
Publication in Peer-reviewed International Journals

  1. K Sreeraj, H K Maheshwari, P Rajagopal, P Ramkumar, Non-contact monitoring and evaluation of subsurface white etching area (WEA) formation in bearing steel using Rayleigh surface waves. Tribology International. 2021 Jun 12:107134.
  2. D Linto, P Ramkumar, Experimental investigation on the performance of AISI 440C martensitic stainless steel against the formation of white etching areas under sliding dynamic loading. Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces. 2021 Jul 14:1-1.
  3. V Verma, RC Cozza, V Cheverikin, A Kondratiev, P Ramkumar, Mechanical and tribological behavior of Al composites containing varying beryllium aluminum silicate and constant CeO2. SN Applied Sciences. 2021 Oct;3(10):1-3.
  4. V Kashyap, P Ramkumar, Improved oxygen diffusion and overall surface characteristics using combined laser surface texturing and heat treatment process of Ti6Al4V. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2021 Dec 4:127976.
  5. V Kashyap, P Ramkumar, “Comprehensive analysis of geometrical parameters of crosshatched texture for enhanced tribological performance under biological environment”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. April 2020. doi:10.1177/1350650120915136 (IF- 1.39; Citation- 3).
  6. K Sreeraj, P Ramkumar, "Comprehensive analysis of effects of dynamic load frequency and hydrogenation to instigate White Etching Areas (WEAs) formation under severe sliding condition of bearing steel", Tribology International. Volume 144, 106-131, Doi: (IF- 4.27; citation- 8).
  7. Parmar, P Ramkumar, K. Shankar, Macro geometry multi-objective optimization of planetary gearbox considering scuffing constraint, Mechanism and Machine Theory 154 (2020) 104045. Doi: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.104045 (IF-3.312; citations-6).
  8. Parul Mishra, P Ramkumar, “Synergistic effect of surface texturing and coating on tribological performance of piston ring-cylinder liner system”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2020. Doi:10.1177/1350650120951289 (IF-1.39; citations-1).
  9. Vaibhav Singh, P Raja, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar and P Ramkumar, “Effect of friction modifiers compositions on tribological properties of Cu-Sn alloy/Al2O3 brake composite material”, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (IF-1.39;citations-1).
  10. Maruti Patil, P Ramkumar, K Shankar, "Multi-objective optimization of the two-stage helical gearbox with tribological constraints", Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol.138 (2019) 38 - 57. (citations: 18, IF: 2.796)
  11. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, “Effect of Additives on a Surface Textured Piston Ring–Cylinder Liner System” Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces. Vol 13(2), 67-75. DOI: (citations: 9, IF: 0.83).
  12. Kunal Kumar Bose, P Ramkumar, "Finite element method based sliding wear prediction of steel-on-steel contacts using extrapolation techniques", Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 233(10) (2019) 1446-1463. DOI: 10.1177/1350650119836813. (IF: 1.318).
  13. Kunal Kumar Bose and P Ramkumar, 3-D FEM wear prediction of brass sliding against bearing steel using constant contact pressure approximation technique. Tribology Online, 14 (4), 2019, 194-207. DOI: 10.2474/trol.14.194 (citations-1).
  14. P Ramkumar, Terry Harvey, Robert Wood, Andrew Rose, Dave Woods, Sue Lewis" Factorial Study of Diesel Engine Oil Contamination Effects on Steel and Ceramic Sliding Contacts", Journal of Engineering Tribology. 233 (5) (2019) 726-740. (citations: 0, IF: 1.318), DOI: 10.1177/1350650118794730.
  15. V Kashyap, P Ramkumar, “Feasibility Study of Micro-groove Cross Hatched Surface Texturing on Ti6Al4V for Improved Biotribological Performance in metal-on-polymer Hip Implant”, submitted to Tribology - Materials, surfaces and Interfaces. 13 (3) (2019), 150-160. (citations: 10, IF: 0.83).
  16. Kaushik Yadvendra, P Ramkumar, "Effect of soot on tribological properties of steel and ceramic contacts", Int. J. Materials and Structural Integrity, 13 (2019) 1/2/3, 172-185. (IF: 0.152).
  17. Y. Kaushik and P Ramkumar, “Effect of elevated temperature on Tribological properties of steel, silicon nitride and zirconia against steel,” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. Vol(3), 434 - 439.
  18. V Ramatenki, and P Ramkumar, “Design and Analysis of GFR Composite based Two Stage Gearbox,” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. Vol (3-4), 323 - 327.
  19. K. Sreeraj, P Ramkumar, "Replication of white etching area evolution using novel modified dynamic load pin-on-disc tribometer on bearing steel", Tribology International (126 (2018) 336–343) (citations: 10, IF: 3.246).
  20. M. Patil, P Ramkumar, and Krishnapillai, S., “Multi-Objective Optimization of Spur Gearbox with Inclusion of Tribological Aspects" Journal of friction and wear, 2017 (Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 430–436. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2017.) DOI: 10.3103/S1068366617060101 (citations: 4, IF: 0.574).
  21. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, “Effect of soot on Tribological properties using steel and ceramic sliding contacts”, Indian Journal of Tribology, Volume 7 (2015), 33-38.
  22. P Ramkumar, T. J. Harvey, R.J.K. Wood, K. Nelson, H.E.G. Powrie, The effects of diesel contaminants on tribological performance on sliding steel on steel contacts, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 225 (2011), p779-797. (citations: 25, IF: 1.318).
  23. P Ramkumar, “The influence of contaminants and their interactions on diesel engine oil tribology using electrostatic condition monitoring”, University of Southampton, 2007. (citations -2).
  24. R.J.K Wood, P Ramkumar, L. Wang, T.J. Harvey, K. Nelson, E.S. Yamaguchi, Electrostatic monitoring of the effects of carbon black on lubricated steel/steel sliding contacts. Tribology Series 48, Life cycle Tribology, 48 (2005) 109-121. (citations: 37, IF: 0.179).
  25. P Ramkumar, L.Wang, T.J. Harvey, R.J.K.Wood, K.Nelson, E.S. Yamaguchi, J.J. Harrison, H.E.G. Powrie, The effect of diesel engine oil contamination on friction and wear. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 2005, p 537-538 (citations -10).

