
Fatigue Prediction for Random Loads
Using the rainflow method

Igor Rychlik, Sayan Gupta, Georg Lindgren
CRC Press

Journal Publications 

  1. Somnath Roy, Sayan Gupta (2024). Vibrational resonance in vibro-impact oscillator through fast harmonic excitation. Under review. Arxiv.
  2. Rahul Das, AK Bajaj, Sayan Gupta (2024). Effects of internal resonance and damping in Koopman modes. Under review. Arxiv
  3. Vineet K Reddy, Sushovan Roychowdhury, Sayan Gupta, Ilaksh Adlakha (2024). Novel neighborhood function for predicting grain-averaged elasto-plastic response. Under review.
  4. Saranya Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2023). Localized differential stability of stochastic attractors. Under review
  5. N Rajagopal Rohan, Sayan Gupta, VS Chakravarthy (2023). A chaotic associative memory. Under review.
  6. Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2022). On the phase description of vibro-impact oscillators. Under review.
  7. Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2021). Isochronous sets in smooth and non-smooth mechanical oscillators. Under review. link
  8. Aasifa Rounak, Piotr Brzeski, Przemyslaw Perlikowski, Sayan Gupta (2021). Local stability of limit cycles in non-autonomous stochastic dynamical systems. Under review
  9. Samana Pranesh, Sayan Gupta (2025). Exploring cognitive inertia in opinion dynamics using an activity driven model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 191, 115879. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2024.115879 link
  10. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2024). Energy harvesting from wake-induced vibration of flexible flapper behind a bluff body. Physics of Fluids, 36, 117130. doi:10.1063/5.0234607 link
  11. Samana Pranesh, Devanand Jaiswal, Sayan Gupta (2024). Effect of clustering on Turing instability in complex networks. Chaos: An interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34(9), 093109. link
  12. Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2024). Symmetry-breaking higher-order interactions in coupled phase oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 181, 114721. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114721 link
  13. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sayan Gupta, Suntera Sarkar (2024). Energy harvesting in a flow-induced vibrating flapper with biomimetic gaits . International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 272, 109150. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109150 link
  14.  Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2024). Effect of adaptation functions and multilayer topology on synchronization. Physical Review E, 109(2), 024221. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.109.024221 link.
  15. Samana Pranesh, Sayan Gupta (2024). Fault resilience in network of energy harvesters. Journal of Physics: Complexity, doi:10.1088/2632-072X/ad1db7 link.
  16. Prabhat Karmakar, Sayan Gupta, Ilaksh Adkakha (2023). Low rank approximation for local strain in two phase composites. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 264(15), 108850. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108850 link
  17. Samana Pranesh, Sayan Gupta (2023). Explosive death transitions in complex networks of limit cycle and chaotic systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 168, 113112. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113112 link
  18. Rahul Das, Anil K Bajaj, Sayan Gupta (2023). Nonlinear energy sink coupled with a nonlinear oscillator. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics,  48, 104285. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2022.104285 link.
  19. Mohit Kumar, Sayan Gupta (2022). Route to synchronization in coupled phase oscillators with frequency-dependent coupling: explosive or continuous? Physical Review E, , 106, 044310 doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.106.044310 link
  20. Dhrubojyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2022). Mirror synchronization in a bi-layer master-slave configuration of Kuramoto oscillators. Chaos: An interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32(9), 093148 doi:10.1063/5.01099797 link
  21. Pankaj Kumar, S Narayanan, Sayan Gupta (2022). Dynamics of stochastic vibro-impact oscillator with compliant contact force models. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 144, 104086. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2022.104086 link
  22. Rahul Kumar, Shaikh Faruque Ali, Sayan Gupta (2022). Stochastic Reduced Order Modelling and Analysis of Rotating Bladed Discs. Proceedings of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478 (2260), 20210833. doi: 10.1098/rspa.2021.0833 link
  23. K Vineet Kumar Reddy, Ilaksh Adlakha, Sayan Gupta, Sushovan Roychowdhury (2022). Crystal elasticity simulations of polycrystalline material using rank-one approximation. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 11, 139-157. doi: 10.1007/s40192-022-00253-8 link 
  24. Dhrubojyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2022). Ageing transitions in a network of Rulkov neurons. Scientific Reports, 12, 433.  doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03844-1 link .
  25. Rahul Kumar, S Faruque Ali, Sayan Gupta (2021). Static condensation based reduced order modelling of stochastically parametered large order systems. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 66, 103166.  doi:10.1016/j.probengmech.2021.103166
  26. Saranya Biswas, Aasifa Rounak, Przemyslaw Perlikowski, Sayan Gupta (2021). Stochastic point and limit cycle attractors for dynamical systems with additive noise. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 101, 105870.
  27. Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta, Soumitro Banerjee (2021). Local and global bifurcations in 3D piecewise smooth discontinuous maps. Chaos: An interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31, 013126.
  28. Chandan Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2021). Dynamic interlinking between near and far-field wakes behind a pitching-plunging airfoil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 911,
  29. Rahul Kumar, S Faruque Ali, Sankarkumar Jeyaraman, Sayan Gupta (2021). Uncertainty quantification of bladed disc systems using data driven stochastic reduced order models. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 190, 106011.
  30. Aasifa Rounak, S Gupta (2020). Stochastic P-bifurcation in a nonlinear impact oscillator with soft barrier under Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Nonlinear Dynamics, 99, 2657-2674.
  31. Aasifa Rounak, S Gupta (2020). Bifurcations in a pre-stressed, harmonically excited, vibro-impact oscillator at subharmonic resonances. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos,30(8), 2050111.
  32. S Krishna Kumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2020). Intermittency in a cantilever plate in randomly fluctuating flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 93, 102855.
  33. S Krishna Kumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2019). Multiplicative noise induced intermittency in maps. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 117, 103251.
  34. DW Remigius, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2019). Effect of fast parametric excitation on the instability behaviour of a spinning disc bounded in compressible fluid filled enclosure. Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-23.
  35. R Kumar, S Gupta, SF Ali (2019). Energy harvesting from chaos in base excited double pendulum. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 124, 49-64.
  36. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2019). Targeted energy transfer in stochastically excited system with nonlinear energy sink. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 30(5), 869-886.
  37. C Bose, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2019). Route to chaos in a flexible flapping wing motion: Roulle-Takens-Newhouse scenario. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 109, 189-203.
  38. Shamrao, C Padmanabhan, S Gupta, A Mylswamy (2018). Estimation of terramechanics parameters of wheel-soil interaction model using particle filtering. Journal of Terramechanics, 79, 79-95.
  39. DW Remigus, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Bifurcation analysis of an accelerating disc immersed in a bounded compressible medium near subharmonic resonance. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 107, 77-85.
  40. HP Lal, J Jith, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Reduced order modelling in stochastically parametered acousto-elastic system using arbitrary PCE based SEREP. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 52, 1-14.
