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The Journal and Conference Publication

  • Journal Publication(Before IITM)
  • Journal Publication
  • Conference Publication(Before IITM)
  • Conference Publication

Journal Publication(Before IITM)

29. B. Praveen, R. Vijayakumar, S.N. Singh, V. Seshadri, 2022, Flow characteristics on helodeck of a generic frigate ship model through experiment and CFD, Ocean Engineering, Vol 250, doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng..

28. K Vignesh Kumar , Sheikh Nasiruddin , Shrish Shukla , S N Singh , Sawan Suman Sinha and R Vijayakumar. Pressure and velocity measurements of Air flow Past a Proposed Generic Aircraft Carrier(GAC) geometry. Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Part M: Journal of Engineering for Maritime Environment) https://doi.org/10.1177/14750902211048958

27. Rayaprolu, V. S. S., & Vijayakumar, R. (2021). Sensitivity Analysis of the Turning Motion of an Underwater Glider on the Viscous Hydrodynamic Coefficients. Defense Science Journal, 71(5), 709-717.https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.71.16905

26. MP Mathew, SN Singh, SS Sinha and Vijayakumar R Modeling of Air flow over a Generic Aircraft Carrier with and without Island structure Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part B Trans Rina Vol 164 Part A3, 2021.

25. Kumar A, Subramanian A, Vijayakumar R Numerical fluid structure interaction analysis for a flexible marine propeller using co simulation method Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part B Trans Rina Vol 163 Part A2, 2021 pp 81-89.

24 Sudhir Sindagi , R Vijayakumar Brijendrakumar saxena Experimental Investigation on Ship’s model in carrying out energy economics of BDR/ALS Methodology. Ships and Offshore Structures DOI: 10.1080/17445302.2021.1926147

23 Shrish Shukla, SN Singh, Sawan S Sinha R Vijayakumar “Comparative Assessment of URANS, SAS and DES Turbulence Modeling in the Predictions of Massively Separated Ship Airwake Characteristics” Ocean Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108954.

22 Sudhir Sindagi , R Vijayakumar Brijendrakumar saxena “Experimental parametric investigation to reduce drag of a scaled model of bulk carrier using BDR/ALS technique”, Journal of Ship Research (JSR), Vol 00 No. 0 Month 2020 pp 1-9 https://doi.org/10.5957/JOSR.02190009.

21 Sudhir Sindagi , R Vijayakumar Succinct review of mbdr/bdr technique in reducing drag of ship Ships and Offshore Structures https://doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2020.1790296.

20. Shukla, S., Singh, S., N., Suman, S., and Vijayakumar, R., An Investigation of ship airwakes by Scale Adaptive Simulation, The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol 14 No 2 June 2020 pp 471-475 DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.02.27.

19. Hemanth Kumar , R Vijayakumar “Effect of Flap angle on Transom stern flow of a High-speed displacement Surface combatant” Ocean Systems Engineering Vol 10. No. 1(2020) pp 1-23 DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/ose.2020.10.1.001

18 R V Shashank S and R Vijayakumar A Numerical Study of the effect of position of wings on Autonomous Underwater Glider Defence Science Journal, Vol.70, No. 2, March 2020, pp. 214-220, DOI : 10.14429/dsj.70.14742

17. Raajiv Menon R , Vijayakumar R, Jitendra K Pandey “Selection of optimal Air Independent Propulsion system using Forced Decision Matrix”,Defence Science Journal, Vol. 70, No. 1, January 2020, pp. 103-109, DOI : 10.14429/dsj.70.13678.

16. Hemanth Kumar , R Vijayakumar “Development of an Energy efficient Stern Flap for improved Warship EEDI of a Typical High-speed displacement Surface Combatant”, Defence science Journal Vol 70 , No1, Jan 2020 pp 95-102 DOI : 10.14429/dsj.70.14669

15. R V Shashank S and R Vijayakumar Maneuverability and Dynamics of Auotonomous Underwater Gliders: Study and Review of the Spiral path Manoeuvre. IJSCT224 Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part B Trans Rina, vol 161, Part B2 Intl J Small Crafts Tech Jul-Dec 2019 pp B1-B17 DOI No :10.3940/rina.ijsct.2019.b2.225 SCI

