Metagenome-based metabolic modelling predicts unique microbial interactions in deep-sea hydrothermal plume microbiomes

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are abundant on the ocean floor and play important...

12th Apr

Patterning in Microbial Consortia

Scientists are studying this spatial organization of microbial communities to understand the...

13th Feb

Probing patterning in microbial consortia with a cellular automaton for spatial organisation

Microbial consortia exhibit spatial patterning across diverse environments. Since probing the self-organization...

16th Sep

Metabolic modeling of the International Space Station microbiome reveals key microbial interactions

Background Recent studies have provided insights into the persistence and succession of...

09th Apr

Two-species community design of lactic acid bacteria for optimal production of lactate

Microbial communities that metabolise pentose and hexose sugars are useful in producing high-value chemicals, resulting in...

07th Nov

Modelling microbial communities: Harnessing consortia for biotechnological applications

Microbes propagate and thrive in complex communities, and there are many benefits...

30th Jun