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Prakriti, the Wildlife Club of IIT Madras , was founded in April 2002 by a group of wildlife enthusiasts comprising of students, faculty, staff, residents and alumni of IIT Madras. The formation of the club was spurred by a growing recognition of the need to protect the unique biodiversity of the IIT Madras campus . The IIT Madras campus was carved out of a natural forest that formed part of the Guindy National Park.The Guindy National Park and IIT Campus come under Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest type - the least common vegetation type seen in India. The campus can be considered as an ideal example for the co-existence various types of mini - ecosystems. These are : (1) open grasslands (2) wetlands (3) thick forest patches and (4) patches of scrub jungle. The main inhabitants of these ecosystems are the blackbuck, spotted deer, jackals, mongoose, monkeys, squirrels, toddy cats, wild cats, various types of reptiles, a plethora of insects including about 40 different species of butterflies and about 100 species of birds. IITM campus also hosts large groups of migratory birds and butterflies every year.

In these pages we present to you a glimpse of the natural heritage of the IIT Madras campus in the form of its varied flora and fauna. The objectives of Prakriti include raising awareness about issues related to wildlife and environment among the campus residents. Join us at Prakriti and discover the joy of nature through treks, nature walks, talks and discussions. If you want to know more about Prakriti, contact us through e-mail or phone. Prakriti started publishing a monthly Newsletter to create awareness on environment and wildlife related to the campus.

For a glimpse of our beautiful campus, take the Campus Tour.

NOTE:All the pictures in this site are photographs taken at the IITM campus

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