  41. J Venkatramani, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2018).Intermittency in pitch-plunge aeroelastic systems explained through stochastic bifurcations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 92, 1225-1241.
  42. J Venkatramani, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2018). Investigations on precursor measures for aeroelastic flutter. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 419, 318-336.
  43. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Dynamical behaviour of unsteady flow-field of an elastically mounted flapping airfoil. AIAA Journal, 56 (5), 2062-2069.
  44. C Bose, V Reddy, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Transient and stable chaos in a flexible flapping flight. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME, 13, 021014.
  45. S Krishnakumar, C Bose, SF Ali, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Investigations on a vortex induced vibration based energy harvester. Applied Physics Letters, 111, 243903.
  46. J Venkatramani, S Krishnakumar, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2017). Physical mechanism of intermittency route to aeroelastic flutter. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 75, 9-26.
  47. Y Appalanaidu, A Roy, S Gupta (2017). 3-D stochastic finite elements for thermal creep analysis of piping structures with spatial material inhomogeneities. Acta Mechanica, 228, 3039-3062.
  48. HP Lal, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Stochastic model order reduction in randomly parametered linear dynamical systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 51, 744-763.
  49. DW Remigius, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Bifurcation and response analysis of a nonlinear flexible rotating disc in bounded compressible fluid. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 392, 260-279.
  50. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2017). Bifurcation analysis of a stochastically excited vibro-impact Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator with bilateral rigid barriers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 127, 103-117.
  51. J Venkatramani, V Nair, RI Sujith, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2017). Multifractality in aeroelastic response: predicting the onset of impending flutter. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 386(6), 390-406.
  52. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2016). Stochastic bifurcations in a vibro-impact Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 85(1), 439-452.
  53. V Ambetkar, R Kuppa, S Gupta (2016). A saddlepoint approach to estimating joint extreme value distributions for vector non-stationary Gaussian processes. Applied Ocean Research, 58, 178-188.
  54. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2016). Investigations on the bifurcation of a noisy Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 45, 70-86.
  55. J Venkatramani, V Nair, RI Sujith, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). Precursors to flutter instability by an intermittency route: a model free approach. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 61, 376-391.
  56. A Ghiya, S Gupta, A Arockiarajan (2015). Wind vibration energy harvesting through macro-fiber composites: a probabilistic approach. Journal of Institute of Smart Structures and Systems 4(1), 76-83.
  57. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2015). Stochastic model order reduction in uncertainty quantification of composite structures. Composite Structures, 128, 21-34.
  58. R Rangaraj, B Pokale, A Banerjee, S Gupta (2015). Investigations on a particle filter algorithm methodology for crack identification in beams from vibration measurements. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22, 1049-1067.
  59. Rangaraj P, A Chaudhuri, S Gupta (2015). The use of polynomial chaos for parameter identification from measurements in nonlinear dynamical system. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik), 95 (12), 1372-1392.
  60. P Sasikumar, A Venketeswaran, R Suresh, S Gupta (2015). A data driven SSFEM approach for analysis of CFRP laminated composite plates. Composite Structures, 125, 212-227.
  61. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, Vijayaghosh PK, S Gupta (2015). Experimental characterization of random field models for CFRP composite panels. Composite Structures, 20, 451-471.
  62. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2014). Finite element solution of Fokker-Planck equation of nonlinear systems subjected to colored non-Gaussian noise. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 38, 143-155.
  63. B Pokale, S Gupta (2014). Damage estimation in vibrating beams from time domain experimental measurements. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84, 1715-1737.
  64. Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta (2014). Probabilistic damage estimation in piping components against thermal fatigue and creep. Nuclear Engineering Design, 273, 202-214.
  65. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2014). Analysis of CFRP laminated plates with spatially varying non-Gaussian inhomogeneities using SFEM. Composite Structures, 112, 308-326.
  66. Y Vyas, Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta (2014). Noise models in numerical analysis of stochastic creep damage growth and residual life assessment. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 14(2), 259-264.
  67. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2014). Stochastic finite element analysis of layered composite beams with spatially varying non-Gaussian inhomogeneities. Acta Mechanica, 225(6), 1503-1522.
  68. J Jith, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2013). Crossing statistics of quadratic transformations of LMA processes. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 33, 9-17.
  69. N Ganesh, S Gupta (2012). Estimating the rain-flow fatigue damage in wind turbine blades using polynomial chaos. Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, 1(4), 17-25.
  70. S Sarkar, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2010). Wiener chaos expansions for estimating rainflow fatigue damage in randomly vibrating structures with uncertain parameters. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 26, 387-398.
  71. T Galtier, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2010). Crossings of second order response processes subjected to LMA loadings. Journal of Probability and Statistics,
  72. S Gupta, P. van Gelder (2008). Probability distribution of peaks for nonlinear combination of vector Gaussian loads,  Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics, ASME, 130, 031011:1-12.
  73. S Gupta, I Rychlik (2007). Rain-flow fatigue damage for nonlinear combination of vector Gaussian loads, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 22, 231-249.
  74. I Rychlik, Sayan Gupta (2007). Rain-flow fatigue damage for transformed Gaussian loads, International Journal of Fatigue, 29, 406-420.
  75. S Gupta, P. van Gelder (2007). Extreme value distributions for nonlinear transformations of vector Gaussian processes. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 22, 136-149.
  76. S Gupta, N Shabakhty, P van Gelder (2006). Fatigue damage in randomly vibrating Jack-up platforms under non-Gaussian loads, Applied Ocean Research, 28(6), 407-419.
  77. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2006). Reliability analysis of randomly vibrating structures with parameter uncertainties, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 297, 1000-1024.
  78. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2005). Probability distribution of extremes of Von Mises stress in randomly vibrating structures, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME, 127(6), 547-555.
  79. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2005). Development of multivariate extreme value distributions for random vibration applications, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 131(7), 712-720.
  80. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2004). Improved response surface method for time variant reliability analysis of nonlinear random structures under nonstationary excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics, 36, 267-280.
  81. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2004). An improved response surface method for the determination of failure probability and importance measures, Structural Safety, 26, 123-139.
  82. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2002). Dynamic stiffness method for circular stochastic Timoshenko beams: response variability and reliability analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 253 (5), 1051-1085.

