics", Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 32(2), 196-214, 2011.
- S. Faruque Ali and M. I. Friswell and S. Adhikari, “Piezoelectric energy harvesting with parametric uncertainty", Smart Materials and Structures, 19(10), 1-9, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Active vibration suppression of non-linear beams using optimal dynamic inversion" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 223(5), 657-672, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Hybrid structural control using magnetorheological dampers for base isolated structures", Smart Materials and Structures, 18(5), 1-16, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Optimal dynamic inversion-based semi-active control of benchmark bridge using MR dampers", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16(5), 564-585, 2009.
- R. Padhi and S. Faruque Ali, “An account of chronological developments in control of distributed parameter systems", Annual Reviews in Control, 33(1), 59-68, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Optimal fuzzy logic control for MDOF structural systems using evolutionary algorithms", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22(3), 407-419, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Testing and modeling of MR damper and its application to SDOF systems using integral backstepping technique", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME, 131(2), 1-11, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and A.Ramaswamy, “GA-optimized FLC-driven semi-active control for phase-II smart nonlinear base-isolated benchmark building", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 15(5), 797-820, 2008.
Conference Publications
- H. Patel, R. Kumar and S. Faruque Ali, “SEREP Integrated Control of Flexible Structures", IFAC-PapersOnLine (Accepted), 2020.
- A. Mukherjee, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Shape prediction of a composite wing panel under the action of an SMA wire and an MFC bimorphs", In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII, 10967, 1-9, 2019.
- P. V. Malaji, M. Rajarathinam, V. Jaiswal, S. Faruque Ali and I. M. Howard, “Energy Harvesting From Dynamic Vibration Pendulum Absorber", In Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, 2, 467-478, 2019.
- R. T. Gurav and S. Faruque Ali, “Semi-active control of stay cable vibrations using magnetorheological damper", 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), IEEE, 354-359, 2018.
- L. V. Pradeesh and S. Faruque Ali, “Optimal placement and shape morphing of thin plates using dynamic inversion design", Automatic Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(1), 72-77, 2018.
- D. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Structural and Aerodynamics Studies on Various Wing Configurations for Morphing", Automatic Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(1), 498-503, 2018.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali, M. I. Friswell and A. Arockiarajan, “Stabilization of limit cycles in the Lorenz attractor through the orbit closure method", In Indian Control Conference (ICC), IEEE, 235-239, 2018.
- V. Pradeesh and S. Faruque Ali, “Active vibration control and shape morphing of thin plates using dynamic inversion technique", 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), IEEE, 2423-2428, 2017.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali, M. I. Friswell and A. Arockiarajan, “Creation and stabilization of limit cycles in chaotic attractors through closure of orbits", 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), IEEE, 653-658, 2017.
- J. Warrier and S. Faruque Ali, “Control of ground resonance in helicopters using semi active damping", Indian Control Conference (ICC), IEEE, 111-116, 2017.
- L. V. Pradeesh, and S. Faruque Ali, “Active vibration control of thin plate using optimal dynamic inversion technique", Automatic Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(1), 326-331, 2016.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Magneto-mechanically coupled energy harvesters", 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), IEEE, 1-5, 2016.
- C. Madhav and S. Faruque Ali, “Harvesting energy from vibration absorber under random excitations", Automatic Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(1), 807-812, 2016.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “Enhanced energy harvesting from nonlinear oscillators via chaos control", Automatic Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, 49(1), 35-40, 2016.
- P. V. Malaji, S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari and M. I. Friswell, “Analysis of Harvesting Energy from Mistuned Multiple Harvesters with and without Coupling", Procedia Engineering, 144, 621-628, 2016.
- V. Jaksic, C. Wright, A. Chanayil, S. Faruque Ali, J. Murphy and V. Pakrashi, “Performance of a single liquid column damper for the control of dynamic responses of a tension leg platform", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628(1), 1-8, 2015.
- K. S. Karthik, S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari and M. I. Friswell, “Base excited hybrid energy harvesting", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 978-982, 2013.
- S. Dipak, M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorber under random vibration", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1241-1246, 2013.
- O. Bilgen, S. Faruque Ali, M. I. Friswell, G. Litak and M. De Angelis, “Non-linear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting from a vertical cantilever beam with tip mass", ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, 1-17, 2013.
- G. Litak, M. Coccolo, M. I. Friswell, S. Faruque Ali, S. Adhikari, A. W. Lees and O. Bilgen, “Nonlinear oscillations of an elastic inverted pendulum", 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC Proceedings), IEEE, 113-116, 2012.
