
Here is the list of students who have worked with me in the past.


Name Year Title Remarks
N. Sreedhar MT04D007 2007 Studies on improvement of corrosion and wear resistance or aluminium alloys by micro arc oxidation External registrant from DRDO, jointly with Prof. K. Prasad Rao
K.V. Sreenivas Rao MM05D014 2009 Spartial and temporal variation of metal-mold interface heat flux during gravity die casting QIP student, jointly guided by Prof. T. S. Prasanna Kumar
Biju S. Nair MM05D012 2009 Studies on gas tungsten arc and electron beam welded Al-6wt% Cu (AA2219) alloy External registrant from ISRO, jointly guided by Prof. K. Prasad Rao
K. Balachandar MM05D007 2010 Studies on GTW and EB welded metastable beta-titanium (Ti-15-3) alloy (sole guidance)
R.V.S. Prasad MM06D001 2011 Microstructure and properties of non-equilibrium solidified Ni2MnGa and similar / doped alloys (sole guidance)
H. Khalid Rafi MM08D002 2012 Friction processing of dissimilar materials Jointly guided by Prof. K. Prasad Rao
P. Gerald Tennyson MM06D012 2014 Microstructure simulation using Phase field and coupling thermodynamic data using CALPHAD approach Jointly guided by Prof. K.C. Hari Kumar
R. Kala Shirish ME09D021 2014 Distortion control during welding using a trailing cryogenic heat sink Jointly guided by Prof. N. Siva Prasad (retired from ME, IITM)
Hrusikesh Nath MM10D005 2015 Solidification of Heusler alloys (sole guidance)
M. R. Rahul MM15D012 2020 Undercooling studies and characterisation of equiatomic FecoNiCu alloy and its derivatives by integrating experimental and simulation methods (sole guidance)
B. Nithin MM15D005 2020 Thermo-mechanical processing and precipitation behavior of gamma/gamma-prime strengthened cobalt-base superalloys Jointly guided by Dr. M. Sundararaman
M. Sankar MM13D015 2020 Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Nb-Si-Hf and Nb-Si-Zr based high temperature alloys External registrant from DRDO, external guide was Dr. V.V. Satya Prasad, DMRL
Dasari Mohan MM12D017 2021 Accelerated simulation of solidification of multicomponent alloys using phase-field approach
R. Ramakrishnan MM13D013 2021 Atomic simulation studies on solidification of Ni based binary alloys External registrant from DRDO, external guide is Dr. R. Sankarasubramanian, DMRL
M. Tarun Babu MM18D017 2023 Structure property studies on cold sprayed aluminium alloy coatings External registrant from ARCI, external guide is Dr. K. Suresh, ARCI
Uday Pratap Singh MM18D032 2024 Residual Stress Evolution During Laser Additive Manufacturing of Alloy-718 Components - Computational and Experimental Approach

MS + Ph.D.

Name Year Title Remarks
Deepu Mathew John MM14D207 2021 ICME based simulation of microstructure and property evolution in DP steels
M. Agilan MM15D201 2022 Welding and weldability studies on 2195 Al-Cu-Li alloy External registrant from ISRO, external guide was Dr. D. Sivakumar, VSSC
V.S. Hariharan MM18D401 2023 Integrated Computational Materials Engineering framework for laser powder fusion of Haynes 282 co-guided by Prof. B.S. Murty

M.S. (by Research)

Name Year Title Remarks
S. Sandhya MM11S015 2014 Simulation and experimental studies on fusion weldments of rheocast aluminium alloys
M.R. Rahul MM13S003 2015 An integrated study of heat affected zone (HAZ) in Ti-15-3 alloy using physical and computer simulation
Karna Sivaji MM18S011 2021 Experiments and simulations on welding of Haynes 282 alloy using GTAW and LBW
K. Arunkumar ME18S072 2023 Study of flow and heat transfer in high pressure die casting cooling channel External regisrant from Sundaram-Clayton, guided by Prof. Shamit Bakshi, external guide is Dr. T.V.L.N. Rao
Pradeepthi Pillalamarri MM21S008 2025 Experimental and numerical analysis on friction stir welding of AA6082 Prof. Ranjit Bauri is main guide


