Dr. Rinku Mukherjee
Associate Professor
Aerodynamics and Flow-Physics Laboratory
Applied Mechanics and BioMedical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600036
Flow Control on Wind Turbine Blades
Acta Mechanica
Study of Rayleigh-Benard Convection
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Configuration Flight
European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids
Experiments in Transonic Flows
Journal Of Spacecraft And Rockets
Post-Stall Prediction
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Morphing Technologies
Aerospace Science and Technology
3D Boundary Layer Separation
Acta Mechanica
3D Ground Effect Studies
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
CFD Animation of Single Pitching Airfoil
CFD Animation of Tandem Pitching Airfoils
Flow past Single Airfoil in Water Tank
Flow past Tandem Airfoils in Water Tank
Wake behind a Pitching 3D Wing from Numerical Analysis
Oil Flow Visualization of Flow Past a Wing
Transonic Flow Past a NASA specified Bluff Body
Transonic Flow Past a Bluff Body with 20deg nose cone without Spike
Transonic Flow Past a Bluff Body with 20deg nose cone WITH Spike
Inventors: Rinku Mukherjee
Inventors: Rinku Mukherjee and Antony Samuel B.
Inventors: Rinku Mukherjee and Aritras Roy
Inventors: Rinku Mukherjee and Aritras Roy