- S. Faruque Ali, C. Delattre, H. Rafaralahy, G. Didier, G. Jeandel and M. Boutayeb, “Control of transient coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer equation", IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFACPapersOnline), 9(1), 424-429, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali, C. Delattre, M. Boutayeb, C. Fonte and F. Asllanaj, “An approximate modeling of 1d transient heat transfer in a gray participating medium", In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, IEEE, 5338-5343, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Optimal blood glucose regulation using single network adaptive critics", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 89-94, 2009.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Active vibration suppression of one-dimensional nonlinear structures using optimal dynamic inversion", 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control-Part of IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, 573-577, 2008.
- S. Faruque Ali, A. Ramaswamy and A.K. Agarwal, “Semi-active base isolation system for buildings using MR dampers", Proceedings of the World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, SMSST’07, 1-6, 2008.
- S. Faruque Ali and P. Samui, “Confinement efficiency of R C columns with rectangular ties: A SVM approach", (2007) Proceedings of the 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 926-940, 2007.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Active vibration suppression of beams with discrete actuators using optimal dynamic inversion", 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), IEEE, 1-6, 2006.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Benchmark control problem for highway bridge based on FLC", Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition, 1-8, 2006.
International Conference
- M. Aravindan and S. Faruque Ali, “System size resonance in a 1-D array of noisy bistable piezoelectric harvesters", DSTA, Łódź, Poland, December 2-5, 2019.
- M. Rajarathinam, V. Krishnan, M. Aravindan and S. Faruque Ali, “Investigation of piezoelectric and multiple electromagnetic hybrid vibration energy harvester", DSTA 2019, Łódź, Poland, December 2-5, 2019.
- R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. Faruque Ali, “Random Field Modeling and Analysis of Rotor Bladed Disc Sector Using a Data Driven PCE Based Approach", Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference, Chennai, India, December 5-6, 2019.
- R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. Faruque Ali, “Vibration Response of Randomly Parametered Mistuned Bladed Disc Using Stochastic Reduced Order Model", 7th International conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, Crete, Greece, June 24-26, 2019.
- Rahul Kumar, Sayan Gupta, S F Ali, "A Data Driven PC Based Approach for Dynamic Analysis of Stochastically Parametered Plate with Square Cut", SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS 19), 2019
- R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. Faruque Ali, “Dynamic Analysis of Stochastically Parametered Inhomogeneous Structures Using PCE based ROM", SIAM conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Utah, USA, May 19–23, 2019.
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Harvesting energy from coupled piezoelectric and multiple electromagnetic harvesters", ECCM-ECFD, Glasgow, UK, June 11-15, 2018.
- L. V. Pradeesh and S. F. Ali, "Active vibration control and shape morphing of thin plates using dynamic inversion technique", IEEE Xplore - 11th Asian Control Conference (2017), 2423-2428.
- P. V. Malaji, M. Rajarathinam, V. Jaiswal, S. Faruque Ali and I. M. Howard, “Energy harvesting from dynamic vibration pendulum absorber", Structural Engineering Convention (SEC), CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India, December 21-23, 2016.
- K. Rahul and S. Faruque Ali “Energy Harvesting Through Chaotic Motion of Double Pendulum", Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD), IISER Kolkata, India, December 16-18, 2016.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A. Arockiarajan, “The Duffing-Holmes oscillator: A theoretical analysis of the magneto-elastic interactions", Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD), IISER Kolkata, India, December 16-18, 2016,
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Vibration based hybrid energy harvester for broadband harvesting", 6th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), IIT–Bombay, India, June 27-July 1, 2016.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Magnetically coupled broad band piezoelectric energy harvesting", 6th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), IIT–Bombay, India, June 27-July 1, 2016.
- M. Rajarathinam and S. Faruque Ali, “Vibration based hybrid energy harvesting under harmonic excitations", International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), IIT–Guwahati, India, December 14–17, 2015.
- A. Kumar, S. Faruque Ali and A Arockiarajan, “Control of Inverted beam with tip mass", International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), IIT–Guwahati, India, December 14–17, 2015.
- P. V. Malaji and S. Faruque Ali, “Comparative study of mistuned cyclic and chained structures", 5th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, (ICCMS), ICSIR–SERC, Chennai, India, December 10-13, 2014.
- A. Siddiqui and S. Faruque Ali, “Nonlinear control of vehicular vibrations", International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-12, 2013.
