
Prof. A. Seshadri Sekhar
: Professor, Head of the Department
: Professor-in-charge of Central Workshop, IIT Madras
: Room No. 205, Machine Design Section
: Department of Mechanical Engineering
: IIT Madras
: +91-44-2257-4709

- Ph.D. (Indian Institute Of Technology Madras, India)
- M.E. (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
- B.E. (College of Engineering, Andhra University, A.P., India)
Dr. A. Seshadri Sekhar received his PhD from IIT Madras, India in 1993. He has joined IIT Kharagpur in 1993 as a lecturer and got promoted as Professor in 2003. He has published over 200 papers in international journals and conferences. He is the co-author of the book –Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Systems and Applications (Multi Science Publishing Ltd., UK).
His areas of research include rotor dynamics, tribology, condition monitoring and vibrations. He had earlier worked as an Engineer, for about 4 years in NTPC and BemL, before settling in teaching profession.
- Professor ( June 21, 2006 - till date) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, India.
- Professor ( June 2003 - June 2006) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Humboldt Fellow Post-Doc Research Work (2001 - 2002) 'Rotor dynamics' at TU Darmstadt, Germany.
- Associate Professor (May 1999 – June 2003) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Assistant Professor (Sept 1995 - May 1999) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Visiting Lecturer (Oct 1993 - Aug 1995) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Engineer (Research & Development) (March 1988 - Dec 1988) at Beml, Bangalore, India.
- Engineer (Operation & Maintenance) (Nov 1983 - Aug 1986) at NTPC, Farakka, W.B
Research / Teaching Activities
- Fields of Interest /expertise
Rotordynamics, Tribology, FEM, Stress analysis, Condition monitoring - Teaching experience: 27 years
Subjects: Rotor dynamics, Mechanics, Machine Design, Mechanical Vibrations, Vibration and Noise control, Product Design, Engineering, & Machine Drawing etc. - Web enabled M.Tech
- Coordinator for Web enabled M.Tech Course in Mechanical Engg. with ‘Mechanical Design’ specialization. This program is being conducted via a web enabled platform for engineers who will be sponsored by leading industries. Candidates from sponsoring companies enroll in the M.Tech. program and learn from expert faculty of the institute. The classes are on live; candidates participate from their respective industries.
- New course proposal / modification of existing
- Tribology in Design (ME 7640) – modification in title and contents of existing course
- Fundamentals of Tribology (ME 4002) – new course ( Jointly with Dr. P. Ramkumar)
- Principles of Product Design (ME 6830) - merging of existing courses Principles of Product Design 1 &2
- Research guidance
- Ph.D : 11 + (7 under guidance - in which 2 are going to submit Thesis within 3 months)
- M.S. 7 + ( 1 about to submit thesis) M.Tech 32 B.Tech 13
- Research Publications
- Total 200 (Int. Journals : 97 accepted/published) & Conferences : 103) (Please see the Publications link)
- SCOPUS ID : 7003907366
- SCOPUS H - INDEX : 27; I-10 Index: 51; Total citations : 2526
- Google scholar: H- Index: 30; I-10 index: 56; Citations : 3175
- Patents
- Sagi Rathan Prasad, A. Seshadri Sekhar, K. Suresh, Experimental test rig for vibration based fatigue crack diagnostics and prognostics in the critically loaded shaft", IP49842-IDF No-1904, Patent 201941038877, filed on 26/09/19
Books / Articles In Edited Books
- Books:
- "Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Systems and Applications" (co-author: Prof. B.S. Prabhu, Formally Professor at IIT Madras) ISBN 0906-522-34 - Published by Multi Science Publishing ltd,,UK, 2008
- Articles:
- A.S.Sekhar, R Platz and R. Markert, “Health monitoring and crack identification in rotor system passing its critical speed” – “Advances in vibration control and diagnostics” By Nicolò Bachschmid, Polimetrica International Scientific publisher, Italy, 2006, ISBN, 8876990364. PP. 217-226.
- A.S.Sekhar, “Recent developments of shaft crack identification in rotor systems” IUTAM Bookseries, Emerging trends in Rotor dynamics, Ed. K Gupta, Springer ISBN 1875-3507, pp. 491-503, 2010.

Editor Of Conference Proceedings / Short Course Modules
- Editor of Conference Proceedings:
- A.S.Sekhar, A.R., Mohanty and S. Paul, “Proceedings of the National Conference on Industrial Problems Machines and Mechanisms (IPROMM)”, IIT Kharagpur, 24-25, February 2005, Published by Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. --- ISBN 81-7764-761-X.