14. Raajiv Menon R , Vijayakumar R, Jitendra K Pandey “Realisation of Optimal Parameters of PEM Fuel Cell Using Sinmple Genetic Algorithm(SGA) and Simulink Modeling. International Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology (IJEAT)Volume 8 Issue 6 August 2019 pp 1542-1548 DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8157.088619

13. Shukla, S., Singh, S., N., Suman, S. and Vijayakumar, R., A Conceptual Method to Assess Ship-Helicopter Dynamic Interface, Journal of Aerospace Engineering (IMechE – Part G), pp 1092-1116. DOI: 10.1177/0123456789123456

12. Praveen B, Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V “Flow field on Helodeck of a Frigate: A Review” International Journal of Maritime Engineers, Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Vol 161, Part A4,Oct-Dec 2019 pp401-418 (DOI No: 10.3940/rina.ijme.2019.a4.550).

11. Sudhir Sindagi , R Vijayakumar Brijendrakumar saxena “Parametric CFD investigation of ALS Technique on reduction in Drag of Bulk Carrier”, International Journal of Ships and Offshore Structures, Taylor and Francis Group, UK- Indexed By-WOS Volume 15, 2020, Issue 4, pp 417-430 https://doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2019.1661617

10. Abhishek Kumar Tewari, R Vijayakumar “A Review of Methods for Hydro- acoustic analysis of Non-cavitating Marine Propellers,” International Journal of Maritime Engineers, Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part A3, Jul-Sep 2019 Vol 161. pp A201-A218 DOI No: 10.3940/rina.ijme.2019.a3.515

9. Y. Hemanth Kumar & R. Vijayakumar (2019) Stern flaps: A cost-effective technological option for the Indian shipping industry, Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India, Vol 14, Issue 2 pp 26-27 DOI: 10.1080/09733159.2018.1562454.

8. Sudhir Sindagi , R Vijayakumar “Frictional drag reduction: review of micro- bubble/air layer injection methodology” International Journal of Marine Engineers, Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part A2, Apr-Jun 2018 Vol 160. pp 121-140 – DOI No: 10.3940/rina.ijme.2018.a2.460.

Journal Publication

7. Manoj nair, Abilash MT, Vijayakumar R, Arnab Das “Embedded control System for underwater glider based on PSOC5LP” International Journal of Computers & Electronics Research Vol 3, Issue 2, Apr 2014, pp 72-76

6. Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, V Seshadri “CFD prediction of Hot exhaust from the funnel of a Naval Ships in presence of Ship Superstructure” International Journal of Marine Engineers, Proceedings of Royal Institute Naval Architecture, Part A1 2014 . Vol. 156, pp 1-24. DOI No: 10.3940/rina.ijme.2014.a1.269

5. Vijayakumar R, Rao SK, Shashank R V “CFD studies on cylindrical bodies moving concentrically inside a very long tubes” International journal of innovative Design and Development Vol 1, Issue 10, Dec 12 pp 135-144

4. Rao SK, Vijayakumar R “ Underwater Explosion and effect on Structures” International journal of innovative Design and Development Vol 1, Issue 10, Dec 12 pp 207-234.

3. Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V, Kulkarni PR, “Flow visualization studies of exhaust smoke interaction with superstructure and Intake on generic Naval Ships” Naval Engineering Journal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Sep 2012;pp129-143

2. Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V, Kulkarni PR “Optimising funnel height to avoid smoke nuisance problem” Journal of Ship Technology, Volume 4, NO2, Jul 2008, pp 30-40.

1. Anantha Subramanian V, Vijayakumar R, “An inverse design approach for minimising wake at propeller plane using CFD” Ocean Engineering Journal Vol 33,Issue 2 Feb 2006, Pages 119-136 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2005.04.014

Conference Publication(Before IITM)

52. Ashok Kumar , Vijayakumar R, “Recent advancement in composite Marine propellers” 3rd International Conference on Smart & Green Technology for Shipping and Maritime Industries SMATECH 21 , 21-22 OCTOBER 2021, ONLINE (virtual)

51. R Vijayakumar, “Experimental Studies of Stern Flap Performance on A High-Speed Displacement Vessel” 3rd International Conference on Smart & Green Technology for Shipping and Maritime Industries SMATECH 21 , 21-22 OCTOBER 2021, ONLINE (virtual)