- J. Keane, A. O’Sullivan, V. Jaksic, S. Faruque Ali and V. Pakrashi, “Effects of Road Surface Roughness on Energy Harvesting from Bridge-Vehicle Interaction", The 11th International Conference On Structural Safety & Reliability, Columbia University, New York City, USA, June 16-20, 2013.
- S. Faruque Ali, “Vibration Energy Harvesting", The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), UNIST, Ulsan, Korea, July 18-21, 2012.
- J. Keane, A. O’Sullivan, V. Jaksic, S. Faruque Ali and V. Pakrashi, “Energy Harvesting from Beam-Moving Oscillator Interaction" The 8th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, (ANCRiSST), IISc Bangalore, India, July, 2012.
- M. I. Friswell, S. Adhikari and S. Faruque Ali, “Energy harvesting from ambient excitation" EuroMech Colloquium 530: Structural Control and Energy Harvesting, Bristol, UK, July, 2011.
- S. Faruque Ali, S. Venkatesha and A. Ramaswamy, “Hybrid base-isolation based vibration control: an experimental and analytical study" Proceedings of the Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2010), India, December 8-10, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali, C. Delattre, H. Rafaralahy, G. Didier, G. Jeandel and M. Boutayeb, “Control of transient coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer equation" 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications (IFAC LSS), IFAC, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villenevue d’Ascq, France, July 12-14, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Comparative performance of nonlinear and intelligent control algorithms", 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM), IASCM, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-14, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali and S. Adhikari, “Control of a class of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations", IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM), Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “GA Optimized Semi-Active Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control for Stay Cable Vibration", Structural Engineering World Congress (SEWC), Bangalore, India, November 3-7, 2007.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “FLC-MR Damper Control of Stay Cable Nonlinear Vibration", Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM), Bengal Engineering and Science University, Kolkata, India, January 11-14, 2007.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “FLC Based Semi-Active Control of Buildings using Magnetorheological Dampers", 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, December 10-12, 2006.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Vibration Control of Cable-supported Bridge Using Semi-Active Tendon & Fuzzy Logic Control", In: Paper Accepted for presentation at the IABSE Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2006.
- S. Faruque Ali and R. Padhi, “Vibration Control of Nonlinear Beams Using Optimal Dynamic Inversion with Discrete Actuators", 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, (ICCMS), Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, December 10-12, 2006.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Non-linear Modeling and Control of Cable-stay system under Tower flexibility using Passive and Semi-active Control", Proceedings of the Structural Engineering Convention (SEC), IISc Bangalore, India, December 14-16, 2005.
National Conference
- S. Faruque Ali, “Backstepping Based Magnetorheological Damper Monitoring for Structural Control", First Annual Students Symposium, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, India, July 9-10, 2008,
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Optimal Preview Active Control of Structures During Earthquakes Using Feed-Back and Feed-Forward data", National Conference on Recent Advancement on Structural Engineering (NCRASE), JNTU-Kakinada, AP, India, Febraury, 2006.
- S. Faruque Ali and A. Ramaswamy, “Review and Development of Vibration Control Strategies for Cable Supported Bridges", National Symposium on Structural Dynamics, Random Vibration and Earthquake Engineering (NSDD), IISc Bangalore, July 22-23, 2005.
Doctoral Research Scholars (Ph.D.)
![]() Vishnu L. Pradeesh – I work on control of distributed parameter systems aiming to design control systems for continuous complex geometric structural elements. |
![]() M. Aravindan – The research work focuses on designing and developing a multi-frequency energy harvester using piezoelectric transductions. Analytical and experimental investigations will be carried out to study the nonlinear interactions between the harvesters. |
![]() Rahul Kumar – Investigation on mistuned rotors using reduced order models. Mistuning is inherent in any physical system and it leads to early failure from the expected life. The motive of this work is to find out the location of cracks and also to quantify that mistuning. (colloboration with Prof. Sayan Gupta) |
![]() Deepak Kumar – I am currently working on morphing wing using corrugated struucture. The aim of my research is use compliant structure to vary the camber of the morphing wing to the inhance the aerodynamic efficiency. (colloboration with Prof. A. Arockiarajan) |
![]() Aghna Mukherjee – I am currently working on wing morphing using a combination of bistable laminates as a structural element and smart materials for actuation and control. The aim is to enhance the efficiency of the operation. (colloboration with Prof. A. Arockiarajan) |
![]() Giri Abhijit – I am currently working on fatigue study and nonlinear energy harvester. (colloboration with Prof. A. Arockiarajan) |
![]() Juturu Swetha – I am currently working on mechanics of soft robotics. My research aim is to get analytical solutions of hyper elastic beams with large deformations. (colloboration with Dr. Ganesh Tamadapu) |
![]() Srimanta Lal De – I am currently working on design of Chaotic controller using OGY technique and implementation of delay-coordinate system. |
![]() Shubhanshu Maheshwari – I am currently working on bi-stable materials in energy harvesting |
Master of Science Scholar (M.S.)
