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NEWS (October, 2004)

Prakriti organised an "Environment Day" for the campus school children ( Vanavani school and KV) on 16th October from 8.00 to 12 AM.  A whopping 160 students took part in the drawing competition. The skills of a number of budding Picasso's with nature related thought were revealed as a result of this. Forty students tried their hand at quizzing to see how they fare at topics related to environment. A 'make-your-own-poster' competition was organised to see how this youngsters could stretch their creativity, twelve people who took part in this didn't disappoint. Forty one other all armed with lens and film, fought it out for the top spot in the photography competition. The street play attracted participation of a number of students. School kids presented spectacular plays with messages related with environment issues. For the short story writing competition as much as 80 short stories were submitted.

In other news Lt. Colonel Rajendran has informed us that institute has taken steps to place eco-friendly 'Green bikes' at the entrance for the use of faculty/staff/student.

Also, it has been brought to our notice by the excited birdwatchers, that this year , three migratory birds have chosen the IIT campus as their winter home. They are: The Indian Pitta, the Forest Wagtail and the Orange-Headed Ground Thrush.

A good news- two new blackbuck fawns seen on the campus.

Please send in your reports and photos about campus environment and wildlife. If you happened to come across any accidents involving wildlife, send news of the same too. You can send your reports to prakriti@iitm.ac.in

Click here to find out about the rescue and rehabilitation of animals that took place in our campus.

Activities this month (March 09)

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