One of three verticals of Centre For Propulsion Technologies
Funding Agency: DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation, India)
Value: ~1 Crore INR (Individual Share among 4 projects)
Time: 2017-2022
Aim of the project: Build a prototype of a rectangular wing which can change its camber along span during flight.
Achievements: Experimental Studies conducted for validation of "Decambering Technique". Boundary Layer Control Technique using the same tested vigorously using both experiments and numerical analysis. Both Steady-state and Unsteady numerical analysis and wind tunnel experiments conducted. Change in camber using MFC actuated external skin demonstrated.
Conclusion:"Decambering Technique" is a useful tool for boundary layer control.
Likely Application of the Outcome:
1 PhD (Dr. Aritras Roy) graduated.
2 Copyrights for numerical codes and 1 patent has been filed.
Hopefully some aerospace agency takes notice !!
Funding Agency: ARDB (Aeronautics Research and Development Board) of DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation, India)
Value: 17.5 Lakhs INR (Individual Project Investigator(PI))
Time: 2015-2017
Aim of the project: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Unsteady Aerodynamics of a pitching wing.
Achievements: Numerical Code Developed for Unsteady pre and post-stall aerodynamics, Experimental facility set-up and priliminary pressure readings and load readings undetaken for a fixed wing.
Conclusion:A multi-dimensional post-stall predictive tool is developed for wing(s) using VLM, which uses a nascent vortex to account for flow separation. The tool is robust for wings with cambered airfoil sections but some convergence issues exist for wings with symmetric airfoil sections. In case of non-convergence, the blow-up seems to usually occur near the tips and before the blow up there is marked asymmetry along span. For wings with cambered airfoil sections, section Cl distributions are completely devoid of sawtooth. Different initial conditions do not result in multiple solutions.
Likely Application of the Outcome: Technology for high-left devices. For example, aircrafts, which can climb or dip very sharply at very high angles of attack.
Funding Agency: ARDB (Aeronautics Research and Development Board) of DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation, India)
Value: 8.178 Lakhs INR (Individual Project Investigator(PI))
Time: 2010-2012
Aim of the project: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Unsteady Aerodynamics of a pitching wing.
Funding Agency: IITM (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) NFSG (New Faculty Seed Grant)
Value: 5.0 Lakhs INR (Individual Project Investigator(PI))
Time: 2008-2011
Aim of the project: Post-Stall aerodynamics of unsteady flow past multiple lifting surfaces.