50. Mukesh Guggilla and R Vijayakumar, “Design of Delta Wing Autonomous Underwater Gliders for Long Term Sustainable & Stealth Reconnaissance Using Numerical Studies”. Warship 2021 2-3 June 2021(virtual)

49. Danio Joe and Vijayakumar R, “Numerical Study Of Acoustic Characteristics Of A Marine Propeller With Non Uniform Wake”. OCEANS 2020, 05 Oct 20, Singapore(virtual)

48. Mukesh Guggilla and R Vijayakumar CFD Investigation on the hydrodynamic Charecteristics of blended wing unmanned underwater gliders with emphasis on the control surfaces. Proceedings of the ASME – 39th International conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2020 At: Virtual (Fort Lauderdale), FL, USA August 2020 https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2020-19280

47. Ashok Kumar, Subramanian A, Vijayakumar R “Numerical analysis and vibration characteristics of flexible marine propeller” Proceedings of the ASME – 39th International conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2020 At: Virtual (Fort Lauderdale), FL, USA August 2020 https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2020-18538.

46. Mukesh Guggilla and R Vijayakumar Autonomous Underwater Gliders – A Review of Development and Design and a Proposed Model for Virtual Mooring”, International Conference on Coastal and Inland Water Systems, CIS, 2019, , 2019/28, pp1-8 Bhubaneswar 16-18 Dec 2019

45. Shukla Shrish, Singh SN, Sinha SS, Vijayakumar R “Aerodynamic Assessment of Cross-Wind Airwake Characteristics at Ship Helodeck: A Simplified Approach” 72th APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meet, Seattle, US, 2019

44. Shukla Shrish, Singh SN, Sinha SS, Vijayakumar R Investigation of Cross-Wind Effects on Ship-Helo Dynamic Interface, ASME, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Salt Lake, U.S, 2019.

43. R V Shashank Shankar, Sai R V ,Vijayakumar R “Prediction of spiral path characteristics of Autonomous Underwater gliders” presented in International conference of Ships and Offshore Technology 2019, IIT Kharagpur, Nov 2019

42. Ashok Kumar, Subramanian V A, Vijayakumar R “ Hydroelastic analysis of carbon composite marine propeller using co-simulation Technique International conference on Marine Engineering and Technology OMAN2019 5th- 7thNov 2019. pp 56-63

41. Sumit kumar and Vijayakumar R “Numerical Study of Effect of Hangar Modification on Ship-Airwake and Helicopter Downwash Interaction”. 45th European Rotorcraft Forum Warsaw-Poland 17-20 September 2019.

40. Hemanth Kumar Y and Vijayakumar R. Experimental Studies of stern Flap Performance on Transom Stern. High Speed Displacement Vessel. 5th International conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE 2019) 28 Jul to 01 Aug 2019 Mauritius pp 529-540 https://doi.org/10.1007/978 981-1S·8SIJ6.7_45 529-540.

39. Sumit kumar and R Vijayakumar CDF of Coupled flow due to Frigate Airwake and Helicopter rotor Downwash on flight Deck. 5th International conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE 2019) 28 Jul to 01 Aug 2019 Mauritius pp 511-527 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8506-7_44.

38. Shukla Shrish, Singh SN, Sinha SS, Vijayakumar R “An investigation of ship airwakes by Scale adaptive Simulation” 13th International conference on Marine Navigation and safety of Sea transportation TransNav 2019 Gdynia2019 12 Jun 2019 Poland.

37. Mukesh Guggilla and R Vijayakumar “CFD Study of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Blended Winged Unmanned Underwater Gliders”, in International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, , 2019, Vol.1, Pages 1547-1552, ISBN 978-1 880653 85-2; ISSN 1098-6189..

36. Danio Joe, Vijit Misra and R Vijayakumar “Numerical Study of Acoustic Characteristics of a DTTM 4119 Propeller Due to Tip Rake” International conference on Propeller & impeller: Research,Design, Construction and application 27-28 March 2019 London UK pp21-28 .

35. Mukesh G and Vijayakumar R “Study on the Hydrodynamic performance of unmanned underwater glider with varying wing section using CFD” MARHY 2018 26-27,Nov 2018 IIT Madras Chennai.pp 1-8.