Book Chapters

  1. Rahul Kumar, Sayan Gupta, Shaikh Faruque Ali (2020). Analysis of stepped beam using reduced order models, Advances in Structural Vibration: Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering book series, 21-33.
  2. S Krishna Kumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2020). Vibration energy harvesting in fluctuating fluid flows. Dynamics and Control of Energy Systems (Eds: A Mukhopadhyay, DN Basu, S Mondal, S Sen), International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainibility, Springer, 215-236. doi://10.1007/978-981-15-0536-2
  3. J Venkatramani, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2020). Intermittency in pitch-plunge aeroelastic system. Dynamics and Control of Energy Systems (Eds: A Mukhopadhyay, DN Basu, S Mondal, S Sen), International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainibility, Springer, 171-194. doi://10.1007/978-981-15-0536-2
  4. S Gupta, D Ghosh (2016). Uncertainty quantification in structural engineering: current status and future directions. Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science: Theory and Application in Fluids and Structural Mechanics, (Eds: S. Sarkar, J Witteveen), World Scientific Review Volume, World Scientific, pp 119-149.
  5. N Ganesh, S Gupta (2015). A spectral approach to time variant reliability analysis of randomly excited nonlinear systems. Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Springer, (Eds: M. Beer, I. Kougioumtzoglou, E. Pateli, Siu-Kui Au), ISBN:978-3-642-35344-4, pp 2104-2131.
  6. CS Manohar, S Gupta (2005). Modeling and evaluation of structural reliability: current status and future directions Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, (Ed: K.S. Jagadish and R.N. Iyengar), University Press, pp. 90-187.


  • Prabhat Karmakar, Sayan Gupta, Ilaksh Adlakha. Extended low rank approximation for strain field prediction of heterogeneous material. Patent filing no. 202541018933, date of filing: March 3, 2025.
  • J Venkatramani, V Nair, S Gupta, S Sarkar, RI Sujith. Setup and methodology for early detection of aeroelastic instabilities. Patent filing no, 4273/CHE/2014, date 02/09/2014, Patent No: 426834, date of grant: 24/03/2023.