Book Editor

  1. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, P Ramkumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, J. Paulo Davim. “Tribology in Materials and Applications.” (2020) Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-47451-5y
  2. Esther Titilayo Akinlabi, P Ramkumar, M. Selvaraj, “Tribology in Materials and Applications.” (2021) Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore Doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-4488-0

Book Chapter

  1. V. Kashyap and P Ramkumar, “Comparing wettability and frictional performance of laser micro-machined discrete and continuous textures”. Lech. Notes Mechanical Engg., K.M Pandey et al. Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021 (pp. 185-192). Springer, Singapore.
  2. A. Parmar, P Ramkumar, K. Shankar, “Optimization of planetary gearbox using NSGA-II”. Lech. Notes Mechanical Engg., K.M Pandey et al. Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021 (pp. 367-376). Springer, Singapore.
  3. P Ramkumar, “Tribological Effects of Diesel Engine Oil Contamination on Steel and Hybrid Sliding Contacts”. Chapter: 15 in “Tribology in Materials and Applications” (2020) Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Doi:110.1007/978-3-030-47451-5_15.

Publication in Peer-reviewed International Technical Papers

  1. P Raja and P Ramkumar, Tribological Effects of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) on Cu Based Hybrid Composite Brake Friction Material for Medium Duty Automotive Applications. SAE Technical Paper 2018-28-0048, 2018. (citations: 2, IF: 0.51)
  2. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, Effect of Micro Texture on Tribological Performance of Piston Ring-Cylinder Liner System under Different Lubrication Regimes. SAE Technical Paper 2018-28-0052, 2018. (citations: 1, IF: 0.51)
  3. Kunal Kumar Bose and P Ramkumar, Finite Element Sliding Wear Simulation of 2D Steel-on-Steel Pin-on-Disc Tribometer. SAE Technical Paper 2018-28-0011, 2018. (citations: 1, IF: 0.51)
  4. M Patil, P Ramkumar, and K Shankar, Multi-Objective Optimization of Two Stage Spur Gearbox Using NSGA-II. SAE Technical Paper 2017-28-1939, 2017. (citations: 0, IF: 0.51)

Conference Presentations – International

(The presenting author’s name is underlined)

