- Depth of Binomial Edge Ideals in terms of Diameter and Vertex Connectivity, J. Commut. Algebra 16 (2024) no. 4, 411-437., with Rajib Sarkar.
- Subadditivity, strand connectivity and multigraded Betti numbers of monomial ideals, J. Commut. Algebra 15 (2023), no. 4, 519–541., with Arvind Kumar.
- Binomial expansion for saturated and symbolic powers of sums of ideals, J. Algebra 620 (2023), 690–710., with Huy Tai Ha, Arvind Kumar and Nguyen D. Hop.
- On the resurgence and asymptotic resurgence of homogeneous ideals, Math. Z. 302 (2022), no. 4, 2407–2434., with Arvind Kumar and Vivek Mukundan
- Bound for the regularity of binomial edge ideals of cactus graphs, Algebra Colloquium 29 (2022) no. 3, 443-452., with Rajib Sarkar
- Resurgence numbers of fiber products of projective schemes, Collect. Math. 72 (2021), no. 1, 605-615, with Sankhaneel Bisui, Huy Tai Ha and Abu Chackalamannil Thomas.
- Linear polynomial for the regularity of powers of edge ideals of very well-covered graphs J. Commut. Algebra 13 (2021), no. 1, 89-101 , with S. Selvaraja.
- Upper bounds for the regularity of powers of edge ideals of graphs, J. Algebra 574 (2021), 184-205, with S. Selvaraja.
- Almost complete intersection binomial edge ideals and their Rees algebras Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225(6) (2021), 106628, with Arvind Kumar and Rajib Sarkar.
- Regularity of powers of quadratic sequences with applications to binomial ideals J. Algebra, 564 (2020), 98-118, with Arvind Kumar and Rajib Sarkar
- Regularity of Symbolic Powers of Edge Ideals J. Pure Appl. Algebra 224 (2020), no. 7, 106306, 12 pp. with Rajiv Kumar.
- Regularity of binomial edge ideals of Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs , Comm. Algebra 47 (2019), no. 11, 4797-4805, with Arvind Kumar.
- An upper bound for the regularity of binomial edge ideals of trees J. Algebra Appl. 18 (2019) no. 9, 1950170, 7pp, with N. Narayanan and B. V. Raghavendra Rao.
- Syzygies, Betti numbers and regularity of cover ideals of certain multipartite graphs Mathematics, (2019) 7(9), 869, with Neeraj Kumar.
- On the Vasconcelos inequality for the fiber multiplicity of modules Comm. Algebra 46 (2018), 3322 - 3333, with R. Balakrishnan.
- Regularity of binomial edge ideals of certain block graphs, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 129 (2019), no. 3, Art. 36, 10 pp , with N. Narayayan and B. V. Raghavendra Rao.
- Regularity of powers of bipartite graphs, J. Algebraic Combin. 47 no. 1, (2018), 17 - 38, with N. Narayanan and S. Selvaraja
- A Northcott type inequality for Buchsbaum-Rim coefficients, J. Commut. Algebra, 8 (2016), no. 4, 493 - 512. (with R. Balakrishnan)
- On the number of generators of ideals defining Gorenstein Artin algebras with Hilbert function $(1,n+1 , 1+{n+1\choose 2}, \ldots,{n+1\choose 2}+1, n+1
,1)$ Beiträge Algebra Geom. 57 (2016), no. 1, 173 - 187. (with Sabine El Khoury and Hema Srinivasan).
- On the relation type of fiber cone, Acta Math. Viet., 40 (2015) no. 3, 535-544. (with Ramakrishna Nanduri)
- On the depth of fiber cones of stretched $\mathfrak{m}$-primary ideals Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 45 (2014), no. 6, 925 - 942. (with Ramakrishna Nanduri)
- Periodic Occurrence of Complete Intersection Monomial Curves, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), no. 12, 4199-4208. (with Hema
- Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and Gorensteinness of fiber cone Comm. Algebra 40 (2012), no. 4, 1338-1351.
the depth of graded rings associated to lex-segment ideals in
$k[x,y]$, Beiträge
Algebra Geom. 51 (2010), no. 1, 147-153.
fiber cones of $\mathfrak{m}$-primary ideals,
Canadian J. Math., 59 (2007) no. 1 109-126. (with Tony J.
Puthenpurakal and J. K. Verma).
rings associated with contracted ideals,
J. Algebra, 284 (2005) 593-626. (with A. Conca, E. DeNegri and M. E.
cones of ideals with almost minimal multiplicity,
Nagoya Math. J., 177 (2005) 155-179. (with J. K. Verma)
coefficients and depth of fiber cone, J.
Pure Appl. Algebra, 201 (2005) 97-115. (with J. K. Verma)
Coefficients and Depths of Form Rings,
Comm. Algebra, 32 (2004) no.4, 1445-1452. (with J. K. Verma and
Balwant Singh)
cohomology of bigraded Rees algebras,
Advances in Algebra and Geometry (Hyderabad, 2001), 39-52, Hindustan
Book Agency, New Delhi, 2003. (with J. K. Verma)
Formula and Bigraded Cohen-Macaulay Rees Algebras,
J. Algebra, 254 no. 1 (2002), 1-20 (with J. K. Verma)