Current students

Name Program Title Remarks
N.N. Anoop MM19S011 M.S. Simulation and validation of friction stir welding of Al-alloys
Krishna Kailas Thombare MM22S001 M.S. Simulation of die casting process
Parth Sarathi Mandal MM23M015 M.Tech Simulation of microstructure evolution in nickel-based superalloys
Vaishnavi S H MM23M028 M.Tech The role of hydrogen in steel pipes - ICME approach
Kotha Satya Tejaswi MM18D028 Ph.D. OpenFOAM modeling of continuous casting steel
Abhishek Shukla MM21D019 Ph.D. Materials Characterization Dr. E. Hemaprabha is co-guide.
Ajithkannan MMD010 Ph.D. Additive Manufacturing Prof. G.L. Samuel (ME) is co-guide
Arpita Priyadarshani MM22D004 Ph.D. Solidification of Al-alloys Prof. Ranjit Bauri is main guide
Arun C. MM23D002 Ph.D. Microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing
Mohammed Fazalullah MM24D952 Ph.D. Advanced Alloy Design using Machine Learning JDP with Deakin University, Prof. Nick Birbilis as joint-guide
Umair Hussain ME19D400 Ph.D. (PMRF) Dr. Narasimhan Swaminathan (ME) is main guide.
Arunkumar M MM21D001 Ph.D. (QIP) Dissimilar welding of materials for high temperature applications
Jibi K.K. MM21D002 Ph.D. (QIP) Joining of materials for heat transfer applications
Addepalli Veera Sreenu MM18D024 Ph.D. (ext) External registrant from RGUKT, Prof. B.S. Murty is main guide.
Govindaraj G. MM23D017 Ph.D. (ext) Defect control in casting of Ni-base superalloys