- N.Siva Prasad, A.S. Sekhar, and Shankar Krishnapillai, “ Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE 2007)”, IIT Madras, Dec. 13-15, 2007, IIT Madras publication . --- ISBN 978-81-904235-3-3 .
- S.Narayanan, A.S.Sekhar and Abhijit Sarkar, “Proceedings of the National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics (NSRD-2011)”, IIT Madras, 19-21, December 2011, Published by Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. --- ISBN 978-935-059-056-0.
- Short term course module:
- Coordinator: winter school on "Modelling & Simulation of Rotor-bearing systems" –Dec.21, 1998 - Jan2, 1999. IIT Kharagpur- Sponsored by Indian Society of Technical Education.
- Coordinator: AICTE Short term QIP course “Machine Condition monitoring and Fault Diagnostics” held during 9- 14 July 2007, IIT Madras.
- Coordinator: AICTE Short term QIP course “ Product Design and Development” held during 21-26 January 2013, IIT Madras. ( Co-coordinator: Dr. Prabhu Rajagopal).
- Coordinator: AICTE Short term QIP course “ Tribology in Design ” held during 7-12 November 2016, IIT Madras. ( Co-coordinator: Dr. P. Ramkumar).
Awards & Honors
- Recipient of Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship (2001)
- Career Award for Young Teacher, awarded by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) (1998)
- Won the Unlock Ideas proposal from Lam Research Corporation, USA (2020)
- Elsevier awarded recognized reviewer (2014)
- The Editorial member of the Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering - SAGE (earlier with Hindawi Publishing Corporation), (2010-2014).
- Institute Scheme for Innovative Research and Development (ISIRD)(1995-1997) (awarded by IIT, Kharagpur to a few young faculty members)
- University Second Rank in B.E., Andhra University , Waltair, INDIA (1983)
- K.Raja Bapaiah Gold Medal in SSC, Guntur District, A.P. , INDIA (1977)
- Recognised: Listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists prepared by Stanford University (2020)
- Recognized : in the rank list of top researchers out of 7 million researchers in the world- Ref: Ioannidis, John P.A. ; Baas, Jeroen; Klavans, Richard; Boyack, Kevin (2019), “Supplementary data tables for "A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field" (PLoS Biology 2019)”, Mendeley Data, v1, btchxktzyw.1-Table-S4
- Research article published in the Tribology International featured as Top cited paper in the field of Rotor dynamics" among all the journal publications (600+) during the last 5 years ; 2016-2020-Scopus.
- Member of Vibration and Mechanical Shock Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian Standards (2016 - Till date)
- Member of technical committee for Prime Minister's Shram Awards (PMSA)- 2017-18
- On the Review / Monitoring committee for DST Young Scientist Scheme, April, Sep, 2017
- Expert committee member for faculty selections at IITDh, IITISM, IITR, NITW, Osmanaia University, JNTU etc.
- Reviewer of several journals of Elesevier ( JSV, MSSP etc), ASME, SAGE etc.
- On the Scientific Committee of International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC)- VETOMAC–3 in 2004; VETOMAC-6 in 2010; VETOMAC-10 in 2014, VETOMAC XIV in 2018 held at different place in the world, latest one held at Lisbon, Portugal, Sept 10-13, 2018.
- Scientific committee on International Conference on Condition Monitoring, 25-26 February 2011, GITAM, Visakhapatnam.
- On the Scientific Committee of National symposium on Rotor Dynamics (NSRD), NSRD -19, NSRD-17, NSRD-15, NSRD-13.
- The member of Board of studies – GITAM University Visakhapatnam, AP. (2006-09).
- The member of Board of studies & Academic council – K L University, Vijayawada, AP, INDIA (2010-13); Member of Board of studies, Bapatla Engg college, 2018.
Administrative Experience
- Head of the Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras (Dec 2020 - till date).
- Professor-in-charge, Central Workshop, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras (Jan 2018 - till date).
- Coordinator, Web enabled M.Tech Course in Mechanical Engg. with ‘Mechanical Design’ specialization ( Sept. 2018- till date).
- Professor-in-charge, Coordinating a Pilot E-Bus project for a sustainable public eMobility solution in the IITM campus with ABB and Ashok Leyland Limited (Feb 2020 –till date).
- Head, Machine Design Section, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras ( Jan 2015 - Jan 2018).
( Machine Design section comprises of different labs; has 20 faculty and 12 supporting staff). - Chairman, Search committee, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras ( March 2015 - June 2017).
- Professor in- charge of Machine Dynamics laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur, (1997-1999).
