Airfoil-Shaped Vortex Generators for Separation Control and Drag Reduction on Wind Turbine Blades
Hariprasanth Palanivel, Rinku Mukherjee
Acta Mechanica
Separation lines for Laminar Separation Bubble and Propagation of Stall over Finite Wing at Transition Regime Reynolds Numbers
Vasanth Kumar G, Rinku Mukherjee
Fluid Dynamics
Study of Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Jet-A Fuel with Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Effect
Egambaravel Jeyapandian, T. K. Vashist, Rinku Mukherjee
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Delay or Control of Flow Separation for Enhanced Aerodynamic Performance using an Effective Morphed Surface
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee
Acta Mechanica
Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Local Laminar Separation Bubble at a Rectangular Wing Section
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee
Fluid Dynamics
Effect of Aerospike on Unsteady Transonic Flow over a Blunt Body
Gireesh Yanamashetti, D. B. Singh, G. K. Suryanarayana, Rinku Mukherjee
Journal Of Spacecraft And Rockets
Three dimensional rectangular wing morphed to prevent stall and operate at design local two dimensional lift coefficient
Aritras Roy and Rinku Mukherjee
Aerospace Science and Technology
Passive Control of Transonic Flow over a Blunt Body Using Aerospikes
Gireesh Yanamashetti, D. B. Singh, G. K. Suryanarayana, Rinku Mukherjee
Journal Of Spacecraft And Rockets
Aerodynamic analysis of basic and extended lead-trail formation using numerical technique
M. Gunasekaran, Rinku Mukherjee
European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids
Prediction of Induced Drag of Fixed Wings in Extended Chevron Formations
M. Gunasekaran, Rinku Mukherjee
International Journal of Turbines & Energy, Volume 1, No 1, 2018
Behaviour of Trailing Wing(s) in Echelon Formation due to Wing twist and Aspect ratio
M. Gunasekaran, Rinku Mukherjee
Aerospace Science and Technology
Development of Flow Over Blunt-Nosed Slender Bodies at Transonic Mach Numbers
Gireesh Yanamashetti, G. K. Suryanarayana, Rinku Mukherjee
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series
High-Alfa Aerodynamics with Separated Flow Modeled as a Single Nascent Vortex
Antony B. Samuel, Rinku Mukherjee
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series
Post-Stall Prediction of Multiple-Lifting-Surface Configurations Using a Decambering Approach
Rinku Mukherjee, Ashok Gopalarathnam
Journal of Aircraft
Aerodynamics of Airfoil-Shaped Vortex Generators with Change in Aspect Ratio of 3D Wind Turbine Blade
Hariprasanth Palanivel, Vasanth Kumar G, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2025-0841
Pressure Hysteresis on a Cambered Wing that Undergoes Stall and Returns to Pre-Stall Regime
Vasanth Kumar G, Hariprasanth Palanivel, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2025-1076
Aerodynamic Design of Inverse Diamond-Back Joined Wing on a Slender Body at Subsonic and Supersonic Mach Numbers
Shiladitya Bhowmick, Hariprasanth Palanivel, V Kalyana Chakravarthy, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2025-0254
Aerodynamic Investigation of a Novel Diamond-Back Morphing Wing Configuration
Shiladitya Bhowmick, V Kalyana Chakravarthy, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2023-2456
Experimental Investigations of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Finite Rectangular Wing in Ground Effect
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2022-1978
Control of Laminar Boundary-Layer Separation on a Rectangular Wing using Decambering Approach
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2022-0711
Study of Separation of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer using Critical Point Theory
Vasanth Kumar G, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2021-1995
Time Series Behaviour of Laminar Separation Bubbles at Low Reynolds Number
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2021-1197
Numerical Morphing of a Rectangular Wing to Prevent Flow Separation
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2020-1765
Prediction of Post-Stall Aerodynamic Characteristics of wing(s) with separated Flow modeled as a Single Nascent Vortex
Antony B. Samuel, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2016-0306
Reduction of Induced Drag in Configuration Flight using Wing Twist at Post-Stall Angles of Attack
M. Gunasekaran, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2016-1779
Linear Stability Analysis of Laminar Separation Bubble over NACA0012 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
Egambaravel J., Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2014-0253
A Numerical Study of the Unsteady Motion of a Wing Using N-Body Approximation
Vasanth Kumar G., Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2014-1108
A Numerical Study of the Aerodynamics of Cessna 172 Aircrafts in Echelon Formation
M. Gunasekaran, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2014-1107
A Numerical Study of Tandem Pitching Airfoils
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2013-0793
Unsteady Aerodynamics of Multiple Airfoils in Configuration
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee
AIAA 2011-3523
Post-Stall Prediction of Multiple-Lifting-Surface Configurations Using a Decambering Approach
Rinku Mukherjee, Ashok Gopalarathnam
AIAA 2004-0219
An Iterative Decambering Approach for Post-Stall Prediction of Wing Characteristics Using Known Section Data
Rinku Mukherjee, Ashok Gopalarathnam, SungWan Kim
AIAA 2003-1097
Morphing Of Lifting Surfaces For Improved Aerodynamic Efficiency
Rinku Mukherjee 4th International Forum on Aerospace and Aeronautics and Physics and Astonomy, Budapest, Nov 2024
CFD Study of Tip Vortices Induced by Different Vortex Generator Shapes for Stall Control on Wind Turbine Blades
Hariprasanth Palanivel, Rinku Mukherjee 10th National Conference on Wind Engineering (NCWE10), VIT Chennai, Mar 2024
Controlling Stall on Wind Turbine Blade using Airfoil-Shaped Vortex Generators, A Parametric Study
