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Spotted deer or Chital are seen everywhere on the campus along with bonnet monkeys. They also move in groups of 10-20, but the male dominance is less except in the mating season. The last wildlife census put their number around 250 in the campus. They give birth to one or two fawns, once or twice a year. Unlike blackbuck, spotted deer are an introduced species to this area. Spotted deer can survive in thickly forested areas as well as scrub jungles. They camouflage easily with the surroundings in dry deciduous forests like these. Spotted deer feed on various types of grass, herbs, fruits, flowers and leaves. They are much more adapted to a human occupied habitat than blackbuck.

Though there are no predators, other than jackals feeding on the young fawns, spotted deer on the campus face various threats like:

  • Habitat loss - mainly due to clearing of small plants and undergrowth which serve as food and shelter for these animals.
  • Fencing-off large areas around buildings have reduced their food accessibility.
  • Stray dogs have the tendency to attack in packs. Even fully mature male and female deer as well as blackbuck have been found killed by dogs. Though deer and blackbuck are fast animals, they get trapped in fenced areas and fall prey to the dogs. These attacks are at their peak during December to March every year for reasons unknown.
  • Plastics, construction debris, chemicals, broken glass and sharp objects strewn around can choke or injure animals.

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