International Journals
52) K. Jagadeesan, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, L. R. M. Maas, H. I. Andersson, "Roughness-induced travelling waves in rotating turbulent channel flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (under consideration).
51) H. Varma, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, A. P. Kesarkar, "Turbulence interactions in a channel flow with spanwise roughness transitions", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, (under revision).
50) H. P. Mahamure, D. I. Poojary, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, L. Zhao, "An Eulerian-Lagrangian parallel algorithm for simulation of particle-laden turbulent flows", Acta Mechanica Sinica, (under review).
49) N. Krishnan, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, M. V. Panchagnula, "Laminar separation bubble in a spinning ball aerodynamics", Physics of Fluids, (under review).
14) R. M. Woolley, M. Fairweather, C. J. Wareing, C. Proust, J. Hebrard, D. Jamois, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, I. E. Storvik, T. Skjold, S. A. E. G. Falle, S. Brown, H. Mahgerefteh, S. Martynov, S. E. Gant, D. M. Tsangaris, I. G. Economou, G. C. Boulougouris, N. Diamantonis, "An integrated, multi-scale modelling approach for the simulation of multiphase dispersion from accidental CO2 pipeline releases in realistic terrain", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 27, 221-238, 2014.
P. Jadhav, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of the shear-layer in the wake of a normal flat plate", (manuscript in preparation).
C. Manoj Kumar, A. Singh, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Influence of staggered perforations on the wake dynamics of a normal flat plate", (manuscript in preparation).
S. K. Javanappa, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Turbulence statistics of planar rough Couette flows", (manuscript in preparation).
A. Pandey, A. Kumar, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, S. Sahu, "Detached eddy simulations of two-phase coaxial liquid jet flows", (manuscript in preparation).
S. Mahesh, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, T. Skjold, "Large eddy simulations of methane-air deflagration in a semi-confined chamber: influence of obstacle pattern", (manuscript in preparation).
Conference Proceedings
28) A. Pophale, A. Zambare, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Effect of initial turbulence on deflagration simulations using PDRFoam", International Conference on
IC Engine, Propulsion, and Combustion (ICICEPC), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, India, 2025.
27) C. Manoj Kumar, A. Singh, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Effect of staggered perforations on flow past a normal plate", Proc. 6th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, India, 2025.
22) V. Meysiva, M. Dhiman, P. Sathiah, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Flame acceleration simulations in gas explosions based on porosity/distributed resistance modelling", Proc. 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC), Chennai, India, Begell House Inc., 2271-2276, 2022.
15) F. H. Dadmarzi, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, B. Pettersen, "Influence of computational domain size in simulating wake behind cross-shaped plate", 9th National Conference on Computational Mechanics (MekIT'17), Trondheim, Norway, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 111-119, 2017.
14) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, L. Mauri, S. Lakshmipathy, T. Skjold, S. Chen, Y. C. Zhang, "Large-scale release and dispersion of CO2: experiments and simulation", AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, AIChE, No. 756b, 2015.
13) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. Hisken, G. Atanga, T. Skjold, "Porosity/distributed resistance modeling for industrial CFD applications", 8th National Conference on Computational Mechanics (MekIT'15), Trondheim, Norway, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 321-331, 2015.
12) R. M. Woolley, M. Fairweather, C. J. Wareing, S. A. E. G. Falle, H. Mahgerefteh, S. Martynov, S. Brown, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, I. E. Storvik, L. Saelen, T. Skjold, I. G. Economou, D. M. Tsangaris, G. C. Boulougouris, N. Diamantonis, L. Cusco, M. Wardman, S. E. Gant, J. Wilday, Y. C. Zhang, S. Chen, C. Proust, J. Hebrard, D. Jamois, "CO2PipeHaz: quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines", Energy Procedia, Vol. 63, 2510-2529, 2014.
11) F. H. Dadmarzi, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, B. Pettersen, "The wake behind two intersecting flat plates", Proc. ASME 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Chicago, USA, ASME Proceedings, No. FEDSM2014-21208, 2014.
10) T. Skjold, H. H. Pedersen, L. Bernard, M. Ichard, P. Middha, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, T. Landvik, T. Lea, L. Pesch, "A matter of life and death: validating, qualifying and documenting models for simulating flow-related accident scenarios in the process industry", Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 31, 187-192, 2013.
9) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, T. Skjold, "Analysis of DNS and RANS data in a turbulent channel flow with surface mounted ribs", Proc. 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Italy, Begell House Inc., p. 337, 2012.
8) F. H. Dadmarzi, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, B. Pettersen,"Direct numerical simulation of turbulent wake behind two intersecting plates", Proc. 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Italy, Begell House Inc., p. 175, 2012.
7) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, "DNS of turbulent flow in a rotating rough channel", Proc. 8th Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation workshop (DLES8), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, ERCOFTAC series, Springer, Vol. 15, 413-418, 2011.
6) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, B. Pettersen, "Aspects of a turbulent-nonturbulent interface", Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., IOPScience, Vol. 318, 022017, 2011.
5) D. Yang, B. Pettersen, H. I. Andersson, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, "Three-dimensional transition characteristics in the wake of an inclined flat plate", Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., IOPScience, Vol. 318, 032044, 2011.
4) F. H. Dadmarzi, V. D. Narasimhamurthy, B. Pettersen, H. I. Andersson, "The turbulent wake behind side-by-side plates", Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., IOPScience, Vol. 318, 062010, 2011.
3) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, "Roughness effects in a rotating turbulent channel", Advances in Turbulence XII, Proc. 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference (ETC12), Marburg, Germany, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 132, 665-668, 2009.
1) V. D. Narasimhamurthy, H. I. Andersson, B. Pettersen, "Direct Numerical Simulation of vortex shedding behind a linearly tapered circular cylinder", Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, Corfu, Greece, IUTAM Bookseries, Springer, Vol. 14, 201-211, 2009.