Research is a

sacred process

of discovery

Research is a sacred process of discovery and life long pursuit.
Always looking for challenging areas which are meaningful in the current context and having far reaching impact for the industry and the community.

Atomization, Sprays and Aerosols

MEMS based microsprays
Dhivyaraja Kumaran, Ph.D. Scholar

Dhivyaraja was awarded Prime Minister’s fellowship to pursue doctoral study on “Advanced micro spray cooling technologies for high power density hydraulics “in April 2015. He has worked on developing the miniaturization of pressure swirl atomizer using MicroElectroMechanicalSystem (MEMS) technology with an active collaboration with Prof. Srinivas Tadigadapa, Penn State University, USA Read More

Dynamics of rocket injector sprays
K.S. Siddharth, Ph.D. scholar

K.S. Siddharth has worked on Feature Correlation Velocimetry for Measuring Instantaneous Liquid Sheet Velocity.When the liquid sheet interacts with ambient air,short wavelength corrugations are naturally formed on its surface. Feature correlation velocimetry (FCV), is the method to extract velocity information directly from successive high speed images of a liquid sheet by relying on the advection of the short wavelength corrugations. Read More

Aerosol deposition in the lungs
Arnab Mallik, MS research scholar

Cross flow jet is a configuration where a slow moving liquid jet interacts with fast moving air stream at a certain angle (usually perpendicular). The shearing action caused due to their interaction is responsible for causing fluctuations in the liquid stream and ultimately breaks up the bulk liquid into droplets. Cross flow configuration of jets and sprays finds application in natural an industrial processes. Read More

Lung morphometry caterization
Karthiga Devi, Ph.D. scholar

Karthiga Devi is working on Aerosol Deposition Studies In Human Lung towards Personalized Medicine.Inter-subject variability in drug deposition is one of the causes of ineffectiveness of a prescribed dose of medicine. Personalized medicine is emerging as a solution to treat some of the respiratory diseases. Lung morphometry has a great influence on the transport and deposition of therapeutic aerosols as well as disease causing micro-organisms. Her study aims to establish the relation between aerosol deposition in the alveolar region and parameters determining the lung morphometry. Read More

Aerosol Deposition in Inner Human Lungs - Experimental Study
Arnab Kumar Mallik, M.S Scholar

The human lungs, a grand design of nature, consists of a sequence of bifurcations known as bronchi. The change of length and diameter of bronchi at each generation of bifurcation gives rise to a wide range of airflow velocities during inhalation. From trachea to alveoli the Reynolds number (Re) varies from 103 to 10-2 generating different types of flows starting from turbulent flow in the trachea to diffusion dominated flow in alveoli. This variation of dimension and Re in the bronchi dictates the deposition of aerosols at different generations which have been studied experimentally.Read More

Aerosol Transport in the Deep Lung - Numerical Study
Dr. Aranyak Chakravarty, Post doctoral researcher

Effectiveness of pulmonary drug delivery mechanism is contingent on aerosol particles reaching the terminal generations of the lung. Research on aerosol transport in lungs has, however, been mostly restricted to upper branches of the lung. This has resulted in a lack of understanding on transport of aerosols in the deep lung and hence, on effectiveness of aerosols in the pulmonary drug delivery mechanism. The present study aims to develop a fundamental understanding of aerosol transport mechanism in the deep lung with the objective of enabling personalized pulmonary drug delivery through computational and experimental analyses. Read More

Optimization of liquid injectors
Dr. Kushal Ghate, Post doctoral researcher

Kushal Ghate has worked on optimizing the simplex atomizer geometry with a principle focus on improving atomization by reducing resultant drop size and enable a wide dispersion of droplets in the spray chamber. Spray characteristics of several atomizers with different internal geometry (change in convergence angle, divergence angle, insertion of needle inserts) were analyzed and compared with those of conventional simplex atomizer. As a sequel to the extensive studies carried out with a simplex atomizer, he also developed a novel Turbo Swirl Atomizer (TSA) which exhibits better performance than simplex atomizer in many aspects. Read More

Optimization of liquid injectors
Dr. Kushal Ghate, Post doctoral researcher

Kushal Ghate has worked on optimizing the simplex atomizer geometry with a principle focus on improving atomization by reducing resultant drop size and enable a wide dispersion of droplets in the spray chamber. Spray characteristics of several atomizers with different internal geometry (change in convergence angle, divergence angle, insertion of needle inserts) were analyzed and compared with those of conventional simplex atomizer. As a sequel to the extensive studies carried out with a simplex atomizer, he also developed a novel Turbo Swirl Atomizer (TSA) which exhibits better performance than simplex atomizer in many aspects. e analyzed and compared with those of conventional simplex atomizer. Read More

Interfacial phenomenon

Phase separation dynamics
Harinadha Gidituri - Ph.D. scholar

Harinadha Gidituri has worked on problems in the area of soft and condensed matter physics using particle based mesoscopic method Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD). One of them is the collective dynamics in active and passive binary mixtures. Three different states were observed namely, Meso-Turbulent state (disordered), Polar Flock state (ordered), Vortical state (ordered) for different values of Peclet number (Pe--Ratio of self propulsion to thermal noise) and area fraction of the active particles. The other is the phase separation dynamics of the binary fluids in periodic and confined domains. Read More

Marangoni Propulsion
Dr. Sathish Akella, Postdoc scholar

Dr. Sathish Akella’s primary interest is soft condensed matter physics which deals with the classical (physics) understanding of liquid crystals, surfactants, active matter, glasses, gels etc. Currently he is working on two different problems in active matter. Read More

