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Welcome to Computational Flow Turbulence and Combustion Lab

Professional activities

Lead Editor, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 2022 - present.

Technical and Program Committee member, IHMTC 2021 (26th National and 4th International Heat and Mass Transfer Conference), IIT Madras, Chennai, 2021.

Technical Committee member, HiPC CFD workshop (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing), 2016 - 18.

Member of European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC) Special Interest Group (SIG45).

Member of Indian Society of Applied Mechanics (ISAM) and National Center for Combustion Research and Development (NCCRD).

Reviewer for the journals: J. Fluid Mech., Physics of FluidsComputers & Fluids, PSEP, J. Wind Eng. & Ind. Aero., and J. Fluids Struct.

Reviewer for Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) and SERB project proposals.

Co-organizer of a Mini-Symposium on Fluid Dynamics at IIT Madras (27-02-2020).

Senior software developer of FLACS commercial CFD software (2011 - 16).

Project manager of European Commission (EC) 7th Framework Programme (FP7) funded CO2PipeHaz (CO2 Pipeline Hazards) project (2011 - 13).

Project member of International Energy Agency (IEA) and EC's HySafe project (2011 - 13).

Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) from Scrum Alliance.

Industry promoter and recruiter at IAESTEs Naeringslivsdager (career fair) at NTNU, Trondheim (2014 - 15).

Research interests

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), direct numerical simulation (DNS), turbulence modeling (URANS, LES/DES), Lagrangian particle tracking, high-performance computing (HPC).

Turbulence, transition, bluff-body flows, multi-phase flows, premixed combustion, fire & explosion safety.

Immersed boundary method and porosity/distributed resistance (PDR) modeling.