Fatigue prediction for random loads:
Using the rainflow method

Igor Rychlik, Sayan Gupta, Georg Lindgren
CRC Press, Boca Raton 2025
ISBN:  978-1003019947

Reliability analysis of randomly vibrating structures:
Analytical and numerical techniques for structural systems with parameter uncertainties

Sayan Gupta, CS Manohar
Lambert Academic Publishing, Cologne 2009
ISBN: 978-3-8383-0152-5

Reliability analysis of randomly vibrating structures:
Analytical and numerical techniques for structural systems with parameter uncertainties

Sayan Gupta, CS Manohar
Lambert Academic Publishing, Cologne 2009
ISBN: 978-3-8383-0152-5

Conference Publications

  1. Prasad Kokitkar, Sayan Gupta (2024). Physics informed neural network based approach to the analysis of Gierer-Meinhardt model. 43rd Solid Mechanics Conference: SOlMech 2024, Sep 16-18, Wroclaw, Poland.
  2. Rahul Das, Anil K Bajaj, Sayan Gupta (2024). Advancements in Koopman operator based nonlinear normal mode quantification: Investigating the impact of internal resonances and dissipation. Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, July 1-3, Madrid, Spain.
  3. Prabhat Karmakar, Ilaksh Adlakha and Sayan Gupta (2024). Local Strain Prediction of single phase polycrystalline materials with low-Rank Approximation. 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference.  Madrid, Spain May 29-31.
  4. Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2024). Adaptive and symmetry breaking higher-order interactions in coupled phase oscillators. WINQ Program on Complex and Quantum Systems, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm, April 29-May 3.
  5. Rajanya Chatterjee, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2024), Effect of spatio-temporal loading on the harvested energy from a flexible flapper under VIV. DisCoVor 2024 - 3rd Colloquium on Vortex Dominated Flows, Delft, The Netherlands, April 16-19.
  6. Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2023).  Generalized adaptive synchronization in coupled phase oscillators. Complex Networks 2023, Menton,  France, Nov 28-30.
  7. Samana P, Sayan Gupta (2023). Turing instability in complex networks. Complex Networks 2023, Menton, France, Nov 28-30.
  8. Samana P, Sayan Gupta (2023). Explosive death transitions in a complex network of chaotic systems.  NodyCon 2023, Sapienza University, Rome, June 18-22.
  9. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2023). Dynamical transitions in flexible piezoelectric flapper in the wake of a bluff body.  NodyCon 2023, Sapieneza University, Rome, June 18-22.
  10. Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2023). Mirroring of synchronization in multilayer configuration of Kuramoto oscillators.  NodyCon 2023, Sapienza University, Rome, June18-22.
  11. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2022). Effect of piezoelectric coupling on dynamical transitions of a flexible beam in viscous flow. 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2020+2), Lyon, July 17-22.
  12. MH Dalroti, Rahul Kumar, Sayan Gupta, S Faruque Ali, G Litak (2021). Energy harvesting from a double pendulum under noisy support excitations. XVI Vibration Engineering & Technology of Machinery Conference, BMS College of Engg, Bengaluru, Dec 16-18.
  13. Rahul Das, Anil K Bajaj, Sayan Gupta (2021). Performance of a nonlinear energy sink coupled with a nonlinear oscillator for energy harvesting applications. 16th International Conference on Dynamical Systems- Theory and Applications, Dec 6-9 (online). 
  14. Dhrubojyoti Biswas, Samana P, Sayan Gupta (2021). Effects of noise on ageing transitions in network of Rulkov neurons. Conference on Complex Systems, Lyon, Oct 25-29.
  15. Rajanya Chaterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2021). Inertial effect on the flow induced vibration for energy harvesting from a piezoelectric beam. Online symposium on Aeroelasticity, Fluid-structure interaction and Vibrations, October 14-15.
  16. Rajanya Chaterjee, Chhote Lal Shah, Sunetra Sarkar, Sayan Gupta (2021). Energy harvesting potential of a unimorph flexible beam in uniform flow. UK Fluids Conference 2021, University of Southampton, Sep 8-10.
  17. Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta (2021). Stochastic bifurcations in 3-dimensional piecewise smooth systems. NodyCon 2021 (virtual conference), Sapienza University, Rome, Feb 16-19.
  18. Pankaj Kumar, S Narayanan, Sayan Gupta (2021). Dynamics of discontinuous nonlinear oscillators with compliant contacts subjected to combined harmonic and random loadings. NodyCon 2021 (virtual conference), Sapienza University, Rome, Feb 16-19.
  19. Chandan Bose, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2020). Transitional wake dynamics of a low-aspect ratio finite span flapping wing. APS DFD 2020, Online, November 22-24. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2020).
  20. Rajanya Chatterjee, Sunetra Sarkar, Sayan Gupta (2020). Energy harvesting from flow induced vibrations in a flexible flapper. Chaotic, Modelling and Simulation Web Conference, Oct 22-24.
  21. Dalroti M, R Kumar, S Gupta, SF Ali, G Litak (2020). Effects of additive noise on the energy harvesting characteristics of a base excited double pendulum. Chaotic, Modelling and Simulation Web Conference, Oct 22-24.
  22. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chandan Bose, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2020). Nonlinear response analysis of a chord-wise flexible flapper in the wake of a bluff body using OpenFoam. 8th ESI OpenFoam Conference (Virtual Conference), Oct 13-15.
  23. Chandan Bose, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2020). Three dimensional simulation of flow field around a flapping foil using immersed boundary solvers of OpenFoam. 8th ESI OpenFoam Conference (Virtual Conference), Oct 13-15.
  24. Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta (2020). Stochastic bifurcations in nonsmooth systems with randomly moving borders. XL Dynamic Days Europe , Nice, August 24-28 (postponed to 2021 due to covid to 2021).