Hariprasanth Palanivel, Rinku Mukherjee 15th International Symposium on Experimental & Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISIAF15), IIT Madras, Oct 2023
Passive Flow Control using Three Different Vortex Generators to Delay Stall on a 3D Wind Turbine Blade
Hariprasanth Palanivel, Rinku Mukherjee 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE16), Florence, Italy, Aug 2023
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Finite Rectangular Wings in Formation Flight with Ground Effect
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP, IIT Roorkee, Dec. 2022
Study of Separation Lines and Flow Patterns in 3D Boundary Layer Over Sphere Using Experimental and Numerical Analysis
Vasanth Kumar G, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP, IIT Roorkee, Dec. 2022
Effect of Airfoil Section on Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Rectangular Wing at High Angles of Attack
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, BITS Pilani, 2021
Near-Wake Flow Structures of a Rectangular Wing at the Onset of Stall
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee International Conference on Theoretical Applied Computational and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, 2021
Computational Investigations of Aerodynamic Properties for Flow Past NACA 0012 3D Wing in Ground Proximity
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP, IIT Guwahati, Dec. 2020
Investigation of Flow Separation Lines Over a Finite Wing
G. Vasanth Kumar, Rinku Mukherjee 16th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, Dec. 2020
Unsteady 3D Post-Stall Aerodynamics Accounting for Effective Loss in Camber Due to Flow Separation
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee 20th International Conference on Aerospace Engineering, NYC, USA, June 2018
Experimental Study of Leading Edge Laminar Separation Bubble for Flow past a Rectangular Wing
Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Bombay, 2018
Control of Pressure Field Around Nose Region of a Launch Vehicle Using an Aerodisk and an Aerospike at Transonic Mach numbers
Gireesh Yanamashetti, G. K. Suryanarayana, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Bombay, 2018
Effect of Ground Proximity on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA 0012 Airfoil Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Bombay, 2018
An Experimental Investigation of Flow past a Wing at High Angles of Attack
Vipul Dalela, Rinku Mukherjee APS DFD, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov. 2017
An Experimental Validation of Numerical Post-Stall Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing
Vipul Dalela, Aritras Roy, Rinku Mukherjee ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 2017
Development of Flow Over Blunt-Nosed Slender Bodies at Transonic Mach Numbers
Gireesh Yanamashetti, G. K. Suryanarayana, Rinku Mukherjee 15th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Kuching, Malaysia, Nov. 2016
High-Alfa Aerodynamics with Separated Flow Modeled as a Single Nascent Vortex
Antony B. Samuel, Rinku Mukherjee 15th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Kuching, Malaysia, Nov. 2016
Numerical Analysis of the Post-Stall Aerodynamics of Chevron formation
Gunasekaran M., Rinku Mukherjee INCAM (Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics), July 2015
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Motion and Wing-Wake Interaction Using Vortex Methods
Vasanth Kumar G., Rinku Mukherjee 15th AeSICFD Symposium, Aeronautical Society of India, IISc Bangalore, 2013
Unsteady Aerodynamics of Tandem Pitching Airfoils
Rinku Mukherjee, Hossain Aziz, Ravindra A. Shirsath 14th Annual CFD Symposium, Bangalore, Aug. 2012
Unsteady aerodynamics of tandem airfoils pitching in phase
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee 2nd. Intl. Conference on
Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engg., Singapore, 2012
Unsteady aerodynamics of multiple airfoils in formation
Ravindra A. Shirsath, Rinku Mukherjee 20th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 2012
Transition Prediction in Laminar Separation Bubble over NACA0012 airfoil
Egambaravel J., Rinku Mukherjee 14th Annual CFD Symposium, Bangalore, Aug. 2012
Unsteady aerodynamics of multiple airfoils in configuration
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee Intl. Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engg., WASET, Paris, France, 2010
Unsteady Aerodynamics of multiple airfoils suddenly set into motion with different velocities
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee 4th Intl. Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras, 2010
Unsteady Aerodynamics of multiple airfoils suddenly set into motion with different chord length
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee 5th Intl. Conference on eoretical, Applied, Computational & Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, 2010
Unsteady aerodynamics of suddenly accelerated multiple airfoils
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee 13th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2010
Non-unique solutions in prediction of post-stall aerodynamics
Egambaravel J, Rinku Mukherjee 3rd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS09), IIT Bombay, 2009
Hysteresis effects on Medium Aspect Ratio Wings in Post- Stall regime,”
Egambaravel J, Rinku Mukherjee 3rd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS09), IIT Bombay, 2009
Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing-tail and wing-canard configuration
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee 3rd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS09), IIT Bombay, 2009
Unsteady Aerodynamics of multiple airfoils in echelon formation
Hossain Aziz, Rinku Mukherjee International Conference on Recent and Emerging Advanced Technologies in Engineering (iCREATE09), Sepang, Malaysia, Nov. 2009
International Patents
Rinku Mukherjee and Aritras Roy, PCT/IN2023/050381
Indian Patents
Rinku Mukherjee and Aritras Roy, PCT/IN2023/050381
Gas Dynamics (under progress)
Rinku Mukherjee
Decambering: A Numerical Tool to Predict Post-Stall Aerodynamic Data (2009)
Rinku Mukherjee,
Lambert Academic Publishing.