Welcome to Research Group for Process Metallurgy of Iron and Steel Making
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1.      Ph.D. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India. (http://www.iitk.ac.in/mse/ ) : 2011

          Thesis topic: Dissolution of Steel Scrap in Molten Metal During Steelmaking Link to the thesis

2.       B.Tech. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India. (http://www.iitk.ac.in/mse ) : 1995

Professional Experience:

  1. Visiting Professor, Iron and Steel Institute, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany (http://www.stahltechnologie.de/) : January 2017
  2. Visiting Professor, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Under DAAD Exchange of Bilateral Exchange) (http://www.iehk.rwth-aachen.de/) : July 2015
  3. Visiting Researcher, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Under DAAD Fellowship) (http://www.iehk.rwth-aachen.de/) : Febuary 2014
  4. Scientist Fellow, Metal Extraction and Forming Group, National Metallurgical Laboraotory, Jamshedpur, India. (http://www.nmlindia.org/) : Jan-July 2012
  5. DST-DAAD fellow : July 2009 - July 2011. Partner Institute: Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, Technical University Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany  (http://www.stahltechnologie.de/).
  6. Deputy Manager, Steel Melting Shop, Durgapur Steel Plant, Steel Authority of India Limited, India. (http://www.sail.co.in/): May 1995 - Dec 2003




Durgapur Steel Plant-Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Shop----Where I worked for 9 years. Click on Photograph below:

 Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Shop, Durgapur Steel Plant, Click the Photo