Understanding the evolution of functional redundancy in metabolic networks

Metabolic networks are highly robust to perturbations by employing redundant genes or...

07th Jun

Predicting Novel Metabolic Pathways through Subgraph Mining

Motivation: The ability to predict pathways for biosynthesis of metabolites is very...

27th Jul

Elucidating the biosynthetic pathways of volatile organic compounds in Mycobacterium tuberculosis through a computational approach

Microbial volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have gained prominence in the recent past...

30th Jan

A General Mechanism for the Propagation of Mutational Effects in Proteins

Mutations in the hydrophobic interior of proteins are generally thought to weaken...

13th Dec

In Silico Approaches to Metabolic Engineering

With an increasing understanding of the cell at the molecular level, primarily...

23rd Sep

Critical assessment of genome-scale metabolic networks: the need for a unified standard

Genome-scale metabolic networks have been reconstructed for several organisms. These metabolic networks...

28th Feb
Critical assessment of genome-scale metabolic networks: the need for a unified standard