டிஎன்ஏ'யின் வார்த்தைகள் மூன்று எழுத்துகளால் ஆனவையாகும்.
Marshall Nirenberg
Marshall Nirenberg continued his research as a member of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health until he passed away in 2010.
- Explaining the experiment to determine the RNA able to direct the synthesis of proteins.
- Discovering that polyU directs the synthesis of polyPhenylalanine.
- Working out the base compositions for the codons in the genetic code.
- Using charged tRNAs to prove triplet nature of the genetic code, and to determine the base sequences of codons
- Working out the 64 codon combinations: the joy of doing science at this time.
- Doing the experiments to determine whether the genetic code is universal, and their subsequent philosophical impact.
- Finding out he won the Nobel prize.