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Welcome to Research Group for Process Metallurgy of Iron and Steel Making |
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Recent Publications:
1. Abdelazim Abdalla, Soumya Ranjan Mohanty, Sunil Yadav, Ajay Kumar Shukla and Amit Bhalla , "Assessment of Zero Waste Approach by Enhancing Chromium-to-Iron Ratio in Chromite Ore Through Magnetizing Roasting: A Novel Comparative Sustainable Study of Conventional and Hybrid Microwave Heating Methods", Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2024 (Accepted).
2. Soumya Ranjan Mohanty and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "A kinetic comparison between in situ hybrid microwave and conventional magnetizing roasting of low-grade iron ore composite pellet", Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 2024 Link to the journal website
3. Sunil Yadav, C. Srishilan and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Static Thermochemical Model of MIDREX: GA Validation and Green Ironmaking with Hydrogen and COG Injection", Steel Research International, 2024 (Accepted). Link to the journal website
4. Sunil Yadav, C. Srishilan and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Thermodynamic Model of MIDREX Ironmaking Process using FactSageTM and Macro Facility",Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2023. Link to the journal website
5. Prasenjit Singha and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Dynamic Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Process and Its Industry Validation", JOM 2023. Link to the journal website
6. Soumya Ranjan Mohanty, Sunil Yadav and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "A techno-economic approach for magnetising roasting of iron ore composite pellet using conventional and hybrid microwave furnace", Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2023, vol. 191, 109444. Link to the journal website
7. Gert Bartzsch, Rennie Christian, Soumya Ranjan Mohanty, Ajay Kumar Shukla and Olena Volkova, "Effect of Al2O3and TiO2on Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Density of Blast Furnace Slag with CaO/SiO2=1.13", Steel Research International, 2023. Link to the journal website
8. Prasenjit Singha, Sunil Yadav, Soumya Ranjan Mohanty, Abhishek Tiwari and Ajay Kumar Shukla, “Simulation Study of Microwave Heating of Hematite and Coal Mixture”, Numerical Simulation – Advanced Techniques for Science and Engineering, 2022. Link to the paper
9. Prasenjit Singha and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Contribution of Hot-Spot Zone in Decarburization of BOF Steel-Making: Fundamental Analysis Based upon the FactSage-Macro Program", Metals, 2022, vol. 12(4),p. 638. Link to the journal website
10. Oleksandr Kovtun,Meirzhan Karbayev,Iurii Korobeinikov,C Srishilan,Ajay Kumar Shukla and Olena Volkova, "Phosphorus Partition Between Liquid Crude Steel and High Basicity Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags", Steel Research International, 2021. Link to the journal website
11. Oleksandr Kovtun,Iurii Korobeinikov,Srishilan C Ajay Kumar Shukla and Olena Volkova, "Viscosity of BOF Slag", Metals, 2020, vol. 10(7),p. 982. Link to the journal website
12. C Srishilan, Anand Vivek, Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Operating Line Prediction of COREX Iron-making Process Using RIST Diagram", ISIJ International, 2020, vol. 60(4),p. 656-661. Link to the journal website
13. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Brahma Deo and D.G.C. Robertson, "Modeling of scrap dissolution in molten iron for the case of heat transfer controlled process by different approaches and comparison of their accuracies", Journal of Heat Transfer-ASME, 2019 (in press) Link to the journal website
14. C. Srishilan and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Thermodynamic model of COREX melter gasifier using FactSageTM and macro facility", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019, vol. 50(1), p. 312-323 . Link to the Journal website
15. Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Themodynamics based modeling of iron and steelmaking processes using flow-sheet based approach employing METSIM", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2019, vol. 72 (3), p. 767-775. Link to the Journal website
16. Yuvaraj Ganpati Patil and Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Numerical simulation of effect of process parameters on cooling rate and SDAS in high speed twin roll strip casting of Al-15wt%Cu alloy", Journal of Heat Transfer-ASME, 2019 (in press) Link to the journal website
17. Kali Prasad, C. Srishilan, Ajay Kumar Shukla and Marutiram Kaza, " Thermodynamic assessment and experimental validation of clinker formation from blast furnace slag through lime addition", Ceramic International, 2018, vol.44(16), p. 19434-19441. Link on the Journal website
18. C. Srishilan, Ajay Kumar Shukla, "Static thermochemical model of COREX melter gasifier", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, vol. 49(1), p. 388-398. Link on the Journal website
19. Deepjyoti Mukherjee, Ajay K. Shukla, Dieter G. Senk, "Prediction of decarburization process along with hydrogen and nitrogen removal by mathematical modeling of RH degassing process", Ironmaking and Steelmaking: Processes, Products and Applications, 2018, vol. 45(5), p. 412-419. Link on the Journal website
