On biological networks capable of robust adaptation in the presence of uncertainties: A linear systems-theoretic approach

Biological adaptation, the tendency of every living organism to regulate its essential...

15th Feb
On biological networks capable of robust adaptation in the presence of uncertainties: A linear systems-theoretic approach

Discovering design principles for biological functionalities: perspectives from systems biology

Network architecture plays a crucial role in governing the dynamics of any...

18th Apr
Discovering design principles for biological functionalities: perspectives from systems biology

Effect of Dormant Spare Capacity on the Attack Tolerance of Complex Networks

The vulnerability of networks to targeted attacks is an issue of widespread...

13th Apr

Designing Biological Circuits: From Principles to Applications

Genetic circuit design is a well-studied problem in synthetic biology. Ever since...

12th Mar

Discovering adaptation-capable biological network structures using control-theoretic approaches

Constructing biological networks capable of performing specific biological functionalities has been of...

17th Dec

NetGenes: A Database of Essential Genes Predicted Using Features From Interaction Networks

Essential gene prediction models built so far are heavily reliant on sequence-based...

16th Aug