Sivakumar M.Srinivasan |
Professor Active Material Structures & Systems Lab (MSB 207B) Office:MSB 230; LAB: MSB207B Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras Chennai - 600 036. +91 44 2257 4061 / 94452 84085 mssiva@iitm.ac.in https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CGfKWusAAAAJ Also:, Head,
Department of Applied Mechanics, IITM
Research Interests Smart
Materials & Structures; Inelasticity / Plasticity; Fatigue of Materials;
Bio-inspired Design, Composites, AI/ML applications to modeling Books: Inelasticity of Materials, WorldScientific,
Inc., I edition, 2009.
Engineering Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India,. I edition, 2003. Mechanics
of Solids (SI Units), McGraw Hill Inc, 3rd edition, 2017. Videos: Engineering
Mechanics - comprehensive revision (39
videos) Representative Journal Publications: Smart Materials and Structures Role of super-elastic shape memory alloy
(SE-SMA) embedment designs on energy absorption
in GFRP composites Materials Today Communications (2022): 103779. Modeling of magnetorheolological gels: a study on the particle size effect. Acta Mechanica,
233(2), (2022):837-849. Investigations on axially compressed composite
cylindrical shells with surface bonded PZT." Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021): 107434. Simulation of shape memory cycle of a
polymeric beam undergoing large deflection
using a simple incremental approach." Journal of Intelligent Material
Systems and Structures 31.4 (2020): 515-524. A new simple formulation for instantaneous coil diameter of a SMA helical
spring." International Journal of
Materials and Structural Integrity 14.1 (2020): 22-32. Shape recovery studies for coupled deformations in an epoxy based
amorphous shape memory polymers, Polymer
Testing,48, 1-6, 2015 Magnetoelasticity of gels, J
Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 29(9), 1913-1927, 2018. Electromechanical
Behavior of Form I Uniaxially and Biaxially Stretched PVDF. Ferroelectrics 325,
pp.155-164,2005. Bio-inspired
Mechanics Bio-inspired
shape morphing soft magnetic locomotion
actuators - a nove method of preparation and testing, Proceedings of the
International conference on Materials Science and Engineering (2022): in
Press. Natural optima in human skull: A low velocity impact study. I J Crashworthiness, 12, pp.17-20,
2007. Influence of relative strength of constituents on the overall
strength and toughness of bone. Journal of Mechanics in
Medicine and Biology, 8(4), 527-539, 2008. Composites Influence of non-uniformity in inter-fibre distance
on strength distribution of UDFRP composites. Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics (2022):
1-8 Compression after high-velocity impact behavior of
pseudo-elastic shape memory alloy embedded glass/epoxy composite
laminates. Composite Structures 259
(2021): 113519. Influence of Core Comprehensibility, Flexibility
and Transverse Shear Effects on the Response of Sandwich
Structures" American Journal of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2(2), 81-91, 2017 Steel Fibre Reinforced Cementitious
Composites Subjected To Extreme Loading
Conditions, ASME JEMT. 139(2):021019- 021019-7, 2017. Inelasticity /
Plasticity / Damage / Fatigue Dislocation density based crystal plasticity model incorporating the effect of precipitates in IN718 under
monotonic and cyclic deformation. International Journal of Plasticity (2021):
102990 Numerical Analysis of Large
Elasto-Plastic Deflection of Constant Curvature Beam Under
Follower Load, Nonlinear Mechanics, 84, pp.46-55, 2016. Post-buckling involving large deflection of micro-cantilever using the consistent couple stress theory. Ann.
Solid Struct. Mech. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12356-020-00058-4 Microstructure Evolution in the Equal Channel Angular Processes. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanis and Engineering, 193, pp. 5177-5194, 2004. A finite strain and rate-dependent cyclic plasticity model for metals. Large Plastic Deformations (2021),
353-360 Influence of manufacturing processes and their sequence of
execution on fatigue life of axle house tubes in automobiles. Engineering Failure Analysis, 34, 79-92,
2013 Multiaxial
Fatigue Life Prediction of a High Temperature Steam
Turbine Rotor using Critical Plane Approach.
Journal of Engg Failure
Analysis, 7, pp.347-358, 2000 Computational
Mechanics Numerical Study On Multi
Layered Target Material Subjected To Impact Loading, Latin American Journal of Solids and
Structures, 15(4), e32, 2018. Shot Peening Simulation using
Discrete and Finite Element Methods, Advances in
Engineering Software, Vol. 41(12),
pp.1266-1276, 2010. Optimization of the fatigue strength of materials due
to shot peening: A Survey, International Journal of Structural Changes In
Solids, Vol.2(2), pp. 33-63, 2010. Numerical Investigation of Sweet Spot of
Cricket Bat. In Recent Advances in
Applied Mechanics, 2022, pp. 719-724. Springer, Singapore A
Performance Study on Configurational Force and Sprin-Analogy based Mesh
Optimization schemes. International Journal of Comp. Meth. in Engg Science
and Mechanics, 7, pp.241-262, 2006. Optimality
of grids based on Combined r-h adaptive strategy. Computer Assisted
Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 13, pp.247-268, 2006. Spectral Element based model for wave
propagation analysis in multi-wall carbon nanotubes" International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, pp.279-294, 2006. AI/ML Applications
in Modeling and Mechanics Siddharth Gupta, Identification of damage
in beams using Deep Learning algorithms, MTech Thesis, IIT Madras,
2021 V Kumara Swamy, Identification of added mass location in beams using
Deep Learning, MTech Thesis, IIT Madras 2020 |