20. Deepjyoti Mukherjee, Ajay K. Shukla, Dieter G. Senk, "Cold Model based investigations to study the effects of operational and non-operational parameters on RH degassing process", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2017, vol 48(2), p. 763-771.Link on the Journal website
21. Ravindra Dhirhi, Kali Prasad, Ajay Kumar Shukla, Sabita Sarkar, T Renganathan, S. Pushpavanam, Marutiram Kaza, "Experimental Study of Rotating Dry Slag Granulation Unit: Operating Regimes,Particle Size Analysis and Scale Up", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, vol. 107, p. 898-106. Link on the Journal website
22. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Brahma Deo and D.G.C. Robertson, "Scrap dissolution in molten iron containing carbon for the case of coupled heat and mass transfer control", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2013, vol. 44(6), p. 1407-1427. Link on the Journal website
23. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Brahma Deo and D.G.C. Robertson, "Role of air gap in scrap dissolution process", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2013, vol. 44(6), p. 1398-1406. Link to the Journal website
24. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Dmitry Reybov, Olena Volkova, P.R.Scheller and Brahma Deo, “Cold model investigations of melting of ice in a gas stirred ladle”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2011, vol. 42(1), p. 224-235. Link to the Journal website
25. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Brahma Deo, Stuart Millman, Bert Snoeijer, Aart Overbosch and Abha Kapilashrami, “An insight into the mechanism and kinetics of reactions in BOF Steelmaking process: Theory vs. practice”, Steel Research International, 2010, vol. 81(11), p. 940-948. Link to the Journal website
26. A.Mondal, A.K.Shukla, A. Upadhyaya and D.Agrawal, “Effect of porosity and particle size on microwave heating of copper”, Science of Sintering, 2010, vol. 42(2), p. 169-182.
27. A .K. Shukla, A.Mondal,A. Upadhyaya, “Numerical modeling of microwave heating”, Science of Sintering, 2010, vol. 42(1), p. 99-124.
28. A. K. Shukla, B. Deo and K. Deb, “Steel production at optimal cost”, Directions (The Magazine of IIT Kanpur, listed in Springer), 2006, vol. 7(2), p. 27-34. Link to the paper
Conference Presentations:
1. "Slag Chemistry on the Moon "S.P. Singh, G.A. Brooks, M.G. Shaw, B. Eisenbart, A. Duffy, M.A. Rhamdhani and A.K. Shukla", presented in 12th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts (MOLTEN2024) at Brisbane, Australia. LINK
1. “Extraction of Critical Minerals: General Overview” presented in Indo-Australia Joint Workshop on Critical Minerals Research for Sustainable Transition to Green Energy during 3-4 March 2023 at Department of Earth Sciences, IIT Bombay.
2. “Decarbonization potential in Steel Industry: A way forward to Green Steelmaking” presented in One-day National Conference on “Recent Advancements in Iron & Steel industries and Emerging areas” RAISE-2023, on February 24, 2023 at CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar.
3. “Decarbonization potential in Steel Industry” presented in EnVision 2022 conference at IIT Madras on November 4th, 2022.
4. “Coupled thermodynamics and kinetics based modeling of high temperature metallurgical reactors”, presented in International Conference on Enhanced use of Thermodynamic Data in Pyrometallurgy Teaching and Research”, organized by the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) under THANOS (Thermodynamics from nanoscale to operational scale) project, during 28-29 September 2022 at Mintek, Johannesburg, South Africa.
5. “Overview of thermodynamics concepts in production of some ferroalloys (ferrochrome,ferromanganese,ferrotitanium and ferrovanadium)” presented in International Conference on Enhanced use of Thermodynamic Data in Pyrometallurgy Teaching and Research”, organized by the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) under THANOS (Thermodynamics from nanoscale to operational scale) project. during 28-29 September 2022 at Mintek, Johannesburg, South Africa.
6. ”Refining Phenomena of Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Process”, presented in 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, during October 03-07, 2022, Rome, Italy.
7. “Optimization of Hybrid Microwave Reduction Roasting of Low Grade Iron Ore Using Cow Dung”, presented in 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, during October 03-07, 2022, Rome, Italy.
8. “Ladle Steelmaking Processes Using FactSage and Its Macro Facility”, presented in AISTech (American Iron and Steel Technology) 2019 conference at Pittsuburgh, USA during 16-18 May 2022.
9. “Multiple-Reactor Approach Dynamic Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Process”, presented in AISTech (American Iron and Steel Technology) 2019 conference at Pittsuburgh, USA during 16-18 May 2022.
10. “Numerical study of heat transfer for microwave-assisted reduction of hematite”, presented in AISTech (American Iron and Steel Technology) 2021 conference at Pittsuburgh, USA during July 01, 2021.
