Sundararajan Natarajan
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME7920 Applied Finite Element Analysis
Information about the course
The finite element method (FEM) is a versatile technique for the numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential equations. In this course, you will study the basics of the finite element method and its mathematical formulation. It is then applied to various problems in engineering and science.
This course focuses on the practical aspects of applying the FEM to various problems in engineering & science, viz., financial modelling, quantum mechanics, structural analysis, heat transfer, etc. Selected underlying fundamental theory of the FEM is provided to enable students to appreciate the advantages, limitations and possible pitfalls of the numerical methods. Particular emphasize will be on the discretization, convergence behaviour and error estimation of the FEM. Students’ understanding will be enhanced by writing simple computer programs and by the use of commercial finite element package.
Learning outcomes
This subject is intended to present numerical methods and modelling techniques that are mathematically sound and commonly used in engineering practice. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
✴ Define mathematical models & create finite element models.
✴ Write simple computer programs for finite element analysis.
✴ Use commercial software for finite element analysis.
✴ Communicate your analysis in written and graphical form.
Reference Texts
✴ The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Thomas JR Hughes.
✴ A First Course in Finite Element Method, Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko.
✴ Applied Finite Element Analysis, LJ Segerlind.