
Research Scholars

Cell Mechanics Lab

Current Research Scholars

Vaibavi S. Ramanujam

Ph.D. candidate

My study involves understanding the traction, mechanics, and migration of tumor cells during extravasation and observing the same upon administration of cardiovascular drugs. I am also interested in analyzing the events that occur in the cytoskeleton during this process.


My Past work mostly focused on biomaterial analysis such as optimization of cardiac cell therapy using injectable, resorbable and biocompatible materials in animal model and analysing the biodegradation and bio-compatibility of a biomaterial in-vivo and in-vitro.

Past: M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, NUS, Singapore

Research Interests

Saumendra K. Bajpai

Assistant Professor



ASE 153, Aerospace Engineering Bldg.

Phone: 044-22574072


The focus of my research has been on understanding the role played by biophysical forces  in various biological systems such as cancer progression. We are currently interested in understanding how does the mechanical environment of living cells or tissues alter invasion response and vice-versa. We plan on designing novel assays to investigate biological systems relevant to the immediate social needs.

My research-philosopy lies in exploiting the convergence between cell-biology, engineering advances, and analytical methods towards biomedical applications. We will be utilizing existing mammlian cell-culture systems (2D and 3D) and easily amenable quasi-3D in-vivo systems in designing, refining, and proposing diagnoistic tools for human clinical applications.

As for the kind of personnel welcomed in the lab, I am totally open to students with zero-biology or zero-engineering background; demonstrable enthusiasm about reaching out to as-yet unstudied problems, using whetever skill-sets one has, is the only necessary trait. Eventually, I hope to set up a lab-culture that encourages fruitful and exciting cross-talk between these two major aspects of modern science. 

Saumendra K. Bajpai

Assistant Professor


Office: MSB 227A,

             Phone: 044-22574072

Laboratory: Cell-Mechanics Lab,           

                        MSB 244B,

                        Phone: 044-22575066

The focus of our research has been on the role of biophysical forces in bio-pathological systems such as cancer progression. We are interested in understanding how does the mechanical environment of living cells or tissues alter invasion response and vice-versa. Towards this, our activities can be broadly grouped as (i) biomaterial development, (ii) experimental biomimetic systems and (iii) nanobio-sciences.

Our research-philosopy lies in exploiting the convergence between cell-biology, engineering advances, and analytical methods towards biomedical applications. We are utilizing existing mammlian cell-culture systems (2D and 3D) and easily amenable quasi-3D in-vivo systems in designing, refining, and proposing diagnostic tools for human clinical applications. Our research team is widely intradisciplinary and welcomes scholars with both biological and physical sciences background.

Research Interests

Lab overview

Manoj Sivasubramaniapandian

Ph.D. candidate

My current research interest involves the use of magnetic nanoparticles in targeted drug delivery and in evaluating the cell mechanics, specifically the mechanics and dynamics of the membrane.

I previously worked with in-vitro microelectrode arrays, characterising the surface molecules (mostly polypeptides) used to pretreat the electrodes, and studying the performance of the microelectrodes treated with such molecules and cells.

Past: M.Sc. (Tech) Biomedical Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.

Research Interests

Privita Edwina

Ph.D. candidate

My research interest is studying the response of cells to physical heterogeneities in a 3D matrix, towards understanding the mechanosensing capabilities of tumor cells in course of tumor progression.

My past work involves preparation and characterization of protein inks, analysis of their jetting behavior for inkjet printing and patterning on activated substrate to aid in fabrication of point of care diagnostics.

Past: M.Tech Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

Research Interests

Subhajit Konar

M.S. candidate

Research Interests

I am a M.S. scholar, developing a silk based bio-composite that can be used as a tissue graft.  Also, I am studying the behavior of cells inside this anisotropic bio composite material to have a better insight of cell migration during cancer metastasis.


Past:  B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from IIEST, Shibpur.


Past Scholars

PI Academic Profile

Post-Doctoral Research: Cornell Univ., 2011-2013

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University, 2006-2011

Masters: IIT Bombay, Chemical Engineering

Baccalaureate: HBTI Kanpur, Chemical Engineering

Principal Investigator