  25. Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2020). Detecting the stability margins along stochastic limit cycles. XL Dynamic Days Europe , Nice, August 24-28 (postponed to 2021 due to covid to 2021).
  26. Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta (2020). Effect of stochastic switching surface in non-smooth systems. International Conference on Engineering Vibrations, Aberdeen, August 18-21 (postponed due to covid to Dec 2020 and in online form).
  27. Aasifa Rounak, Saranya Biswas, Sayan Gupta (2020). Tracking survivavibility of solutions in nonlinear dynamical systems. International Conference on Engineering Vibrations, Aberdeen, August 18-21 (postponsed due to covid to Dec 2020 and in online form).
  28. Saranya Biswas, Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta (2020). Effect of parametric noise on the dynamics of lower order climate model.  10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, July 5-10 (cancelled due to covid).
  29. Pankaj Kumar, S Narayanan, Sayan Gupta (2020). Numerical simulation of stochastically excited discontinuous nonlinear systems through adaptive time stepping. 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, July 5-10 (cancelled due to covid).
  30. Rahul Kumar, Sayan Gupta, S Faruque Ali (2020). Stochastic modeling and analysis of rotating bladed discs. Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2020, London, June 22-26 Vol 84225, V10BT28A009. 
  31. Rajanya Chatterjee, Chandan Bose, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2020). Fluid-structure interaction dynamics of a flexible filament in the wake of an elliptical bluff body. 2nd International Symposium on flutter and its application. Paris, 12-14 May (cancelled due to covid).
  32. Saranya Biswas, Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2020). A study on additive noise induced hopping between coexisting stable attractors. Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and application in Science and Engineering. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata March 16-17 (cancelled due to covid).
  33. Mahashweta Patra, Sayan Gupta (2020). Effect of stochasticity on smooth and non-smooth systems. Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and application in Science and Engineering. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata March 16-17 (cancelled due to covid).
  34. Mahashweta Patra, S Gupta (2019). Bifurcations in 3-D piecewise smooth discontinuous maps. 12th Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IIT Kanpur, Dec 12-15.
  35. Rahul Das, Sayan Gupta (2019). Investigating the use of nonlinear energy sinks for energy harvesting from randomly excited systems. 12th Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IIT Kanpur, Dec 12-15.
  36. Saranya Biswas, Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2019). On the notion of stability of stochastic attractors. 12th Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IIT Kanpur, Dec 12-15.
  37. Rahul Sundar, Avisha Ghorpade, Jithin Jith, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2019). Computational modeling of stochastic buffeting of fin-like structures. 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Mandi, Dec 11-13.  Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations, Springer, (2021), 249-258.
  38.  Chandan Bose, Rajanya Chatterjee, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2019).  Investigating fluid structure behavior of a chord-wise flexible filament in the wake of a bluff body using partitioned strong coupling approach. 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Mandi, Dec 11-13. Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulation Vol II: Nano to Macro. (Eds: SK Saha, M Mukherjee), Springer, chapter 38. (2021), 453-463.
  39. Rahul Kumar, S Gupta, SF Ali (2019). Random field modeling and analysis of rotor bladed disc sector using a data driven based approach. ASME 2019 Gas Turbibe India Conference (GTIndia 2019), Chennai, Dec 5-6.
  40. Pankaj Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2019). Dynamic parameter estimation and fault identification from random response of rolling element bearing in a rotor bearing system. ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference (GTIndia 2019), Chennai, Dec 5-6.
  41. Rahul Kumar, SF Ali, Sayan Gupta (2019). Vibration response of randomly parametered mistuned blade disc using stochastic reduced order model. 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), Crete, June 24-26.
  42. Rahul Kumar, SF Ali, Sayan Gupta (2019). A data driven PC based approach for dynamic analysis of stochastically parametered plate with square cut. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Utah, May 19-23.
  43. Aasifa Rounak, Sayan Gupta (2019). On the phase response and isochrons  of a bilinear impact oscillator. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics, Lodz, Poland, May 7-10.
  44. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Jet switching precedes chaos in the wake of a simultaneously pitching-plunging airfoil. 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, November 18-120. Bulletin of American Physical Society, 63.
  45. A Rounak, S Gupta (2018). Devil's attractors and Farey trees of a driven impact oscillator. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, October 11-14.
  46. S Krishna Kumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2018). Multiplicative noise induced intermittency in maps. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, October 11-14.
  47. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2018). Numerical solution of noisy Fillipov systems using event detection technique.  Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, October 11-14.
  48. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Transitional flow dynamics past a passively flapping airfoil in gusty flow. IUTAM Symposium on Critical flow dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications, Santorini, June 18-22.  Advances in critical flow dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications, Springer Nature Vol 147, 135 (2021).
