
Graduate level programs

  1. Interdisciplinary Dual Degree  (IDDD) program on Complex Systems and Dynamics* (media link)
  2. International Interdisciplinary Masters (I2MP) Program on Complex Systems and Dynamics 
  3. M.Tech in Computational and Experimental Mechanics

Graduate level theory courses

  1. AM 5650: Nonlinear Dynamics*
  2. ID5080: Complex Networks*
  3. ID5090: Data Science in Complex Networks*
  4. AM 5340: Stochastic Processes in Mechanics*
  5. AM 5030: Linear Dynamical Systems*
  6. AM 6291: Computational Structural Dynamics*
  7. AM 5117: Analytical Methods in Mechanics*
  8. AM 5390: Advanced Solid Mechanics
  9. AM 5290: Dynamics of Structures
  10. AM 5600: Computational Methods in Mechanics
  11. AM 6315: System identification in vibrating structures*

   * indicates new courses developed

Undergraduate level theory courses

  1. AM 1100: Engineering Mechanics
  2. AM 2200: Strength of Materials 

Laboratory courses

  1. AM 5400: Experimental Solid Mechanics 
  2. AM 5810: Computational Laboratory
  3. AM 5910: Instrumentation Laboratory
  4. AM 2540: Strength of Material Laboratory (Undergraduate level)

Online Course

  1. NPTEL Course: Random vibrations and failure analysis. Please click on this link


  1. Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics 2023: organized on behalf of Center on Complex Systems and Dynamics IIT Madras, August 1-4, 2023. (co-covenors: Stefano Boccaletti, Hilda Cerdeira, Neelima Gupte, Ram Ramaswamy)
  2. Symposium on Epidemic Modelling: organized on behalf of Center on Complex Systems and Dynamics IIT Madras, December 14, 2022 (co-organizers: B Ravindran, Computer Science, Neelima Gupte, Physics, Anubhab Roy, Applied Mechanics) 
  3. International Workshop on Reservoir computing: Online workshop organized on behalf of pCoE on Complex Systems and Dynamics IIT Madras,  November 22-23, 2022. (co-organizers: Prof Srinivas Chakravarthy, Biotechnology, Prof Neelima Gupte, Physics)
  4. Networks & Dynamical Systems 2021: An International Workshop-  Online workshop organized on behalf of pCoE on Complex Systems and Dynamics IIT Madras, August 25-28, 2021 (co-organizers: Prof Sunetra Sarkar, Aerospace Engineering, Prof Arun Tangirala, Chemical Engineering, Prof Neelima Gupte, Physics)
  5. National Conference on Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization 2021. Virtual Conference, October 7-9, 2021, IIT Madras. (member of core committee).
  6. Mini-symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochasticity in vibrating systems in International Conference on engineering Vibrations 2017, Sofia Bulgaria, September 4-7, 2017. (Co-organizer: Prof Przemyslaw Perlikowsky, Lodz University Poland)
  7. Computational Structural Dynamics: Short term training program for university lecturers, September 1-5, 2014. (co-organizers:  Prof Shaikh Faruque Ali, Applied Mechanics Prof Sunetra Sarkar, Aerospace Engineering)

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