Revisiting Robustness and Evolvability: Evolution in Weighted Genotype Spaces

Robustness and evolvability are highly intertwined properties of biological systems. The relationship...

13th Nov

Fast-SL: An efficient algorithm to identify synthetic lethals

Synthetic lethal sets are sets of reactions/genes where only the simultaneous removal...

01st Jul

Revisiting the centrality–lethality hypothesis

Protein networks, describing physical interactions as well as functional associations between proteins, have been...

27th Aug

Modelling communities of micro-organisms

Micro-organisms are rarely found to live in isolation in their natural environment....

01st Mar

Evolvability and robustness of TOR signalling

Biological systems at various levels of organisation exhibit robustness, as well as...

11th Jan

Evolvability of programmable hardware

In biological systems, individual phenotypes are typically adopted by multiple genotypes. Examples...

09th Jun