  49. GV Joesph, SF Ali, S Gupta, V Pakrashi (2018). Energy harvesting using array of rotating pendulums suspended from axially vibrating rigid rod. 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, July 2-6.
  50. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2018). Flow induced vibration of a chord wise flexible filament in perturbed flows. 9th International Symposium on Fluid-structure interactions, flow-sound interactions, flow-induced vibration and noise, Toronto, July 8-11.
  51. P Kumar, S Gupta, S Narayanan (2017). Stochastic bifurcations in discontinuous and impacting nonlinear systems. Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, December 11-14, Lodz, Poland.
  52. A Rounak, S Gupta (2017). Investigating intermittent chaotic oscillations in vibro-impact systems. 5th International Conference on Complex Dynamical Systems and Applications, IIT Guwahati, December 4-6.
  53. C Bose, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Fluid structure interaction dynamics of a flexible foil in low Reynolds number flows. 7th International Conference on Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, December 28-30.
  54. R Kumar, SF Ali, S Gupta (2017). Analysis of stepped beam using reduced order models,  13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, Dec 4-6. Advances in Structural Vibration: Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (2021), 21-33.
  55. A Rounak, S Gupta (2017). The behavior of impacting systems under random forcings. International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4-7. Matec Web of Conferences, 148, 08002.
  56. C Bose, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Stochastic bifurcation analysis of an elastically mounted airfoil in an inviscid fluid. International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4-7. Matec Web of Conferences, 148, 08001.
  57. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2017). Targeted energy transfer in stochastically excited system with non-linear energy sink. International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4-7.
  58. S Krishnakumar, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2017). Intermittent oscillations of elastic structure in fluctuating axial fluid flow. 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 25-30,.
  59. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2017). Quasi-periodic vortical signature of an elastically mounted flapping airfoil. AIAA Conference, Denver, June 5-9.
  60. C Bose, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2017). Fluid structure interaction dynamics of a flexible foil in low Reynolds number flows. X International Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn), University of Roma, Rome, September 10-13.
  61. A Rounak, S Gupta (2016). Bifurcation analysis of systems with intermittent contact with a filtered time varying switching surface. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IISER Kolkata, December 16-18.
  62. S Krishnakumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2016). Effect of noise correlation on multiplicative noise induced intermittency. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IISER Kolkata, December 16-18.
  63. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). Recurrence quantification analysis of the low Reynolds number flow dynamics past a flapping wing. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IISER Kolkata, December 16-18.
  64. C Bose, R Chatterjee, R Nath, A Maity, R Chatterjee, S Patel, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). Nonlinear fluid-structure interaction dynamics of an elastically mounted flapping airfoil in an inviscid fluid. Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, IISER Kolkata, December 16-18.
  65. C Bose, S Krishnakumar, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2016). Interaction of a flexible splitter plate with vortex shedding past a rigid circular cylinder. Structural Engineering Convention, SERC, December 21-23. Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol 2, Lecture notes in Civil Engineering Vol 12 (2019). (Eds: A Rao, K Ramanjayelu), Springer, pp 841-852.
  66. J Venkatramani, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). A model free approach to forewarning flutter instability using entropy measures. Structural Engineering Convention, SERC, December 21-23.
  67. HP Lal, DW Remigius, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). Estimation of modal characteristics of reduced order fluid structure interaction system. Structural Engineering Convention, SERC, December 21-23. Recent advances in Structural Engineering, Vol 1, Lecture notes in Civil Engineering Vol 12 (2019). (Eds. A Rao, K Ramanjayelu), Springer, pp 563-575.
  68. C Bose, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). High fidelity simulation of flow over a flapping wing using parallel computing. 6th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Bombay, June 27- July 1.   
  69. J Venkatramani, S Krishnakumar, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2016). The physics of intermittency route to aeroelastic flutter. 11th International Conference on Flow Induced Vibrations, Den Hag, The Netherlands, July 4-6. 
  70. Y Appalanaidu, A Roy, S Gupta (2016). A 3-D stochastic finite element approach for damage estimation in piping structures against thermal creep and fatigue. 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-fatigue interaction, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Jan 19-22. Procedia Engineering, 86, 677-684.
  71. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2015). Stochastic bifurcation analysis of a Duffing oscillator with Coulomb friction excited by Poisson white noise. 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, Dec 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144, 998-1006.
  72. C Bose, S Badrinath, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2015). Dynamical stability analysis of a fluid-structure interaction system using a high fidelity Navier-Stokes solver. 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144, 883-890.
  73. DW Remigius, HP Lal, JK Dubey, SM Godbole, S Gupta, S Sarkar (2015). Stochastic reduced order modeling of a fluid structure interaction system. 12th Int Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144, 1213-1219.
