Electronic Materials and    
Thin Films Lab
Manasa Adavalli
MS Research scholar

Joined 2018 

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 

Co-guide: Dr. Lakshman Neelakantan

Research Area

Nanomaterials for Energy devices

I am working on template assisted synthesis of nanostructured materials. These materials when extracted from the templates can be further used for specific applications like transparent conducting electrodes used in energy devices. The aim is to synthesize an ink to bring about excellent conductivity and transparency useful in photovoltaic applications

E-mail : manasa.adavalli[at]gmail.com 


B. Tech 

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2014-2018) 
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 


Reading, Dancing(Bharatanatyam), Cooking :)