This was the honors differential equations class. The aim of this class was to study techniques to solve
first order and second order linear ordinary differential equations and subsequently systems of first order differential equations.
The mantra was "try an exponential". The book used was "Differential Equations (KU Edition)" by Boyce and DiPrima. We also did a
matlab session implementing Euler's method for estimation and a mathematica session about general equation solving (non-linear),
mainly centered around DSolve and NDSolve. We also studied the method of annihilators (from outside the text) which introduced
the students to differential operators. Each student also did a project which studied a differential equation in a concrete
physical context (e.g. bungee jumping, shooting an arrow, radioactive systems, parachuting,...).
The class consisted of 11 students (after a few withdrawals), composed mainly of engineering sophomores.