Particles and Waves Lab




Ramana Patibandla

Ramana graduated with a PhD in March 2024. His research specializes in the study of stratified shear flows, with a particular focus on the resonant interactions of internal wave modes and wind-generated water waves. He also investigated the flow field and drift volume of a rigid sphere settling in a low-Reynolds number, viscous, stratified medium.

Thesis title: Waves, instabilities, and particle transport in stratified flows (Submitted in November 2023)
Present affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA.


Pijush Patra

Pijush graduated with a PhD in December 2023. His research focuses on cloud microphysics, with a specific emphasis on investigating the growth of micron-sized drops in warm cumulus clouds caused by collision-coalescence.

Thesis title: The role of particle-flow interactions in cloud microphysics (Submitted in October 2023)
Awards : Institute Research Award for PhD (2023-2024)
Present affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden.


Darish Jeswin Dhas

Darish graduated with a PhD in December 2022. His primary interest lies in understanding the modulation of fluid flows by the presence of particles. During his PhD, he studied instabilities in particle-laden flows in the context of particle-laden falling films and vortices. He also studied the interfacial instability in an ice-water system. Apart from his pursuits in research, he is also an avid reader, a decent cook and an ardent foodie.

Thesis title: Waves and instabilities in particle-laden flows (Submitted in August 2022)
Present affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Udine, Italy.

M S:


Easwar M K

Easwar graduated with a MS in October 2022. His MS work involved predicting the effective properties of composites using multi-scale methods. He also studied the effect of inter particle interactions for particle based composites at near packing fractions. Apart from research, he is a football enthusiast.

Thesis title: Prediction of Effective Properties using Asymptotic Homogenization Method (Submitted in October 2022)
Main supervisor : A Arockiarajan (AM IITM)
Present affiliation: SDE at SankhyaSutra Labs


Jamal Hussain

Jamal earned his MS degree in July 2022, having focused on utilizing the lattice Boltzmann method to develop an algorithm for solving electromagnetic wave propagation in a medium. The objective was to estimate rainfall rates by calculating reflectivity from raindrops. Besides his research work, Jamal finds pleasure in traveling.

Thesis title: Rainfall estimation from electromagnetic wave scattering by raindrops (Submitted in 2022)
Co-supervisor : Sumesh Thampi (CH IITM)
Present affiliation: Engineer at Detect Technologies


Nishanth Murugan

Nishanth graduated with an MS degree in 2021. For his thesis, he worked on characterizing the hydrodynamic instabilities found in confined active suspensions. He is currently a PhD student at Cornell University, working on the rheology of dense non-Brownian suspensions. Nishanth greatly enjoys playing football and badminton in his free time.

Thesis title: Confined living fluids - The effects of active stresses, autochemotaxis and convective transport (Submitted in 2021)
Present affiliation: PhD at Cornell


Himanshu Mishra

In 2020, Himanshu completed his MS degree from the Applied Mechanics department at IIT Madras. His current focus is on various fields including particle-laden flows, air-sea interaction, and geophysical flows. During his thesis, he researched the impact of wall slip on hydrodynamic stability in two-layered inclined channel flows. Additionally, Himanshu is deeply interested in the study of cosmology and astronomy. Currently, he is a PMRF scholar at the same department, exploring the broad field of particle-laden flows and turbulence.

Thesis title: Multiple hold up solutions and linear stability analysis in a two-layered channel with a slippery walls (Submitted in August 2020)
Main supervisor : Vengadesan S (AM IITM)
Present affiliation: PhD at IIT Madras


K K Prasoon

Thesis title: Particle dynamics in natural convection boundary layer over horizontal plate. (Submitted in 2020)
Main supervisor : A P Baburaj (AM IITM)
Present affiliation: PhD at IIT Madras

M Tech/B Tech:

Yashashwi L (2023): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation: Indian Railways

Bharath V (year): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation:

Jash (year): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation:

Rakesh G (year): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation:

Abhisek Kundu (year): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation:

Yashodhan Kadam (year): Title of thesis.
Present affiliation:

Praneet Shaw (2018): Electrokinetics in non-Newtonian fluids.
Present affiliation: Analyst at Bank of America

Remil Mushthaq (2017): Stability of stratified two-layer flows down an incline: Role of wall slip.
Present affiliation: PhD student at Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Hampshire, USA.