  74. HP Lal, SM Godbole, JK Dubey, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2015). Reduced order models in analysis of stochastically parametered linear dynamical systems. 12th Int Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144., 1325-1331.
  75. S Krishnakumar, S Gupta (2015). Stability analysis of a cantilevered plate in randomly fluctuating flow. 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144, 990-997.
  76. J Venkatramani, Sayan Gupta, Sunetra Sarkar (2015). Numerical investigations on intermittency route to aeroelastic flutter. 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering, 144, 967-973.
  77. V Ambetkar, R Kuppa, S Gupta (2015). Multivariate extreme value distributions for vector of stationary non-Gaussian processes. 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, December 14-17. Procedia Engineering,144, 504-511.
  78. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2015). Response and bifurcation in stochastic vibro-impact system. Int Conference on Engineering Vibration, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 7-10.
  79. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2014). Failure probability of laminated composite beams in flexure: SFEM predictions and experimental validation. 13th ISAMPE National Conference on Composites, Trivandrum, 14-15 November.
  80. J Venkatramani, NH Patel, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2014). Nonlinear dynamical analysis of an airfoil subjected to non-Gaussian wind. Indian Congress on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, Decemebr 29-31.
  81. HP Lal, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2014). Reduced order modeling and uncertainty quantification for a stochastic linear dynamical system. 5th Int Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Structural Engineering and Research Center, Chennai, December 10-13. 
  82. P Naik, S Gupta (2014). Parallel computing in stochastic finite element analysis. 5th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Structural Engineering and Research Center, Chennai, December 10-13.
  83. J Venkatramani, S Sarkar, S Gupta (2014). Response analysis of an oscillating airfoil in a non-Gaussian randomly fluctuating flow. International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, June 8-13.
  84. Y Appalanaidu, A Roy, S Gupta (2014). Stochastic creep damage estimation in pipings with spatial non-Gaussian uncertainties using spectral stochastic finite element method. International Conference on Structural Integrity, Kalpakkam, February 4-7.
  85. J Venkatramani, S Chahhed, Sayan Gupta (2013). Development of LMA models for gusty loads on airfoils and response analysis. International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal.
  86. A Venkateshwaran, P Sasikumar, S Gupta (2013). A multi scale approach for uncertainty quantification of layered composite beams. International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Columbia University, NY, (Eds: Deodatis G, Ellingwood BR, Frangopol DM), CRC Press, 4849-4856.
  87. Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta (2013). Residual life assessment against thermal fatigue and creep. International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Columbia University, NY, (Eds: Deodatis G, Ellingwood BR, Frangopol DM), CRC Press,. 3981-3988.
  88. K Mohan, J Jith, S Gupta (2013). Multivariate extreme value distributions for vector LMA processes. International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Columbia University, NY, (Eds: Deodatis G, Ellingwood BR, Frangopol DM), CRC Press, 2841-2847.
  89. P Kumar, S Narayanan, S Gupta (2013). FE based solution for FPK equations of nonlinear oscillators driven by colored Gaussian noise. International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Columbia University, NY, (Eds: Deodatis G, Ellingwood BR, Frangopol DM), CRC Press, 1039-1046.
  90. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2013). Probabilistic distribution prediction of layered composite. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, International Center, Goa, February 18-21.
  91. B Pokale, S Gupta (2012). Crack identification from vibration measurements using particle filtering. 7th Int Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, IISc, Bangalore, July 27-28.
  92. Rangaraj P, B Pokale, S Gupta (2012). Identification of flexural rigidity in a vibrating beam using a PCE based bootstrap filter. 7th Int Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, IISc, Bangalore, July 27-28.
  93. Jithin Jith, Sayan Gupta, Igor Rychlik (2012). Crossings of quadratic functions of LMA processes. Speciality Conference in Probabilistic Mechanics, Notre Dam, USA.
  94. Y Appalanaidu, Y Vyas, S Gupta (2012). A stochastic continuum damage mechanics based methodology for residual life assessment against creep damage. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria, July 9-13.
  95. Y Appalanaidu, Y Vyas, S Gupta (2012). Stochastic creep damage growth due to random thermal fluctuations using continuum damage mechanics. 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, January 22-25, Mahabalipuram. Procedia Engineering, 55, 805-811.
  96. J Jith, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2012). Estimating crossing rate statistics of second order response of structures subjected to LMA loadings. International Symposium on Engineering and Uncertainty Safety Assessment and Management, Shibpur, January 5-6, Springer Publications.
  97. Rangaraj P, A Chaudhuri, S Gupta (2012). Polynomial chaos in bootstrap filtering for system identification. International Symposium on Engineering and Uncertainty Safety Assessment and Management, Shibpur, January 5-6, Springer Publications.
  98. N Ganesh, S Gupta (2012). Estimating the rain-flow fatigue damage in wind turbine blades using polynomial chaos. International Symposium on Engineering and Uncertainty Safety Assessment and Management, Shibpur, January 5-6, Springer Publications.