34. Sudhir Sindagi, Vijayakumar R, B. K. Saxena “Numerical Investigation of effect of size of injection holes on reduction in frictional drag of a bulk carrier using ALS technique. MARHY 2018, 26-27 Nov 2018 IIT Madras Chennai.pp 1-8.

33. Danio Joe, Abishek Kumar Tiwari, R Vijayakumar Numerical Study of Acoustic charecteristics of a marine propeller due to rake at propeller tip. MARHY 2018 26-27,Nov 2018 IIT Madras Chennai.pp 257-263.

32. Hemanth Kumar Y and Vijayakumar R “Review of Hydrodynamic of Stern Flap” MARHY 2018, 26-27 Nov 2018 IIT Madras Chennai.pp 104-116.

31. Rohit Kumar and R Vijayakumar “Numerical Investigation of Ship Maneuverability by captive Model Test” MARHY 2018 26-27,Nov 2018 IIT Madras Chennai.pp 250-256.

30. Sudhir Sindagi, Vijayakumar R, B. K. Saxena “CFD investigation of MBDR Technoque on Frictional Drag Reduction Of Bulk carrier INCHOE-2018 26-27 Sep2018.

29. Vignesh Kumar K, Mathew MP, SN Singh, SS Sinha and Vijayakumar R “Experimental Investigation of Flow over Flight Deck of a Generic Aircraft Carrier” Warship 2018 11-12th Sep 2018 London UK .

28. Sudhir Sindagi, Vijayakumar R, Somanath Nirali B. K. Saxena “Numerical investigation of influence of Micro Bubble injection, distribution, void fraction and flow speed on frictional drag reduction” ICOE 2018 International Conference of Ocean Engineering 18-21 Feb 2018, Chennai, India pp293-318 .

27. R V Shashank Shankar Vijayakumar R “Effect of Rudder and Roll control mechanism on path prediction of Autonomous Underwater Gliders” ICOE 2018 International Conference of Ocean Engineering 18-21 Feb 2018, Chennai, India pp491-506 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3119-0_29 .

26. Abhishek Kumar Tewari, Vijit Misra and Vijayakumar R “Numerical estimation of Underwater Radiated Noise of a marine propeller in non cavitating regime”. ICOE 2018 International Conference of Ocean Engineering 18-21 Feb 2018, Chennai, India pp149-168 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3119-0_10 .

25. Sanchana M Kumar, Vijayakumar R, “Hydrodynamic aspects of turret moored FPSO” ICOE 2018 International Conference of Ocean Engineering 18-21 Feb 2018, Chennai, India pp 385-400 .

24. G Balakrishnan Nair, Vijayakumar R, Prasad V V S “Design Approach for reducing wave added resistance by hull form optimization” ICOE 2018 International Conference of Ocean Engineering 18-21 Feb 2018, Chennai, India pp401-422 .

23. S Shukla, IS Makkar, SN Singh, SS Sinha and R Vijayakumar, “Numerical Studies of Coupled Flow Effects Due to Ship Airwake and Rotor Downwash Interaction on Warship Helo-Decks”, in Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA) International Conference on Ship & Offshore Technology (ICSOT), 07-08 December 2017, Kharagpur, India

22. Sudhir S, Sanjeet Kanungo, and R Vijayakumar, “Concept design of safe and affordable inland waterferry for india”, in Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA) International Conference on Ship & Offshore Technology (ICSOT), 07-08 December 2017, Kharagpur, India.

21. Sudhir Sindagi, R Vijayakumar, Brijendrakumar Saxena “Drag Reduction of ships: Innovative & Effective Technologies to reduce Propulsion Power and in turn Fuel Consumption”, WORLD SHIPPING FORUM (WSF), PP 01-PP11, Institute of Marine Engineers (India), Chennai Branch- Nov 2017.

20. Vijayakumar R “ Experimental and CFD studies in Optimising Funnel height to avoid smoke nuisance problem in Naval Ships” BIT’s 6th annual world congress of Ocean 2017” Shenzhen China 3-5 Nov 2017.

19. Sudhir S Vijayakumar R Frictional Drag reduction: “An EFD and CFD based review of Microbubble Drag reduction (MBDR) of ship” BIT’s 6th annual world congress of Ocean 2017” Shenzhen China 3-5 Nov 2017.