![]() T. Rohit Gurav – The research work involves analysis of different cable models and applying semi-active control techniques through MR (Magnetorheological) damper to mitigate the vibration response. Non-linear control algorithms will be used for MR damper. |
![]() S. Patel Hirenkumar – Works on control of distributed parameter systems which are governed by PDEs. Having applications in the field of morphing of wing and robotics. |
![]() Mohammad Reyaz Ahmad Vali – I am working on vibrational energy harvesting through an array of simple pendulums. Electromagnetic means of conversion technic is being used in mine work. |
![]() Gautham Vigneswar PN – I am currently working on fluid-structure interaction of camber morphing airfoil. (colloboration with Prof. A. Arockiarajan) |
![]() Dalroti Mohammad Huzefabhai – The research work involves reduced order modelling and control. |
![]() Deen Mohommad – I am currently working on stochastic optimum control. |
![]() Rajasekar S – I am currently working on dynamics of inelastic structure. |
Master of Technology Students (M.Tech)
![]() Rushikesh Pravin Shinde – I am currently working on rotational energy harvester. |
Alumni of the Group
- Soumi Bhattacharyya – 2019 | PDF | Nonlinear energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorber |
- Aravind Kumar – 2019 | Ph. D. Thesis | Broadband energy harvesting using magneto-elastic structures | Research Associate, School of Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, UK.
- Rajarathinam. M – 2019 | Ph. D. Thesis | Studies on vibration based hybrid energy harvester | Research Associate, Department of Applied Mechanics, IITM, Chennai, India.
- Pradeep V Malaji – 2017 | Ph. D. Thesis | Studies on array of harvesters | Associate professor, B.L.D.E.A's Dr P.G.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Bijapur, India.
- Jayachandran Warrier – 2017 | M.S. Thesis | Dynamics and control of helicopter ground resonance | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
- Indraneel Hazra – 2017 | Project Associate | Analysis of mistuned rotor blades | PhD University of waterloo, Canada.
- Arshad M. Siddiqui – 2014 | M.S. Thesis | Dynamics and control of vehicular motion | Mercedes Benz.
- Vinothkrishnan V – 2020 | M.Tech | Finite element analysis of vibration energy harvesters - Transerse and rotational motions |
- Suraj Gupta – 2019 | M.Tech | Push over analysis for earthquake resistance structures |
- Akash Surendra Mundwaik – 2019 | M.Tech | Smart trailing edge camber morphing using bi-stable hybrid symmetric laminates | Air Bus.
- ShyamDas – 2017 | M.Tech | Active control of PC boards | VSSC, Trivandrum
- Pettiwala Mohamed Salman – 2017 | M.Tech | Energy harvesting from speed bump due to vehicular traffic |
- Madhav Channavazzala – 2016 | M.Tech | Harvesting energy using vibration absorber |
- C. Afeef – 2015 | M.Tech | Response mitigation of standalone structures in ocean |
- M. Vyshakh – 2015 | Project Associate | Vibration control of non-linear Euler-Bernoulli beams using dynamic inversion |
- Chintakindi Sai Rahul Prasad – 2014 | M.Tech | Nonlinear control of buildings using magnetorheological dampers |
- K. Sashadri – 2014 | M.Tech | System identification and damage detection using wavelets |
- Dipak Sagar – 2013 | M.Tech | Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorber | Inertial Systems, Indian Space Research Organization, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Graduate Courses
- AM5030 : Linear Dynamical Systems
- AM5290 : Dynamics of Structures
- AM6291 : Computational Structural Dynamics
- AM5116 : Structural Control
- AM5620 : Theory of Plates and Shells
- AM5400 : Experiemental Stress Analysis Lab
Undergraduate Courses
- AM2200 : Strength of Materials @ IIT-Palakkad
- AM2200 : Strength of Materials
- AM1100 : Engineering Mechanics
- AM2540 : Strength of Materials Laboratory