11. “Static and Dynamic Control Model of BOF Steelmaking Process and Its Validation With Steel Plant Data”, presented in AISTech (American Iron and Steel Technology) 2019 conference at Pittsuburgh, USA during 6-9 May 2019. Link
12. “Use of biomass as a partial replacement of fossil fuel in ironmaking process with reduction in CO2 emissions” presented in DST-Sensitization workshop at VNIT Nagpur during 11-12 March 2019.
13. “Modified Rist Operating Diagram of COREX Melter Gasifier”, presented in ASIC (Asia Steel International Conference) 2018 conference at Bhubaneswar during 6-9 February 2018.
14. “Thermodynamic modeling of COREX melter gasifier using FactSage”, presented in STIS (Science and Technology of Iron and Steelmaking) 2017 conference at IIT Kanpur during 11-13 December 2017. Link
15. "Recent Developments in Optimization and Control in BOF Steelmaking”, presented in National Seminar on “Make In Steel for Make In India - Perspectives for Iron and Steel Industry 2017 conference at CGCRI Kolkata during 27-28 April 2017.
16. “Application of computing approach to model steelmaking processes employing FactSage/METSIM”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2016, IIT Kanpur, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
17. “Mathematical and Physical Modeling of RH Degassing Process”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2016, IIT Kanpur, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
18. “Mathematical Model Based Approach to Optimize and Control Iron and Steelmaking Processes”, keynote address delivered at High Temperature Processing Symposium, 2016, Swinburn University, Australia.
19. “Static thermochemical model of COREX process”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
20. “Physical modeling based analysis of dry slag granulation process”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
21. “Thermodynamic modeling of ferrous/non ferrous extraction processes involving flowsheet based approach using FactSage/METSIM”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
22. “Numerical investigation of high speed Vertical Twin Roll Casting process for Al 15%Cu binary alloy”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
23. "Expert model of BOF Steelmaking process and its industrial validation”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
24. “Development of dynamic control model of RH degassing process and its industrial validation”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
25. “Control of hot metal treatment by fundamental as well as Data based modeling approach using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2015, Coimbatore, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
32. “Application of Gibbs energy minimization technique to oxygen steelmaking process”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2012, Jamshedpur, organized by Indian Institute of Metals. Link
33. "Models for oxygen steelmaking process: theoretical analysis versus practical trends", presented in International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2012, Dresden, Germany. Link
34. “Contribution of metal droplets in oxygen steelmaking process: Theoretical analysis vs practical investigations” presented in National Metallurgist day’2011, Hyderabad, organised by Indian Institute of Metals.
35. “On-Time thermal tracking of liquid metal temperature in an integrated steel melt shop”, presented in National Metallurgist day’2011, Hyderabad, organised by Indian Institute of Metals.
36. “An insight into the mechanism and kinetics of reactions in BOF steelmaking process: Theory vs. practice”, presented in International Conference on the Advances in Theory of Ironmaking and Steelmaking, ATIS 2009, organized by Indian Institute of Science.
37. “Application of Neural Networks for the prediction of steel temperature in ladle”, presented in National Metallurgist day’ 2009, Kolkata, organized by Indian Institute of Metals.
38. "Production of low phosphorous steels and ensuring direct tap practices for the BOF steelmaking process", presented in International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2008, organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Link
39. “Production of low phosphorous steel in Basic Oxygen Steelmaking process”, presented in National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars (MR08), 2008, organised by Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Bombay. Link
40. "Mathematical modeling of phosphorous prediction in BOF Steelmaking process : A Fundamental Approach to Produce Low Phosphorous Steels and Ensure Direct Tap Practices", presented in International Conference on Metal and Alloys METALLO'07, organized by IIT Kanpur, India. Link
41. “Coupled heat and mass transfer approach to simulate the scrap dissolution in steelmaking process” , presented in International Symposium for Research Scholars 2006 on Metallurgy, Materials Science & Engineering , organized by IIT Chennai , India. Link
42. “Theoretical and practical aspects of lance skulling and slag foaming in BOF vessels”, presented in AISTech ‘2007. Link
43. “Theoretical Aspects of Scrap Dissolution in Oxygen Steelmaking Converters”, presented in AISTech 2004 Conference. Link
44. “Efficacy of advanced variable selection and regression techniques for analysis of BOF data.”, presented in National Metallurgist day’2004, organised by Indian Institute of Metals.
45. “End Point Control in BOF Steelmaking at Durgapur Steel Plant", presented in National Metallurgist Day’2003,Kolkata,organised by Indian Institute of Metals. Link
46. “Stabilisation of Six Hole Lance in BOF Shop at Durgapur Steel Plant ”, presented in National Metallurgist day’2002,Baroda,organised by Indian Institute of Metals.