Dr. Ramakrishna Bandaru


Academic Record

B.Tech (2003 - 2007)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Kakathiya University

M.Tech (2007 - 2009)
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Osmania University

Ph.D (2012 - 2017)
Dept. of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Work Experience

Assistant Professor (2010 - 2012)
Osmania University

Research Interests

  • Plasmonic Nanoparticles
  • Biosensing Applications
  • LSPR
  • Immunoassays
  • Nanotechnology

Current Work:

As a researcher, I always wonder and dwell in the fundamentals of science and its miracles & endless applications. As I belong to biosensors laboratory, my focus is to integrate the physics principles for biological application. In brief, I work with colourful nanoparticles (Plasmonic nanoparticles) for identification of biospecies present in liquid samples using light guides (optical fibers).

Journal publication

Bandaru Ramakrishna, VVR Sai (2016), “ Evanescent Wave Absorbance based U-Bent Fiber Probe for Immunobiosensor with Gold Nanoparticle Labels”, Sensors and Actuators B 226 (2016) 184–190 , doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.11.107

Bandaru Ramakrishna, VVR Sai, “ Influence of wavelength on evanescent wave absorbance sensitivity of a U-bent optical fiber probe”, (Under Review: IEEE Photonics Technical letters)

Conferences Attended

SPIE Biophotonics, Australasia, (16-19 Oct 2016)
Paper title (Presenter, First author): Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) based U-bent fiber optic sandwich biosensor

Advanced Onco Imaging Conference (AMICON), IIT Madras (30-31 July 2016)
Project Demo: Biomolecular detection for cancer diagnosis alternate to bioimaging: Biosensor technology for cancer biomarker detection

26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Gothenburg, Sweden, Biosensors 2016 (25-27 May 2016)
Poster (First author): Evanescent wave absorbance based U-bent fiber probe for simultaneous assay

International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), TIFR Mumbai, (16-18 March, 2016)
Poster (Co-author): Development of fiber optic array biosensor for multi-analyte analysis

IEEE Workshop on Recent trends in Advanced Photonics (WRAP 2015), (16-17 Dec 2015)
Poster (First author): Optical fiber based silver enhanced sandwich immuno assay

4th International Biosensors and Technology Conferance, Lisbon, Portugal (10-13 May 2015)
Paper title (Presenter, First author): PEG protected bioactive plasmonic nanoparticles for reduction of non-specific binding in optical fiber based sandwich immunoassay

International Conference on MEMS and Sensors (ICMEMSS) (18-20 Dec 2014)
Paper title (Presenter, First author): LSPR based U-bent fiber optic biosensor using gold nanoparticle as labels

12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (13-16 Dec 2014)
Paper title (Presenter, First author): Plasmonic Sandwich Immunoassay on Fiber Optic Sensor: Sensitivity Enhancement using Refractive Index Media

International Workshop on Coatings and Surfaces for Biomedical engineering (IWCSB), (16-19 Feb 2014)
Paper title (Co-author): Surface functionalization of Plastic Optical fiber for biosensing

1st Indian National Conference on Applied Mechanics, IITM (2013)
Paper title (Presenter, First author): Fiber optic immunosensor using gold nanoparticles labels

Invited Talks

“Current status of Biosensors and Challenges”, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, India, 28 July 2016