Name Year Title Remarks
Prabhakar Choudhury MM05M008 2007 Effect of welding parameter on microstructure and mechanical property of Al-Zn-Mg alloy weldment and in-situ temperature measurement
David Vijayanand MM05M003 2007 Friction welding of aluminium alloys
Meduri Srinivas MM06M007 2008 Processing and characterization of nanocrystalline Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu alloys for ultrasoft magnetic applications Sponsored student from DMRL, Hyderabad externally guided by Dr. Bhaskar Majumdar
P. Muthu Pandi MM07M010 2009 Joining of alumina with austenitic stainless steel by active brazing
N. Sri Vishnu Rao MM08M015 2010 Microstructure evolution of heat treated semi-solid Al-Si based alloys
Sudhir Pawaskar MM09M021 2011 Studies on inert gas furnace brazing of metastable beta Ti (15-3-3-3) to 316Ti SS
V. Santhanagopalan MM10M017 2012 Joining of semi-solid processed aluminium alloy A356
Annabattula V.V. Santosh Kumar CE10M195 2012 Welding distortion analysis of high manganese steel Under user-oriented program for L&T
V.S. Sankar (Anna University) 2012 Thermal analysis of friction stir spot welding process using finite element method Jointly with Dr. Latha Nagendran, Anna University
J. Dhananjeyan CE11M170 2013 Thermal modeling of A-TIG welding and experimental validation Under user-oriented program for L&T
K. Venkata Muralidhar MM12M026 2014 Simulation of vacuum arc remelting process using SYSWELD
Mohammed Ashik V MM13M015 2015 Repair welding of Ni-based superalloys Jointly with Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan, GE, Bangalore
Durgesh Kumar MM15M009 2017 Thermodynamics and kinetics calculation for multicomponent alloy design and development towards an ICME approach
Aravind Babu MM15M020 2017 Finite element simulation of heat treatment and residual stress analysis of multiphase steels towards ICME approach
Vemireddy Gayatri MM16M008 2018 ICME approach to predict cracking behavior in additive manufacturing
Shah Naishalkumar Sanjay MM17M017 2019 Design and development of eutectic high entropy alloy - an experimental and simulation approach
D. Dinesh MM17M002 2019 Studies on precipitate evolution in power plant steel welds using an ICME platform Sponsored student from TCS
S.P. Senthil ME17M523 2020 Semi solid processing in HPDC process to produce high integrity castings Industrial M.Tech project at Sundaram Clayton, external-guide is Dr.T.V.L.N. Rao
Nikhil Mula MM17M018 2021 Computational and experimental studies on welding of IN740 alloy
N. Pavithra MM19M021 2021 Computational and experimental studies on additive manufacturing of IN718 components
Paturi Sai Teja MM21M017 2023 Simulation of microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing
Nalin Rakesh Singh MM21M013 2023 Simulation and analysis of Welding
Shankar K. MM22M019 2024 Simulation of laser hybrid welding of aluminium alloys using siemens suite of tools
Lakshmanan Rama MM23D014 2024 Alloy Development for Light Weighting of Automotive Components

Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)

Name Year Title Remarks
Amresh Kumar Gupta MT01B030 2006 Microstructural evolution during remelting of LSA hypermonotectic Al+10wt%Bi + 10wt% Cu alloy
Abhik N. Choudhury MT03B035 2008 Phase field modeling of eutectic solidification
Ramesh Gokul MM04B038 2009 Friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminium alloys
Mathew Joseph MM05B031 2010 Solidification of undercooled Heusler alloys
Ahmad Omar MM06B032 2011 Studies on non-equilibrium solidified Co-Fe-Sn system
Sanket Navale MM07B030 2012 Phase field simulation of snow metamorphism
Suryanaman Chaube MM08B024 2013 Theoretical studies on modelling microstructural evolution using diffuse interface methods
Allu Naga Lakshmi Siva Sai MM09B002 2014 Phase field simulation of polycrystalline solidification
Manish Kumar Gupta MM10B024 2015 Phase-field simulation of additive manufacturing
Ramani Agharkar MM11B036 2016 Computational Studies in Manufacturing
Abhishek Shandilya MM12B037 2017 Phase field modelling of mushy zone flow using lattice Boltzmann method
Gautham Muthusamy MM13B040 2018 Phase field model of microstucture evolution
Vishal Subramanian MM14B048 2019 Multiscale modelling of additive manufacturing
Satyamshrestha Khushwaha MM16B108 2021 Phasefield simulations using OpenFOAM

