Linking the rheology of thermal amorphous materials to molecular-scale physics
Evidence of Chaotic Mixing in the Alveolar Region of the Lung
The flow field due to a sphere moving in a viscous, density stratified fluid
Instability of a dusty shear flow
Prediction of effective thermal conductivity of a suspension of core-shell particles using asymptotic homogenization
Electromagnetic scattering by curved surfaces and calculation of radiation force: Lattice Boltzmann simulations
Dust-free region over horizontal hot surfaces
Clustering and chaotic motion of heavy inertial particles in an isolated non-axisymmetric vortex
The merger of co-rotating vortices in dusty flows
Irregular dependence on Stokes number and non-ergodic transport of heavy inertial particles in steady laminar flows
Penetrative and Marangoni convection in a fluid film over a phase boundary
Surface and internal gravity waves on a viscous liquid layer: initial-value problems
Collision efficiency of like-charged spheres settling in a quiescent environment
Orientation of finite Reynolds number anisotropic particles settling in turbulence
Wind-generated waves on a water layer of finite depth
Pair trajectories of uncharged conducting spheres in an electric field
Instability of a thin film of chemotactic active suspension
Collision efficiency of non-Brownian spheres in a simple shear flow–the role of
non-continuum hydrodynamic interactions
Instability of a dusty vortex
Brownian coagulation of like-charged aerosol particles
Wavy regime of a colloidal falling film
A multiscale approach to predict the effective conductivity of a suspension using the
asymptotic homogenization method
Stability of gravity-driven particle-laden flows - Roles of shear-induced migration and normal
Transport of condensing droplets in Taylor-Green vortex flow in the presence of thermal
Inertio-elastic instability of a vortex column
Instability of an auto-chemotactic active suspension
Linear stability of a rotating liquid column revisited
Triadic resonances in internal wave modes with background shear
Stability of two-layer flows past slippery surfaces. Part II: Inclined channels
Stability of two-layer flows past slippery surfaces. Part I: Horizontal channels
Inertial effects on the flow near a moving contact line
Collision rate of bidisperse, hydrodynamically interacting spheres settling in a turbulent
Collision rate of bidisperse spheres settling in a compressional non-continuum gas flow
A Lattice Boltzmann Method for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Medium
Azimuthal capillary waves on a hollow filament - the discrete and the continuous
Inertial torques and a symmetry breaking orientational transition in the sedimentation of
slender fibers
Optimal energy growth in a stably stratified shear flow
Analytical solutions for algebraic growth of disturbances in a stably stratified shear flow
Emergence of upstream swimming through a hydrodynamic transition
An inviscid modal interpretation of the
'lift-up' effect
Linearized oscillations of a vortex column: the singular eigenfunctions
Dynamics of vorticity defects in stratifed shear
An adaptation of Adomian decomposition for numeric-analytic integration of strongly non-
linear and chaotic oscillators
Seismic evaluation of multi-storey RC frame using modal pushover analysis
Jets formed from fluid flow through a non-circular orifice