  99. Bharat Pokale, R Rangaraj, Sayan Gupta (2012). Parameter identification in a beam from experimental vibration measurements using particle filtering. International Symposium on Engineering and Uncertainty Safety Assessment and Management, Shibpur, January 5-6, Springer Publications.
  100. Y Vyas, Y Appalanaidu, S Gupta (2011). A stochastic continuum damage mechanics approach to residual life assessment of structural components. National Conference on Advances in Composites and Solid Mechanics, SVIT Baroda, 7-8 December.
  101. P Sasikumar, R Suresh, S Gupta (2011). A stochastic finite element approach to failure probability analysis of laminated composite beam. ISAMPE National Conference on Composites -INCCOM10, November 18-19, Research and Development Establishment (Engineers), Pune.
  102. R Rangaraj, L Rao, A Banerjee, S Gupta (2011). Identification of fatigue cracks in vibrating beams using a particle filtering algorithm. XVII National Seminar on Aerospace Structures, IIT Kanpur, September 23-24.
  103. S Sarkar, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2011). Investigating growth of rain-flow fatigue damage in a wind turbine blade using Wiener chaos expansions. 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 10-15.
  104. T Galtier, S Gupta, I Rychlik (2010). Approximation of crossing intensities for nonlinear responses subjected to non-Gaussian loadings. 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Shanghai, June 6-11. 
  105. Rajasekhar Reddy, Sayan Gupta, S. Narayanan (2009). Stochastic Hopf bifurcation of a 2-dimensional turbine blade in a randomly fluctuating flow. XVI the National Seminar on Aerospace Structures, IIT Bombay, November 19-20.
  106. Naajein Cherat, Sayan Gupta (2009). An analytical method for predicting fatigue crack growth in randomly vibrating structures. 3rd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Bombay, December 1-5. 
  107. K Manoj, S Gupta (2009). Uncertainty quantification of natural frequencies of jointed segments of aerospace vehicles. 3rd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Bombay, December 1-5. 
  108. V. Srinivasan, CL Rao, S Gupta (2009). Numerical simulation of buckling control of aluminium shallow shell. 3rd Int Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Bombay, Dec 1-5. 
  109. S Gupta, N Cherat (2009). Stochastic fatigue crack growth in randomly vibrating structures. Fatigue design for safety, Nya Varvet, Goteborg, Sweden, May 25-27. 
  110. P van Gelder et al. (2008). Reliability analysis of flood defence structures and systems in Europe. Floodrisk 08 – The European Conference on Flood Risk Management Research into Practice, Oxford, UK, September 30-October 2. 
  111. P van Gelder, et al. (2008). Reliability analysis of flood defence structures and systems in Europe. Flood risk-08. The European Conference on Flood Risk Management Research into Practice, Oxford, Sep 30-Oct 2.
  112. S Gupta, N Shabakhty, P van Gelder. (2006). Fatigue damage in randomly vibrating Jack-up platforms under non-Gaussian loads. 5th Computational Stochastic Mechanics Conference, Rhodos Greece, (Eds. P.D. Spanos & G. Deodatis), June 21-23. 
  113. S Gupta, P van Gelder, M Pandey. (2006). Time variant reliability analysis for series systems with log-normal vector response. Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction, Waterloo, Canada (Eds: M. Pandey, W-C. Xie & L. Xu), Springer, May 14-17, , pg 747-759. 
  114. M Dahal, B Petry, P van Gelder, S Gupta, JK Vrijling. (2005). Reliability analysis of large hydraulic models using importance sampling and response database. International Symposium on Stochastic Hydrology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 23-24. 
  115. CS Manohar, S Gupta, (2005). Prediction of seismic fragility analysis of a fire water system in a nuclear power plant using structural reliability methods, 7th Technical Programme Discussion Meeting, BARC Mumbai. 
  116. CS Manohar, S Gupta (2004). Seismic PSA for fire water system in nuclear power plant, Technical Program Discussion Meeting 2004 in Structures, Materials, Thermal Hydraulics, Chemical and Electronics Engineering and Water Chemistry, BARC, Mumbai.
  117. CS Manohar, S Gupta (2003). A gradient based method for reliability analysis of structures under seismic excitationsNational Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Power Plants (SDNPP), SERC Madras, January 2003, (Ed: S. Narayanan) 
  118. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2002). Development of an improved response surface method for computing exceedance probability of Von Mises stress for randomly excited structures, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics- an International Conference (ISTAM-2002), IIT Guwahati, (Ed: R.K. Tripathy). 
  119. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2001). Computation of reliability of stochastic structural dynamic systems using stochastic FEM & adaptive importance sampling with non-Gaussian sampling functions, First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Solid and Fluid Mechanics, MIT USA, June 12-15, 2001 (Ed: K.J. Bathe), pp 220-223. 
  120. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2001). Reliability analysis of vibrating structures using stochastic finite element and adaptive importance sampling, National Symposium on Advances in Structural Dynamics and Design (ASDD), Structural Engineering and Research Center, Madras, January 9-11, 2001, (Ed: R. Narayanan and TVSR Appa Rao), Allied Publishers, 517-523. 
  121. C.S. Manohar, S Gupta (2001), Nonlinear dynamics of beams with stochastic parameter variations,  IUTAM symposium on Nonlinearity and stochasticity in structural mechanics, IIT Madras, Jan 3-8, 1999 (Ed: RN Iyengar, S Narayanan) 133-145, Kluwer Academic Press. 
  122. S Gupta, CS Manohar (2000). Stochastic finite element vibration analysis of randomly inhomogeneous structures using dynamic stiffness matrix method , First Int Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-I), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, October 25-27, 2000. (Ed: Kartik Venkatraman and C.S. Manohar).

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