  1. Vedant Joshi, P Ramkumar, “Transient Wear FEA Modelling Using Extrapolation Technique for Steel-On-Steel Dry Sliding Contact” accepted in Wear of Materials 2021, 25-29 April 2021, Canada. (Oral Presentation).
  2. K Sreeraj, H K Maheshwari, P Rajagopal, P Ramkumar, “Non-contact monitoring and evaluation of subsurface white etching area (WEA) formation in bearing steel using rayleigh surface waves” accepted in Wear of Materials 2021, 25-29 April 2021, Canada. (Oral Presentation).
  3. Abhishek Parmar, K. Shankar and P Ramkumar Optimization of planetary gearbox using NSGA-II. Oral presentation in ICRAME 2020 – NIT Silchar, Assam. 07-09 Feb, 2020.
  4. V. Kashyap and P Ramkumar “Comparing wettability and frictional performance of laser micro-machined discrete and continuous textures”. Oral presentation in ICRAME 2020 – NIT Silchar, Assam. 07-09 Feb, 2020.
  5. V. Kashyap and P Ramkumar “Orientation based frictional performance of micro-groove cross hatched textures for metal-on-ceramic hip implant”. Oral presentation in Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 2nd - 4th September 2019, Ecully, France.
  6. Linto Davis, P Ramkumar, “Evaluate The Performance Of AISI 440C Martensitic Stainless Steel Against White Etching Areas (WEAs) Formation Using Dynamic Load Pin-on-disc Tribometer” 10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (IndiaTrib-2019), Dec 1-4, 2019, IISc Bangalore, INDIA.
  7. P Raja, P Ramkumar, “Tribological behaviour of Titanium Carbide (TiC) on sintered copper based brake composite friction material”, 10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (IndiaTrib-2019), Dec 1-4, 2019, IISc Bangalore, INDIA.
  8. P Raja, P Ramkumar, “Effect of conventional sintering on the mechanical properties of copper based brake friction material”, 10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (IndiaTrib-2019), Dec 1-4, 2019, IISc Bangalore, INDIA.
  9. K Sreeraj and P Ramkumar, Effect of lubricant stability on White Etching Areas (WEAs) under severe dynamic load sliding contacts. 74th STLE Annual meeting and Exhibition, 19-23 May 2019, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  10. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, Optimization of Ytterbium Laser Parameters for Texturing of Steel Surfaces. SSRN 3320429, 2018, An International Conference on Tribology, TRIBO INDIA-2018, 13th -15th December 2018, VJTI, Mumbai, India.
  11. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, “Effect of Micro Texture on Tribological Performance of Piston Ring-Cylinder Liner System under Different Lubrication Regimes” presented at SAE International Conference on ADMMS 2018, India.
  12. K Sreeraj and P Ramkumar, Analysis on hydrogen uptake into steel from lubricatedsliding contact using in-situ monitoring technique”, International Conference onRecent Innovations and Developments in Mechanical Engineering 2018 (IC-RIDME2018) November 8-10,2018, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, Meghalaya.
  13. Kunal. K. Bose and P Ramkumar, Finite Element Sliding Wear Simulation of 2D Steel-on-Steel Pin-on-Disc Tribometer. SAE International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility, 20-22July 2018, SRM University, Chennai.
  14. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, “Effect of Additives on a Surface Textured Piston Ring–Cylinder Liner System” presented at Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 4th-7th September 2018, Leeds, UK.
  15. Parul Mishra and P Ramkumar, "Optimization of Ytterbium Laser Parameters for Texturing of Steel Surfaces", SSRN 3320429, 2018, An International Conference on Tribology,TRIBOINDIA-2018, 13th -15th December 2018, VJTI, Mumbai, India. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3320429.
  16. Kunal Kumar Bose, P Ramkumar, "Finite element method based sliding wear prediction of steel-on-steel contacts using extrapolation techniques" presented at 45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 4-7 September, 2018, Leeds, UK.
  17. Vamshi Ramatenki and P Ramkumar, Design and analysis of glass fibre reinforced composite based two stage helical gear box. The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2018),8th to 9th March 2018 , Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
  18. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, Effect of elevated temperature on tribological properties of steel, silicon nitride and zirconia against steel. The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2018),8-9th March 2018, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
  19. Vivek. Kashyap, P Ramkumar, “Feasibility Study of Micro-groove Cross Hatched Surface Texturing on Ti6Al4V for Improved Biotribological Performance in metal-on-polymer Hip Implant”, Oral presentation in Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 4th-7th September 2018, Leeds, UK.
  20. P Raja and P Ramkumar, Study the effects of solid lubricant (Graphite) on tribological properties of Cu/SiC hybrid composite brake friction material for medium duty automotive applications. The 9thInternational Conference on Industrial Tribology (ICIT-2017), December 6-9, 2017, Kolkata, India.
  21. Kunal Kumar Bose, P Ramkumar, "2D Wear Modelling and Numerical Analysis for Dry Sliding Contacts" presented at 9th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (ICIT-2017), 6th - 9th December, 2017, Kolkata, India.
