Electronic Materials and    
Thin Films Lab
Nitheesh M. Nair
Interdisciplinary Research Scholar (PhD) 

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 
Department of Electrical Engineering 
Co-Guide: Dr. Debdutta Ray (Dept. of Electrical Engineering) 

Research Area

Printed transparent conducting electrode applications 

I am working on formulating printable inks for transparent conducting applications. My area of research includes designing and fabrication of transparent devices with emphasis on printed transparent antennas, sensors and actuators.

E-mail : nitheesh7299[at]gmail.com  

M. Tech in VLSI and Embedded systems (2013--2015) 
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam 

B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (2009--2013) 
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam


Meditation, Music, Sports, Nature lover