Inter-disciplinary Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)

Name Program Year Title Remarks
H. Vishal MM16B023 B.Tech in MME + M.Tech in Data Sciences 2021 Physics based ML framework for simulating microstructure evolution Co-guided by Dr. Balaraman Ravindran, RBCDSAI
Varun Srinivas MM17B036 IDDD B.Tech (MME) + M.Tech (Computational Engg) 2022 Physics based ML framework for accelerating microstructure evolution
Chirantandip Mahanta MM19B029 IDDD B.Tech (MME) + M.Tech (Computational Engg) 2024 Accelerated Phase Field Simulation of Microstructure Evolution


Name Year Title Remarks
Srikanth Sundararajan MT03B029 2007 Phase-field computation for faceted growth for anisotropy of kinetic coefficient
Anita Tammineni MM04B003 2008 Friction welding of copper and stainless steel 304
Apoorva MM04B006 2008 Non-equilibrium solidification of Ni50Mn37Sn13 alloy
Sunil Kumar MM05B023 2009 Non-equilibrium solidification of Ni50Mn37Sn13 alloy
B.G. Chirranjeevi MM05B003 2009 Phase field modeling of anisotropic solidification microstructures
Aravind Krishnamurty MM06B004 2010 Phase field simulation of microstructure evolution
Priyank V. Kumar MM06B015 2010 Modeling electron beam welding process
A. Ravi Kant MM06B020 2010 Friction processing of Magnesium and Aluminium alloys
Reshma Saira Mathew MM07B016 2011 Studies on Non-equilibrium solidified Ni-Si eutectic alloy
R. Sivaraman MM07B018 2011 Phase field simulation of microstructure evolution
Gunda Naga Sri Harsha MM08B009 2012 Studies on Non-equilibrium solidified Ni-Si eutectic alloy
Shivram Kashyap MM08B019 2012 Phase field modelling of dendritic solidification in 2D and 3D
Arun B. MM10B007 2014 Phase field simulation of microstructure evolution
Harish Donthula MM10B017 2014 Vacuum brazing of high temperature alloys to composites
Vishal Subbiah MM12B035 2016 Phase-field modelling of three-phase electrode microstructures in solid oxide fuel cells
Varanasi Akshay Kumar MM13B034 2017 Simulation of vacuum arc remelting using OpenFOAM
Kuzhikkat Aiswarya Menon MM13B021 2017 Simulation of microstructural evolution using MICRESS
Aslamah Rahman MM14B007 2018 Simulation Of Flow Interaction With Morphological Evolution - An Electrospraying Aspect
Akash Ramdas MM15B020 2019 Modelling solidification at different length scales to use in additive manufacturing models
R. Balavignesh MM15B021 2019 Modelling of vacuum arc remelting using openfoam
Anirrudh Ramesh MM16B014 2020 Predicting process parameter correlations using machine learning and its multi-objective optimization in additively manufactured components
Madhurima Mahajan MM16B030 2020 Alloy development through artificial intelligence (ADAI) - development of tool steel
Arsh Bawa MM17B001 2021 Evaluating microstructure dependent properties
Tapish Devendra Garg MM17B034 2021 Knowledge representation in materials domain
Varun Srinivas MM17B036 2021 Physics based ML framework for simulating microstructure evolution
Sayali Atul Shilaskar MM18B005 2022 ML models for defect criteria relevant to AM
Shreya Smitha MM19B054 2023 Knowledge representation in materials domain using ontologies
Aditi B MM19B022 2023 Use of graph neural networks for microstructure evolution
Pinjala Hardhik sivanagalingeswara Rao MM19B043 2023 Simulations using OpenFOAM + PetSc

Project Staff