Sessile drop behaviour
Nachiketa Janardan, PhD scholar

Nachiketa Janardan worked on the behaviour of sessile drops on an inclined substrate.Three-dimensional sessile drops are ubiquitous in nature. The behaviour of such drops on an inclined, real hysteretic surface has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Surface Evolver has been used to model the shape of a drop. From this study, two critical inclination angles were identified that described the incipient motion of the drop. It was observed that these angles depended on the initial contact angle distribution along the contact line of the drop. Read More

Active Fluid Dynamics
Ajinkya Mukund Kulkarni, MS scholar

Using a dynamic variant of the Vicsek model, he showed emergence of a crush from an orderly moving human crowd is a non-equilibrium first order phase transition. It was also reported that this transition can be reversed by modifying the dynamics of a few people, deemed as game changers.Surprisingly, the optimal placement of these game changers is found to be in regions of maximum local crowd speed. Read More

Dynamics of natural oil films
K Swaminathan, Ph.D. Scholar

The dynamics of liquid thin films is relevant in many applications such as stability of thin films. Combined effect of spreading and dewetting on liquid substrate helps to understand these processes in detail. This combined effect has been studied through simple spreading experiments. A number of different natural oils - coconut oil, olive oil, gingelly oil and castor oil were used during this study. Read More

Data Analytics meets Fluid Dynamics

Classification of diabetes
Vignatha Yenugutala, Dual Degree Student

Vignatha is working on the project “Prediction of the likelihood of diabetes” based on glycosylated haemoglobin and anthropometric data(height, weight, body mass index, body adiposity index, age, gender). As per the American Diabetes Association(ADA), Fasting Plasma Glucose level>=7mmol/l(126mg/dl) and/or 2-hr post glucose level>=11.1 mmol/l(200 mg/dl) is the criteria for diagnosis of diabetes. But this test needs a strict fasting state before blood glucose measurement. Read More

Brachistochrone Fluid Dynamics
Srikanth Sarma(B.Tech), Sharan Raja(

This study aims to characterize the dynamic behavior of sprays using time series analysis techniques. Phase Doppler particle analyzer has been used to acquire the size-velocity data of the sprays. We study the conditional probability of droplets of a given size or velocity following another droplet. A scalar distance measure used to quantify the distance of the state from a pure random state, indicates that airblast sprays have more ordering towards the edge of spray. Read More

Time series analysis of spray data
Akshay Acharya(Dual Degree Student), Srivallabha Deevi(Postdoctoral Researcher)

The brachistochrone curve for a non-dissipative particle tries to maximize inertia of the particle but for a fluid filled cylinder, increasing inertia would amount to increased dissipative losses. Hence the trade-off between inertia and dissipation plays a vital role in determining the brachistochrone curve of a fluid filled cylinder. Read More

Escape Dynamics of Human Crowd During Panic
Ahmed Syed, Ph.D. Scholar

Human brain responds very quickly at times of disaster. Crowd under a panic situation may react according to the signals given by the brain and decision making under highly tensed conditions may even lead to loss of lives. s The motive of present work is to understand the dynamics of the panicked crowd and formulate a model that is efficient for safe evacuation. Read More

Human breath analysis using Machine Learning techniques
Mukesh K, Ph.D. Scholar

The human exhaled breath is predominantly turbulent. During exhalation, the air is forced to flow out of the lung through the windpipe as a result of the contraction of a thin muscle called diaphragm underneath the lungs. The air passes through the throat and oral cavity. The extrathoracic airway is unique for each individual. Turbulent flows from the airway carry the signature of the source of generation i.e., the geometry of the upstream flow region. Therefore, humans can be classified based on the turbulent signatures in their exhaled breath, which becomes the motivation of this study. Read More

Research is a

sacred process

of discovery

Research is a sacred process of discovery and life long pursuit.
Always looking for challenging areas which are meaningful in the current context and having far reaching impact for the industry and the community.

Atomization, Sprays and Aerosols

Dhivyaraja Kumaran, Ph.D. Scholar
MEMS based microsprays

K.S. Siddharth, Ph.D. scholar
Dynamics of rocket injector sprays

Arnab Mallik, MS research scholar
Aerosol deposition in the lungs

Karthiga Devi, Ph.D. scholar
Lung morphometry caterization

Optimization of liquid injectors
Dr. Kushal Ghate, Post doctoral researcher

Aerosol Deposition in Inner Human Lungs - Experimental Study
Arnab Kumar Mallik, M.S Scholar

Aerosol Transport in the Deep Lung - Numerical Study
Dr. Aranyak Chakravarty, Post doctoral researcher

Interfacial phenomena

Harinadha Gidituri, Ph.D. scholar
Phase separation dynamics

Dr. Sathish Akella, Postdoc scholar
Marangoni Propulsion

Nachiketa Janardan, Ph.D. scholar
Sessile drop behaviour

Ajinkya Mukund Kulkarni, MS scholar
Active Fluid Dynamics

K Swaminathan, Ph.D. Scholar
Dynamics of natural oil films

Data Analytics meets Fluid Dynamics

Vignatha Yenugutala, Dual Degree Student
Classification of diabetes

Vignatha Yenugutala, Dual Degree Student
Brachistochrone Fluid Dynamics
Akshay Acharya(Dual Degree Student), Srivallabha Deevi(Postdoctoral Researcher)
Time series analysis of spray data
Escape Dynamics of Human Crowd During Panic
Ahmed Syed, Ph.D. Scholar
Human breath analysis using Machine Learning techniques
Mukesh K, Ph.D. Scholar