RollNo: MM10D005
Thesis Topic: Rapid solidification of Ni-based Heusler Alloys
Microstructural, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Ni2FeGa Heusler Alloys
Hrusikesh Nath and G. Phanikumar
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, online (2015) DOI
Martensite transformation and magnetic properties of Ni-Fe-Ga Heusler alloys
Hrusikesh Nath and G. Phanikumar
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2015) DOI
Premartensite transition in Ni2FeGa Heusler alloy
Hrusikesh Nath and G. Phanikumar
Materials Characterization, pp. 24-28, vol. 102 (2015) DOI
Microstructure and Phase Evolution of Ni2FeGa Heusler Alloy Extended to Different Degrees of Undercooling
Hrusikesh Nath and Gandham Phanikumar,
Materials Science Forum, 790-791, 199 (2014) DOI