S No. | Details of Patent | Patent File No. | Status (filed / accepted) | International / National / Commercial |
1. | A variable regulating stiffness wheel for a centerless grinding machine | 198400 | Accepted | International (Classification No: B24B 5/18) |
2. | Abrasive slurry preparation unit for micro abrasive waterjet machning applications | 4033/CHE/2013 | Filed | National |
3. | Method of characterization of a machine tool | 201741000125 | Filed | National |
4. | Method of designing a high precision machine tool | 201842000208 | Filed | National |
5. | Methods of reducing thermal drift of wheel spindle in a grinding machine | 201842000207 | Filed | National |
6. | Flow controlling unit for maintaining constant fluid film gap in hydrostatic bearing system | 201941023123 | Filed | International |
7. | Hydrostatic bearing film thickness controller using cylindrical tube diaphragm | 201941023121 | Filed | International |
8. | Hydrostatic spindle with membrane-based flow controller to maintain film thickness and dynamics of system | 202041040585 | Filed | National |
9. | Flow controlling apparatus with two diaphragms used to control hydrostatic bearing film thickness | 202041034294 | Filed | National |
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