Welcome to Research Group for Process Metallurgy of Iron and Steel Making (Center for Pyrometallurgy)
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                        Center for Pyrometallurgy" is established under the "Institute of Eminence" scheme of IIT Madras. The Center is proposed to have a consortium of industry partners and R&D institutions of repute who are involved in the Ferrous/Non-Ferrous pyrometallurgy-based research and process development activities to produce metals in a sustainable manner. Potential Industry/R&D Partners are welcome to collaborate.                             


News and Updates of Research Group                 


1.We are looking for  the CXO(CTO/COO) for a proposed company at IIT Madras Research Park. For More details- Click here

 Center for Pyrometallurgy                           

Green Steel Alliance                                                                              " Center for Pyrometallurgy" is established under the "Institute of Eminence" scheme of IIT Madras. The Center is proposed to have a consortium of industry partners and R&D institutions of repute who are involved in the Ferrous/Non-Ferrous pyrometallurgy-based research and process development activities to produce metals in a sustainable manner. Potential Industry/R&D Partners are welcome to collaborate.                           

Process Metallurgy Lab of Iron and Steelmaking     


 Center for Pyrometallurgy-YouTube Channel      

Details of Mandate and Lab Facilities in Center for Pyrometallurgy 

                         " A new Postgraduate course on "Hydrogen Assisted Green Steelmaking is designed and floated. The course will focus on the development of technolgies and process routes of iron and steelmaking involving hydrogen-based reduction and smelting processes where hydrogen would be generated using renewable energy sources.                           

                         " An innovative project on "Green Steemaking by Hydrogen Assisted Reduction of Iron Ores" is approved by DST-SERB.                           

Dr. Ajay Kumar Shukla
Associate Professor,

Head, Center for Pyrometallurgy

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Madras
Chennai 600036, INDIA
Phone: +91 44 2257 4762 (Office), +91 44 2257 6762 (Res.), +91 44 2257 5800 (Lab)
Email: shukla@iitm.ac.in

Office: NAC1 : 146, First floor

Lab : NAC1 : 107, First floor

Detailed CV                    ORCID_ID

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Research Openings for new Students

Prime Minister Fellowship option available: Deadline March 31st: Visit https://pmrf.in/

JDP (Joint Doctoral Projects) are available with Swinburn University of Science and Technology. For more details click the link

Center for Pyrometallurgy             

 GIAN courses conducted successfully in Pyrometallurgy of Ferrous/Non-Ferrous Extraction

Challenges faced by ferrous metallurgy at academic front in India 

Sustainable Steel Production : Challanges and Opportunities