- Karmakar P., Gupta S., Adlakha I., “Low-rank approximation of local strain in two-phase composites.”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Volume 264, (2024), 108850.
- Chellappandian R., Jena G., Neelakantan L., Adlakha I, “Development of Multi-Functional Coating for Ferritic Steels Using Cathodic Plasma Electrolytic Nitriding.”, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 76, 327–339 (2024).
- Arora A., Singh H., Adlakha I., Mahajan D. K., “On the role of vacancy-hydrogen complexes on dislocation nucleation and propagation in metals.”, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 31 085006 (2023).
- Kumar P., Ludhwani M., Das S., Gavini V., Kanjarla A., Adlakha I., “Effect of hydrogen on plasticity of α-Fe: A multi-scale assessment.”, International Journal of Plasticity 165 (2023): 103613.
- Mishra P., Kumar P., Neelakantan L., Adlakha I., “First-principles prediction of electrochemical polarization and mechanical behavior in Mg based intermetallics”, Computational Materials Science (2022) .
- Kumar P., Adlakha I., “Effect of interstitial hydrogen on elastic behavior of metals: an ab-initio study”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (2022).
- Settem M., Kumar P., Adlakha I., Kanjarla A.K., “Surface reconstruction in core@shell nanoalloys: interplay between size and strain”, Acta Materialia 234, 118038 (2022).
- Reddy K., Adlakha I., Gupta S., Roychowdhury S., “Crystal Elasticity Simulations of Polycrystalline Material Using Rank-One Approximation”, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 11 (1), 139-157, (2022).
- Kumar P., Garg P., Solanki K.N., Adlakha I. “Effect of hydrogen on the ideal shear strength in metals and its implications on plasticity: A first-principles study”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2021).
- Sadanada K., Adlakha I., Solanki K.N., Vasudevan A.K. “Analysis of the crack initiation and growth in crystalline materials using discrete dislocations and the modified Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram”, Crystals 10(5), 358, (2020) .
- Adlakha, I., Garg, P., Solanki, K.N. “Revealing the atomistic nature of dislocation-precipitate interactions in Al-Cu alloys”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 797, 325-333 (2019).
- Kale, C., Turnage, S., Garg, P., Adlakha, I., Srinivasan, S., Hornbuckle, B.C., Darling, K., Solanki, K.N. "Thermo-mechanical strengthening mechanisms in a stable nanocrystalline binary alloy–A combined experimental and modeling study", Materials & Design 107551 (2019).
- Garg, P., Balachandran, S., Adlakha, I., Lee, P.J., Bieler, T.R., Solanki, K.N. "Revealing the role of nitrogen on hydride nucleation and stability in pure niobium using first principles calculations", Superconductor Science and Technology (2018).
- Turnage, S.A., Rajagopalan, M., Garg, P., Kale, C., Bazehhour, B.G., Adlakha, I., Hornbuckle, B.C., Williams, C.L., Peralta, P., Solanki, K.N. "Anomalous mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline binary alloys under extreme loading", Nature Communications (2018).
- Garg, P., Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. "Effect of solutes on ideal shear resistance and electronic properties of magnesium: A first-principles study", Acta Materialia (2018).
- Adlakha, I., Muthegowda N., Gholami Bazehhour, B., Solanki, K.N. “Effect of mechanical loading on the galvanic corrosion behavior of a magnesium-steel structural joint”, Corrosion Science (2018).
- Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. “The effect of hydrogen on the incipient crack tip deformation behavior: an atomistic perspective”, Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 014304 (2018), *Editor’s Pick.
- Rajagopalan, M., Adlakha, I., Tschopp, M.A., Solanki, K.N. “Energetics of Hydrogen Segregation to α-Fe Grain Boundaries for Modeling Stress Corrosion Cracking”, JOM, 69(8), 1398–1403 (2017).
- Gholami Bazehhour, B., Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. “The role of static and cyclic deformation on the corrosion behavior of a magnesium-steel structural joint”, JOM, 69(11) 2328-2334 (2017).
- Bhatia, M.A., Azarnoush, M., Adlakha, I., G. Lu, Solanki, K.N. " Dislocation core properties of β-tin: A first-principles study ", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 25, (2017) 025014.
- Adlakha, I. , Solanki, K.N. “Atomic-scale investigation of triple junction role on defects binding energetics and structural stability in α-Fe”, Acta Materialia 118, 64-76 (2016).
- Bhatia, M.A., Adlakha, I., G. Lu, Solanki, K.N. "Generalized stacking fault energies and slip in β-tin", Scripta Materialia 123, 21-25 (2016).
- Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. “Critical assessment of the role of H on the slip transmission across α-Fe grain boundaries”, Proc. R. Soc. A 472: 20150617 (2016).
- Adlakha, I., Sadanada, K., Solanki, K.N. “Discrete dislocation modeling of stress corrosion cracking in alpha iron”, Corrosion Reviews, 0334-6005(2015).
- Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. “Structural stability and energetics of grain boundary triple junctions in face centered cubic materials”, Nature: Scientific Reports 5, 8692 (2015).
- Adlakha, I., Tschopp, M.A., Solanki, K.N. “The role of grain boundary structure and crystal orientation on crack growth asymmetry in Al”, MSE-A 618, 345-354 (2014).
- Adlakha, I., Bhatia, M.A., Tschopp, M.A. Solanki, K.N. “Atomic scale investigation of grain boundary structure role on intergranular deformation in Al”, Phil. Mag. 94 (30), 3445-3466 (2014).
- Garg, P., Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N. “First-Principles Investigation of the Effect of Solutes on the Ideal Shear Resistance and Electronic Properties of Magnesium”, Magnesium Technology 2019, 231-237.
- Garg, P., Balachandran, S., Adlakha, I., Lee, P.J., Bieler, T.R., Solanki, K.N. “Role of nitrogen on Hydride nucleation in pure niobium by first principles calculations”, SRF, 741-745 (2017).
- Adlakha, I., Solanki, K.N., Tschopp, M.A. “Influence of grain boundary structure on interfacial fracture under tensile loading: cohesive zone model informed by atomistic simulations”, TMS 2013 Supplemental Proceedings, 73-758 (2013)