  22. Y. Kaushik, and P Ramkumar, 2017, ‘Effect of soot on tribological properties of steel and ceramic contacts’ 3rd Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2017), July 5-7, 2017 MNIT, Allahabad, India, pp. 159-160.
  23. K. Sreeraj, and P Ramkumar, 2017, ‘New approach to create white etching cracks using modified lubricated sliding contact on bearing steel’ 6th European COnference on TRIBology 7–9 June 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  24. P. Raja and P Ramkumar, 2017, ‘Effects of solid lubricants (graphite, mos2 and sb2s3) of cu/sic hybrid composite brake materials on tribological properties for medium duty automotive applications’ steel’ 6th European COnference on TRIBology 7–9 June 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  25. Y. Kaushik, and P Ramkumar, 2017, ‘Study on the combined effects of soot and temperature on tribological properties of steel and ceramic contacts using Taguchi analysis’ 6th European COnference on TRIBology 7–9 June 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  26. P. Maruti, P Ramkumar and K Shankar, “ Multi-objective optimization of two stage spur gearbox using NSGA-II”, SAE International Conference on ADMMS 2017, India.
  27. M. Patil, P Ramkumar, and S. Krishnapillai, 2017, ‘Multi-Objective Optimization of Two Stage Spur Gearbox’ ITS-IFToMM / K-TIS 2017, 4th International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, March19-22nd Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, South Korea, pp. 218-220.
  28. K. Sreeraj, P Ramkumar, and K. Shubham, “The role of Carbides Dissolution in the formation of White Etching Areas (WEA) of Bearing Steel”, ITS-IFToMM / K-TIS 2017, 4th International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, March19-22nd Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, South Korea, pp. 187-189.
  29. P Ramkumar, and G S Vankayalapati, 2017, ‘Tribological behaviour of carbon Nano tubes as lubricant additive in boundary lubrication’ ITS-IFToMM / K-TIS 2017, 4th International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, March19-22nd Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, South Korea, pp. 42-43.
  30. K. Sreeraj, P Ramkumar, and K. Shubham, "Novel methods to create white etching cracks (WEC) using pin on disc tribometer", SAE International Conference on ADMMS 2017, India
  31. K. Sreeraj, P Ramkumar, and K. Shubham, “The role of Carbides Dissolution in the formation of White Etching Areas (WEA) of Bearing Steel”, ITS-IFToMM 2017, South Korea.
  32. P. Maruti, P Ramkumar and K Shankar, “Multi-objective optimization of spur-gearbox considering tribological aspects”, ITS-IFToMM 2017, South Korea.
  33. P. Maruti, P Ramkumar and K Shankar, “Multi-objective optimization of spur-gearbox considering tribological aspects using NSGA-II”, proceedings of National Tribology Conference, Dec 2016, IIT BHU.
  34. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, “Effect of soot on tribological properties using light weight advanced materials” Conference -Wear of Materials, Toronto, Canada, 2015.
  35. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, "Effect of soot on Tribological properties using steel and hybrid sliding contacts", proceedings of National Tribology Conference Dec 2014, p232-238, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi.
  36. R.J.K Wood, P Ramkumar, L. Wang, T.J. Harvey, K. Nelson and E.S. Yamaguchi, Electrostatic monitoring of the effects of carbon black on lubricated steel/steel sliding contacts.45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Life Cycle Tribology, 7-10thSeptember 2005 Leeds, UK.
  37. P Ramkumar, L. Wang, T.J. Harvey, R.J.K. Wood, K. Nelson, E.S. Yamaguchi, J.J. Harrison and H.E.G. Powrie, The effect of diesel engine oil contamination on friction and wear. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 2005, p 537-538 (citations: 8, IF: N.A)
  38. P Ramkumar, T.J. Harvey, L.Wang, R.J.K.Wood, K.Nelson, E.S. Yamaguchi, J.J.Harrison, H.E.G. Powrie, Determining the influence of diesel engine oil contaminants on tribological properties using electrostatic condition monitoring, Extended abstract - Mission of Tribology, IMechE HQ, London. Dec 2005.
  39. P Ramkumar, T. J. Harvey, R.J.K. Wood and H.E.G. Powrie, Electrostatic wear monitoring of oil lubricated CVD diamond-on-Si3N4 contacts, presented in 54th DeBeers Diamond Conference, Cambridge, UK. July 2003.

Conference Presentations – National

(The presenting author’s name is underlined)

  1. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, Effect of soot on tribological properties of steel and ceramic contacts. 3rd Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2017), July 5-7, 2017 MNIT, Allahabad, India.
  2. Maruti Patil, P Ramkumar and K. Shankar, Multi-objective optimization of two-stage spur gearbox with tribological constraints. National Tribology Conference (NTC-2016), 8-10 December 2016, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India.
  3. Yadvendra Kaushik and P Ramkumar, Effect of Soot on tribological properties using steel and hybrid sliding contacts, National Tribology Conference 2014, 15-17 December, PES University, Bengaluru, India.

Contact Details

 : Room No.408, Machine Design Section

: Department of Mechanical Engineering

: IIT Madras


 : +91-44-2257-4684