
Courses taught at IIT Madras

  • Assignments from Dr. Sundararajan Natarajan: Assignment-1 Assignment-2

  • Lecture Notes of Dr. Sundararajan Natarajan Part-1
  • Lecture Notes of Dr. Sundararajan Natarajan Part-2
    The page will reditect you to for enetering the password which is announced in the class.

  • The information about the course, syllabus, text books and guide lines can be found at the following link (pdf file): ME6000(August-November 2015)

  • The time table for the course can be found at the following link (pdf file): Time Table

  • All the students are requested to select a time for your turotial class at the doodle link provided below. Please note that the time for the tutorial will be 3:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. every week day except on Wednesdays.

    Selection of Tutorial Slot: Tutorial Slot

Lecture slides may be downloaded from the below links. All the files are password (given in the class) protected.

  • Please use the below link to choose a time slot for discussion on Assignment 1. Time Slot Selection
  • Please come prepared for possible questions on how you did the programming and logic used in the program.
  • Please write your name as well as roll number in the name field.Venue: MDS-302 (my offie)
  • Answers to Quiz 1 (Part B) Question 1

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Contact Details

: Room No.208, Machine Design Section

: Department of Mechanical Engineering

: IIT Madras

: ratna@iitm.ac.in

: +91-44-2257-4719