18. Sudhir S, Vijayakumar R, Brijendra Kumar Saxena “Frictional Drag Reduction: An EFD and CFD based review of Mechanisms” International conference on computational and experimental Marine Hydrodynamics MARHY 2016, Chennai, India 24-25 Nov 2016.

17. Praveen B, Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V “Parametric Investigation of Airflow Over Helodeck of a Generic Frigate with Introduction of Flow Modifying Device” International conference on computational and experimental Marine Hydrodynamics MARHY 2016, Chennai, India 24-25 Nov 2016 pp180-191.

16. Makkar I S, Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V “Study of Dynamic Flow Effects Due to Ship Air Wake and rotor Downwash Interaction on Warship.”International Conference on Advance Technologies in Naval Design Construction and Operation WARSHIP 2016 Bath UK 15 -16 Jun 16 pp 47-64 .

15. Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V “Effect of Gas Turbine intake location on the smoke ingress problem in Naval Ships”, International Conference on Advance Technologies in Naval Design Construction and Operation WARSHIP 2016 Bath UK 15 -16 Jun 16 pp 65-80.

Conference Publication

14. Vijayakumar R, Jils Joy Mattam “Noise Prediction of a Propeller in Uniform Flow Field” IWCEM 2015, Pune, India 23-25 May 2015.

13. Mohammed Rafi ullah, Vijayakumar R “Finite Element Analysis of Structural Strength of Panel with Discontinuity” IWCEM 2015, Pune, India 23-25 May 2015.

12. Praveen B, Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V “Numerical investigation on ship airwake for helideck for different configuration of Hanger shapes on Generic frigate “, International conference on computational and experimental Marine Hydrodynamics MARHY 2014, Chennai, India 3-4 Dec 2014 pp180-191 .

11. Manoj nair, Abilash MT, Vijayakumar R, Arnab Das Implementation of embedded platform for Underwater Glider Prototype IWCEM 2014, Pune, India 18-20 May 2014 pp 263-267.

10. Makkar I S, Vijayakumar R Numerical Resistance & Self Propulsion Simulations for Early-Stage Ship Design Evaluation IWCEM 2014, Pune, India 24-26 May 2014 pp.

9. Vijayakumar R, Vivek Tewari, B Praveen Development of Tools for Evaluating the Operational Effectiveness of Competing Hull Forms in the Design of Ship for Seakeeping, IWCEM 2014, Pune, India 24-26May 2013 pp 113-119.

8. Praveen B, Vijayakumar R,Singh SN, Seshadri V “A review of problem of warship helo interaction and efforts underway for possible solution” ICSOT 2013, RINA, IIT Kharaghpur India 12-13 Dec 2013 pp163-177.

7. Nishanth R, Vijayakumar R “Roll and pitch control mechanism in underwater gliders” International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering ITM University, Gurgaon India 16 Nov 2013 pp1-13.

6. Pratheek Jha, Ajeet kumar, Vijayakumar R, “Path planning of Underwater Vehicles” International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering ITM university, Gurgaon India 16 Nov 2013 pp 415-427.

5. Rao SK, Vijayakumar R “Reliability analysis of ship structure using NESSUS “ IWCEM 2013, Pune, India 18-20 May 2013.

4. Vijayakumar R, Rao SK, Arnab Das “Identifying Bilge keel Vortex shedding induced structural failure on ships using CFD” IWCEM 2013, Pune, India 18-20 May 2013.

3. Rao SK, Vijayakumar R “ Underwater Explosion and effect on Structures” International journal of innovative Design and Development Vol 1, Issue 10, Dec 12 pp207-234.

2. Vijayakumar R, Singh SN, Seshadri V, Kulkarni PR “Optimisation Of GasTurbine Intake Location To Avoid Smoke Ingress Problem In Naval Ships” International Conference in Ocean Engineering, ICOE 2009 IIT Madras, Chennai,2-5 Feb 2009 pp 996-1006

1. Vijayakumar R, Seshadri V, Singh SN, Kulkarni PR “A Wind Tunnel Study on the Interaction of Hot Exhaust from the Funnel with the Superstructure of a Naval ships” Oceans 2008, Kobe, Japan 18-21 April 2008. DOI: 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2008.4530948.