- Organising Vice-Chairman, GATE-2000, IIT Kharagpur (June 1999-July 2000).
Other Professional / Academic Activities
- Membership of Professional Bodies:
- Member of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Life Member of Institute of Engineers (INDIA)
- Workshops/conferences
- Coordinator: Winter school on "Modelling & Simulation of Rotor-bearing systems" – Dec.21, 1998 - Jan2, 1999. IIT Kharagpur- Sponsored by Indian Society of Technical Education.
- Course Coordinator:AICTE Short term QIP course “Machine Condition monitoring and Fault Diagnostics” held during 9- 14 July 2007, IIT Madras.
- Course Coordinator:AICTE Short term QIP course “Product Design and Development” held during 21- 26 January 2013, IIT Madras. ( Joint Coordinator : Dr. Prabhu Rajagopal).
- Course Coordinator:AICTE Short term QIP course “ Tribology in Design ” held during 7-12 November 2016, IIT Madras. ( Co-coordinator: Dr. P. Ramkumar) .
- Course Coordinator:Short term course on condition monitoring for Railway Officers, RDSO, held during 6-8, August 2018, IIT Madras.
- Invited Talks: Lectures on Condition Monitoring- June 9-14, 1997, IIT Kharagpur.
- Invited talks: Five-Day workshop on Rotordynamics, Dec.6-10, 2004, MIT Manipal.
- Invited talk at 51st ISTAM, Visakhapatnam, Dec 2007.
- Invited talk at IUTAM Symposium on Rotor dynamics, IIT Delhi, March 2009.
- Present a talk at Technical University Vienna, Austria, 7th July 2010.
- Invited talk: Rotor on Fluid Film Bearing supports- Short course Dec 7, 2010, IIT Guwahati.
- Invited talk at GE energy Mumbai, one day conference, 31st May 2011.
- Invited talk at National Symposium on Rotor dynamics (NSRD -2014), Feb. 12-14, 2014.
- Invited talk at Product Design work Shop, GITAM university, Feb 21-22, 2014.
- Invited talk at National Symposium on Rotor dynamics (NSRD -2016), Feb. Jan-6-9, 2016.
- Invited talk at NIT Surathkal, 16 May 2017
- Invited talk at RWRDC, HAL, Bengaluru on 30/04/2018
- Invited talk at National Symposium on Rotor dynamics (NSRD -2019), July1-2, 2019
- Organising Secretary: National Conference IPROMM-2005, held 24-25th Feb. 2005 at the Department of Mechanical Engg. IIT Kharagpur.
- Organising Secretary: International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE 2007), IIT Madras, Dec. 13-15, 2007.
- Organising Secretary: National Seminar on Tribology and Materials (NSTM-2011), IIT Madras, 26 August 2011.
- Organising Secretary: National Symposium on Rotor dynamics (NSRD-2011), IIT Madras, 19-21, December 2011.
Abroad Visits
- Germany: As a Humboldt Fellow at the Technische Universitaet, Darmstadt, Germany December 2001- Dec. 2002.
- Singapore: Presented a paper at the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, Dec. 1999, Singapore and visited the Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.
- France: Presented a paper at the First European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM 2002), Paris, July 10-12, 2002.
- USA: Presented a paper at the 4th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM 2003), Stanford University, USA, Sept. 15-17, 2003.
- Poland: Presented a paper at 16th Int. congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV-16), Krakow, Poland. 5-9 July 2009.
- U.K.: Presented a paper at the ASME-IGTI – Turbo Expo-2010, Glasgow, June 4-18, 2010.
- Germany: As Humboldt Fellow at the Technische Universitaet, Darmstadt, Germany, May 5th -26th July, 2010.
- Austria: Invited to Present a talk at Technical University Vienna, Austria, 7th July 2010.
- China: Presented a paper at VETOMAC-VII), November 21 to 24, 2011, Shanghai, China.
- Malaysia: Presented a paper at the Int. Con. NVC, Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 2012.
- Australia: Presented a paper at the Int. Con. INTERNOISE 2014, Melbourne, Nov. 2014.
- Italy: Presented a paper at the 22nd Int. congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV-22), Florence July12-16, 2015.
- Portugal: Presented 3 papers at 14 Int. Conf. on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV) held at Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, Sept 10-13, 2018.
- Netherlands: Visited Technical University of Delft, 14 September 2018.
- Belgium: Presented a paper at ISMA Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering Leuven, Belgium, 17-19 September 2018.
- China: Presented a paper at Composite structures conference, ICCS22 & CCCS1, 31 Oct- 03 Nov. 2019, Wuhan.