Concept 10 Chromosomes carry genes.

Early drawing of a male fruit fly.
Family portrait of the Morgans. Thomas Hunt Morgan is standing next to his father on the right (around 1874).
Signed and dated photo of T. H. Morgan.
Morgan in the Fly Room at Columbia, 1917. Note the large number of fly cultures.
Morgan, in the Fly Room at Columbia, 1917. In the lab, Morgan was called "The Boss." This picture was taken by A.H. Sturtevant.
The Fly Room at Columbia University, around 1920. Note the bananas used as fruit fly food. The room no longer exists at Columbia.
Morgan at his desk at Columbia, 1920.
Morgan at work. Note the single ocular microscope; the binocular microsope was not a favored tool of Morgan's.
New York Times article the day T.H. Morgan won the Nobel Prize for Medicine, December 11, 1933. Supposedly, when asked for a pose, Morgan insisted on this more casual picture with children.
Morgan, 1945. Morgan has graduated to using the binocular microscope.

Thomas Hunt Morgan was the great grandson of Francis Scott Key, the man who wrote the American National Anthem.

Why did Morgan choose to use fruit flies to do his genetic experiments?
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Early drawing of a male fruit fly.